April 2014
The Royal College of Psychiatrists in NI
Minutes of the Meeting of the NI Executive Committee held on
Wednesday 5 March 2014 at 2.00pm
Present: / Dr D Day-Cody (Chair) / Dr E NobleDr N Corrigan / Dr M O’Kane
Dr J Sharkey
Dr H Hawthorne / Dr P Sloan
Dr D Hughes / Dr H Toal
Dr P Moynihan / Dr P Trimble
Apologies: / Dr P Bell / M Grattan
Dr R Bunn / Dr H Mills
Dr C Donnelly / Dr G Loughrey
Dr M Cunningham / Dr I McMaster
Dr M Doherty / Dr T O’Neill
Dr P Gallagher / Dr C Taggart
In Attendance: / N McNairney
2 / President, Professor Sue Bailey’s Address
Professor Baileysaid she was pleased to meet with the NI Executive Committee. She spoke of the difficulties for the profession and for the NHS; she spoke of attrition, resilience, the marketing of psychiatry, cost/benefit analysis and influencing other professions, leadership, psychiatry - an evidence-based profession, understanding the experience of new consultants and mentoring. She spoke of the Francis Report and support for those who raise concerns, the need to influence Government, the annual Cross Jurisdictional Policy Meeting held at Congress and the support of central College for the work of RCPsych in NI.
Informatics Presentation – Dr Stephen Moore
Dr Moore presented on aspects of social media and implicationsfor psychiatry. It was agreed that this would make for a very informative session for the wider membership.
3 / Attendance & Apologies
As noted
4 / Appointments & CongratulationsThe Chair welcomed Dr John Sharkey, Chair, NI Private and Independent Practice Special Interest Group (PIPSIG), to his first meeting.
5 / Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 21 November 2013
The minutes of the previous meeting were approved.
6 / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 21 November 2013
6.1 / Consensus Statement on Definition of Severe Mental Handicap – B/F to next meeting. This has been ratified by the Central College and awaits official publication.
6.2 / Recovery for people with Severe and Complex Mental Health Problems in NI 2014
This has been ratified by the Central College and awaits official publication.
7 / Chair’s Business
7.1 / Support for Newly Appointed Consultants
A College paper on this matter is to be produced. The Divisions will take an active role in facilitating mentoring and support for newly appointed consultants.
7.2 / Research Opportunities
Dr Cody said she was working with the University of Ulster – Bamford Centre – and others, on possible research opportunities and would report further at the next meeting.
7.3 / Strategic Plan
The Chair presented the draft strategic plan. Further work is necessary to ensure the Plan is “do-able”.
7.4 / Pathways To Rights – 6th World Congress on Mental Health and Deafness
The European Society on Mental Health and Deafness in collaboration with Queens University and RCPsych will deliver a three day conference from 16 – 19 September 2014 in Belfast. A call for papers has been issued and registration is now open.
7.5 / Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change
A College meeting had taken place in January. Local Trust leads were invited to form a small group to support the roll-out of ImROC in each area.
7.6 / Academic Faculty
Dr Cody said it was hoped to establish an academic faculty.
8 / Items from Faculties/Sections and Groups
8.1 / Addictions
Dr Toal reported that screenings had improved and had widespread support. She agreed to check with the College centrally on standards and procedures relating to dual diagnosis. Dr Pam McGucken will deliver a masterclass on this topic later in the year.
8.2 / Neuropsychiatry
A joint report on Alcohol Related Brain Damage is to be issued by the College centrally in Spring 2014. In advance of this, a local meeting to review the Report will be held on 21 March in Malone House. Professor Sir Ian Gilmore and Dr Rafi Faruqie have agreed to be keynote speakers. Dr Stephen Bergin and Dr McMaster have been invited to attend.
8.3 / Rehabilitation
Dr Moynihan reported on the launch of the report on “Recovery for people with Severe and Complex Mental Health Problems in NI 2014” which had taken place at the All Party Group on Mental Health on 20 January; a further meeting had taken place with the PHA and the Board. Dr Moynihan also attended the Bamford Regional Group and received a favourable response. Dr Cody expressed her personal appreciate to Dr Moynihan and colleagues in the Rehabilitation Faculty for their work on the Report.
8.4 / PIPSIG
Dr Sharkey advised that the College PIPSIG group had met on 27 February in Belfast as part of a UK-wide roadshow. He reported that revalidation continued to be of major concern to the local group and that hopes to appoint a designated local body had not been possible; the result is that private practitioners are now joining MEDSU and will travel to London for revalidation.
8.5 / Intellectual Disability
Dr Hughes highlighted difficulties arising from Tribunal decisions and it was agreed that data needed to be gathered across the profession with a view to presenting to RQIA and the Department of Justice.
8.6 / Pre/Post Membership Psychiatrists in Training Committee
Dr Corrigan reported on the very successful Medfest event held in February at Belfast City Hospital; he thanked Dr Sloan, Dr Roinin McNally and Dr John McCaughey for facilitating the event.
Matters of concern to trainees include the exit exam, the Shape of Training consultation and opportunities to access research.
9 / Officers’ Priorities
9.1 / Policy/Public Affairs
Dr Trimble reported on the work being undertaken on the Mental Capacity Bill. The Reference Group had met on 19 February. A large number of issues had been discussed including the scope of the Act, the task of assessing capacity across different settings by different professionals, Human Rights implications, interface with justice and places of safety. Dr Trimble said it was important for the College to work on a robust response to the consultation which was due to be issued in March 2014.
9.2 / Consultation Documents due for release – March 2014
Capacity legislation
Regional Mental Health Care Pathway.
9.3 / Finance
A full financial report for the year end 2013 will be available at the AGM.
9.4 / ETSC Report
Dr Gallagher’s report is appended to these minutes.
9.5 / Leadership & Management
Dr O’Kane reported that further work on the constitution of the group was required. She said it was important to establish methods of influencing Commissioners, the Department and the CMO.
9.6 / Public Education
Dr Sloan reported on College involvement in the following projects:
-NI Arts and Mental Health Film Festival
-Proposals to contact the All Party Group on Mental Health to discuss a Mental Health Champion(s)
-Spike Milligan – postponed to Autumn/Winter 2014
-Establishing a Positive Psychology and Good Mental Health Committee.
10 / Forthcoming Events See for events
11 / Any Other Business
Members passed on their best wishes to Thomas McKeever.
12 / Dates of Future Meetings
Wednesday 7 May at 1.30pm
Wednesday 14 May 2014 – AGM
Wednesday 11 June– Strategy Day
Wednesday 1 October 2014 NMcN 16/4/14