on Scientific Cooperation Between
the Russian Academy of Sciences and
the University of Oslo
The Russian Academy of Sciences (hereafter "RAS"), and the University of Oslo (hereafter "Uo0"), hereafter "the parties",
recognizing the importance of international scientific cooperation,
and considering the mutual benefit of such scientific cooperation,
have desired to continue their collaboration, with the explicit desire to make provisions for the expansion and further development of cooperation between Russian and Norwegian scientists for the purpose of advancement of scientific progress.
Article 1
1.1. The present document contains the framework agreement for fundamental research in the field of medical sciences.
1.2. The agreement takes into consideration the Agreement between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway on Culture, Education and Scientific Research Cooperation, signed October 24, 1994.
1.3. The Implementation of the cooperation agreement will be followed closely by the parties in accordance with the alms and guidelines set out in this present agreement.
1.4. The parties to this present agreement are obligated to conduct their cooperation In accordance with conditions set by the funding authorities. The Implementation of the present agreement is conditional on the availability of external funding.
Article 2
The parties have agreed on the following aims for the scientific cooperation between RAS and UoO:
2.1. To facilitate and develop mutually beneficial collaboration between scientists, of RAS and UoO for the purpose of advancement of scientific progress in the fields of medicine and biology.
This will be achieved by combined efforts of researchers In Joint use of allocated research resources.
At the time of signing of this present agreement such cooperation exists between the following divisions of RAS and UoO:
V.A.Engelgardt Institute for Molecular Biology RAS, Moscow / Institute for Cancer Research Norwegian Radium Hospital, OsloInstitute for Gene Biology RAS, Moscow / Institute for Cancer Research, Norwegian Radium Hospital, Oslo
This present agreement may be revised to include other Institutions of both parties.
2.2. To set up a fellowship programme for pre- and postdoctoral research follows. The research fellows will be employees of the RAS, and have their place of work at institutes of the RAS. The research fellows will be under supervision by both RAS and UoO.
In accordance with further detailed agreements between the parties, UoO will give donations to the research fellows and provide equipment and supplies. The provisions of Article I, paragraph 1.4, apply.
RAS will provide laboratory facilities and day- to- day supervision of the work of the research fellows.
2.3. To stimuiate and facilitate the publication of scientific and professional publications by research fellows, and to encourage the exchange of such scientific publications. 2.4. To stimulate and assist In organizing scientific and professional meetings and conferences in which the parties have mutual interest.
2.5. To exchange information and views on scientific issues relevant to both parties.
Article 3
The parties agree that all practical arrangements concerning the activities set out in Article 2, and agreement on the financial support available for such activities, are to be negotiated between the parties for each specific activity. The practical arrangements and the financial support agreed on will be set down in a contract for each activity, and signed by the authorized representatives of both parties. The parties will in agreements on activities honour the principle of reciprocity.
Article 4
The present framework agreement, and any contracts on specific activities concluded in accordance with the provisions of Article 3, may be amended by mutual written consent. Any such amended agreement or contract must be signed by authorized representatives of the parties.
Article 5
The present agreement comes Into force on the date of signature. The agreement will remain in force for three years from the date of signature.
The agreement may be terminated by either party with six months written notice.
This agreement is valid upon the precondition that funding Is available. If the funding is not available this agreement Is considered null and void.
Done at Moscow on February 23, 1997, In duplicate, in the Russian and English Languag6s, both texts being equally authentic,
For the Russian Academy of Sciences / For the University of OsloAcademician Rem V. Petrov