The Salina Area United Way (SAUW) believes that by better aligning the resources and services available in our community, and by working together we can provide more effective and efficient services and create real community change. We invite all facets of the community to take part as SAUW leads work to identify and treat the root causes of problems and issues

SAUW announces an open, competitive, discretionary funding process for organizations serving the Salina Area. As the first step of this process, SAUW is seeking Letters of Intent (LOI) from interested collaborations.

Special consideration will be given to applicants, implemented through collaborations, which address root-causes.Collaboratorsare defined as a group or an organization participating actively in a strategic partnership and who makes a significant contribution to the intellectual direction and success of solving a complex social problem. The collaborator’s actions are supported by a shared measurement system and mutually reinforcing activities.A minimum of one collaborator is required in addition to the Fiscal Agent/Sponsor. Collaborators could include: K-12 Schools, post-secondary institutions, government entities, not-for-profits, private businesses, foundations, faith-based organizations and civic or professional membership organizations. Root causes are defined as the fundamental reason for the occurrence of a problem; in a sequence of events an intervention could reasonably be implemented to change performance and prevent an undesirable outcome.

To be considered for funding, applicants must demonstrate how services advance the following Salina Area United Way goals in Education, Income and Health.

  • Education: Raise the graduation rate
  • Income: Reduce the number of families who are financially unstable
  • Health: Increase the number of youth and adults who are healthy and avoiding risky behavior

It is our intent to fund collaborative projects in each of these goal areas. Identify which goal best alignswith your funding request and include this in your letter.

Match/in-kind support is required and must be at least equal to 50% of the Salina Area United Way funding request. Match/in-kind support is defined as cash and/or value of personnel, goods, and services contributed.

Deadline for submission: Friday, May 15, 2015, 5:00 pm.

Organizations may be involved in more than one program/initiative. A separate Letter of Intent (LOI) is required for each initiative.

Briefly, but thoroughly, complete the information below for your letter. The final LOI should be no longer than two (2) single-sided pages using a font size of 10 or larger with one (1) inch margins. In addition to your completed letter,include the requested budget information and signature pages which do not count as one of the two pages.

Please respond in order and include the item number and the bolded part of the description.

1. Name, address and website of collaborative.

2.Contact person, title, e-mail address and telephone number.
3.Brief background of the collaboration and years of operation.

4.Mission statement of collaborative project.

5.Goal area(s), target population and geographic area to be served, and applicable strategies being addressed.

6. List potential collaborative partners.List names of the entities with which this program and/or initiative collaborate. Define the function or role of collaborators (example- shared resources, referrals, decision-making, accountability, funding, etc.); include how this collaboration aligns with the lead organization’s mission. Important Consideration:Applicants must work in collaboration with at least one other program, organization, and/or partnership to provide more comprehensive services throughout the life of the grant.

7. Program and/or initiative description. Provide a description of the program and/or initiative for which you are requesting funding; state whether the initiative is an expansion of an existing program and/or is a new program and/or initiative. Provide evidence of the program and/or initiative’s capacity to measurably improve the population served.Include how the program activities, strategies, outcomes, outputs, and long term benefits align with the strategies you previously identified.

8. Community condition. Provide a brief narrative of established evidence of local need for service to the community.
9. Measuring program success. Include plans for gathering data and measuring program success.

10. Sustainability. How the collaborative sustains the program.

11. Funding request narrative. Specify the total funding request with a brief narrative explaining how SAUW funds will be used. Identify other funding sources contributing to the program. Include using SAUW funding to leverage additional funding to this program.

12. Budget Information. Complete the attached budget information page. List total match/in-kind support,defined as cash and/or value of personnel, goods, and services contributed.

**If your project includes a local school district, be sure to attach appropriate district forms.

To complete the Budget Information and Signature pages, use the TAB key to progress through the fields.

The United Priority Cabinet will review the Letters of Intent and will notify agencies by June 15, 2015 whether they are invited to submit a full proposal.

Mid-year and year-end reports will be required to be submitted to the SAUW on behalf of the collaboration by the fiscal agent/sponsor or lead organization.

Completed LOIs should be emailed to . If electronic submission is not possible, please contact Salina Area United Way at 785-827-1312 for alternative submission instructions. Deadline for submission: Friday, May 15, 2015, 5:00 pm.

Organization or Coalition Name

Budget Information

Identify Program’s yearly cycle: From to

On what date will SAUW funds be needed:

Provide the program’s yearly budget and round all figures to the nearest dollar.

Total (two-year) funding request from Salina Area United Way: $

Total grant requests frequently exceed the amount of available funding. Are you willing to accept a grant less than your requested amount? Yes No

If yes, is there a minimum grant amount acceptable for the project to proceed? $

Please provide budget information for the total project.

Project Revenue:

Salina Area United Way Grant Request$
Match/In-kind support (must equal 50% or more of SAUW Funding)$

All Other Revenue$


Project Expenses:

Personnel (Salaries, Benefits, Payroll Taxes)$

Direct Program Expense$

All Other Expenses$


Complete Contact Person Signature, information and Collaborator Signature and
information on the following page.

Organization or Coalition Name

Signature Page

Contact Person Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization
Collaborator Signature / Print Name Here / Title/Organization