The rudimentary challenge in Universalization of primary education is to make certain the participation of all children who are at the tender age group of 6-14 years, and community of that habitation in the schooling process. It is matter of grave concern that not with standing the expansion in the primary education system, across the district, yet a majority of children in these age group are still out of school.

Among the out of school children, there are children who refrain naturally joining schools for a variegated reasons such as involvement in domestic work, migration of families, religious beliefs and customs which prevent the enrolment of girls in certain communities, engagement in economic activities by reason of extreme poverty etc.

The Fundamental Rights, contained in article 21(A) of constitution of India enjoy that, “The state shall endeavor to provided free and compulsory education for all children until they reach the age of 14 years”.

The national policy of education ,1986 and its programme of action gave priority to universalization of elementary education (UEE). But we have yet to achieve even after 60 years of independence. Still a sizable number of children have remained out of schools. Sure enough this is owing to the poor functioning of the school, irregular attendance of teacher, dilapidated school buildings, over crowded classrooms, unattractive and insipid teaching learning process and discriminative attitude of the society towards the children belonging to deprived section, to cap it all socio-economic problems of their families. To overcome from these issues we have planned during the year 2010-11.

Non-involvement of community in the process of education has been one of the main problem in the primary education.

Scarcely the school and community entertain the reciprocative interaction. In addition the community ‘s non-concern and non co-operation about their school are the worst examples.

The main goal is to universalize elementary education of satisfactory, quality to all children. In this contest SSA has been supporting the KSQAO, which assess the quality of education in the school on competency, based testing through out the state. Quality means to enroll all eligible children and retain them in the system, they should qualify for promotion to the next class on performanance. Hence the assessment for quality of school would include not only the attainment of prescribed competencies, by the students but also their admission, attendance and retention in the school system.

It is quite indispensable and inevitable too, to overcome all these problems and situate an integrated education plan. Precisely, it is needless to say that Sarva Shikshana Abhiyana by virture of its “mission mode“ is expected to emerge as a compatible plan to address all these situations.

To achieve the goals and curb the gaps pertaining to Access, Enrolment, Retention, Achievement, Capacity building and infrastructure facilities. SSA Annual Work plan & Budget 2010-11 has been completed which has a bearing on these issues. It is praiseworthy and worthy of emulation for the involvement of Deputy Commissioner, Chief Executive Officer of Zilla Panchayat and other departments such as labour, Social Welfare, Women and Child, Panchayat raj Rural Development department, Health Department, NGO’s, Community at large and SDMC in particular in the preparation of the plan.

Hence all the officials, who involved in this plan with their indomitable spirit and unstinted co-operation comprising of precious suggestions are acknowledged.
