Minute of Royal Burgh of Annan Community Council 12th June 2017
Joyce Wylie, ex Chairperson opened the meeting. Joyce advised the meeting Alan Kay had been nominated as Vice Chairman for Royal Burgh of Annan Community Council and called for a vote. This was agreed unanimously.
Alan Kay Vice Chairman took the Chair in the absence of Allan Weild, he welcomed everyone.
Community Councillors: Walter Hunt, Marion Stewart. John Ramage, Sylvia Moore, Joyce Wylie, Lewis Douglas, John Bonner, Marion Stewart, Rhona McCarton, Mark Sindall
D&G Councillors: Councillors Sean Marshall and Henry McClelland.
In Attendance: Rod Edgar Annandale Observer, Constable Iain Leggett, Jamie Nicholson, Mr Cowan and
Apologies Allan Weild
Minute of 8/05/17 the minute was proposed by Walter Hunt seconded by Sylvia Moore
Matters Arising
Alan Kay advised that the Council had given permission for the Council’s telephone number to be used on the Dog Fouling banners
Sean Advised that Cunningham Housing were holding a public consultation in the Community Centre at the Swimming Pool on the 29th of June.
Police Report Vandalisms 12, Assaults 9, Breach of the Peace 12, Theft related incidents 10, Drug Possession 1,Fraud 2, Theft by HB or HBWI 1,Communications offences 1, Breach of Bail 2, Hate Crime 1, Offensive Weapon 2. Road Traffic Careless driving 4, Construction & use offences 1,No insurance4, No driving licence 1.No MOT 1.
Significant Incidents/Occurances: A number if incidents have been reported in the region, including, Annan , whereby counterfeit £20 have been tendered. On 1st June a significant amount of alcohol was stolen from Tesco in Annan. Value £500.
Alan advised the meeting that Mark Sindall wished to be co-opted onto the Community Council. Following a vote this was agreed unanimously.
Alan advised the meeting we still did not have a treasurer. He asked for nominations from the floor. There were no nominations. Joyce said we may need to consider paying someone out with the C.C. to be our treasurer. Jamie will follow this up.
The Community Council had the following requests for consideration from the Minsca Money.
St. Columbas School requested funding for an outdoor classroom. Following a discussion it was agreed that no grant be approved as they got one last year for the same project.
Buy two more Covers for Flowers at the Cemetery that the public could borrow £100. This was agreed.
Dog Fouling Banners £100. This was agreed.
Remembrance Day expenses £200. This was agreed
Skyeline Performing Arts requested a grant for stage props, Stage Lighting and costumes. Following a discussion it was agreed to award £500
Cleaning and repainting of the town Milestones £200. This was agreed
Materials for siting of bench at Watchhall
Alan Kay presented the meeting with pictures and a quote for a community notice board for the town at a cost of £1600. This would match the other town notice boards we have. This suggestion came following a number of complaints about commercial companies and social organisation using banners to advertise events. The advertising banners are in contravention of the Road Traffic Act and could cause accidents as driver’s attention is distracted. Following a discussion and information from Councillor Marshall regarding the Public Realm project to be discussed at the next Regeneration meeting this could possibly be included in that project. This was agreed but we will keep an eye on it and may come back to it in the future
Joyce asked if the Minsca Money for 2018 could be used to buy a “Chair of Grace” similar to the one we saw from Musselburgh & Inveresk Community Council, as part of the commemoration of the 100th anniversary of the Great War. There will also be a Beacon celebration.
Treasurers Report: Allan was on holiday therefore no report
An email had been received from Scott Anderson of Lorburn Housing Association. He requested to come along a meeting to advise us of the proposals for the development of the Old Bus Station Site, It was agreed he will come to the August meeting.
We had an email from the Federation asking if another Federation member could take up the second seat on the Chapelcross stakeholders meetings. Joyce agreed to attend.
We had an email from Stuart Hamilton advising that the Discretionary Grant will be available very soon
Councillors Report
· Councillor Marshall reported from the last Regeneration meeting and visit to Bridge House. The group are very pleased with progress so far and are still working with a Social Landlord on the Central Hotel.
· Complaints of speeding outside of Annan has been reported to Police.
· At Policy and Resources Committee on Thursday £500,000 was agreed for all inclusive playparks in Dumfries, Stranraer and Annan.
· Phase 2 resurfacing from Scotts Street to the roundabout will begin at end of July. He has asked that the bottom half of Port Street be put on the programme.
· Delegation from Maryport visited Annan. They were very impressed on the vibrant High Street and also visited the Harbour. There was a view that Annan could learn from Maryport on how they developed their Harbour.
· Peggies Loaning is very overgrown. This has been notified to the Council and it will be cleaned up.
Councillor McClelland.
· Reported that Network rail had started work on the Footbridge from Annerly Road and had agreed to give a donation to the Common Good Fund because they had to have access from John Bell Field
· Reported he was very interested in the Community Engagement project at Clarencefield and Ruthwell, where the community is hoping to take over the running and maintenance of the village hall.
Members Report
Lewis: pleased the pot hole he reported last month in Bruce Street had been repaired
John R: advised he had complaints regarding the phone box at the top of Winterhope Road and a high fence at the top of Winterhope Road as both were causing an obstruction. Traffic at the roundabout coming from Winterhope Road cannot see traffic coming from the right (Springbells Road) and could cause an accident. Marion to write to BT to ask for phone box to be removed. John will speak to council regarding high fence.
John B: Nothing to report.
Mark: Enquired is all defibrillators were in place. Yes they are. However the one inside Annan Athletic has disappeared Councillor McClelland advised the matter is to be discussed this week.
Joyce: Still waiting on Community Payback team to finish preparation of ground for our new seat. Joyce advised the winner of the Young Citizen competition was Poppy Graham from Hecklegirth School. Joyce asked if a card could be sent to Neil thanking him for all his hard work over the years. Also a congratulations card for Nicole Proudfoot, a former young citizen, who won 2 golds at Grangemouth representing Annandale Schools Marion will arrange.
Walter: reported all the tubs and baskets at the station are planted out. We have put a request in to Network Rail for 6 new tubs and 5 hanging baskets.
Sylvia: Reported 8 pot holes since last meeting and 3 have been done so far. Speed bumps at Hecklegirth School and top of Wood Avenue are crumbling. Marion will do CCES
Marion: Reported on Federation meeting at Gretna. Karen Anderson and Hazel Kerr gave a presentation on the consultation regarding the constitution. They were very disappointed at the uptake. Members advised that not enough notice was given. The Federation members were given the opportunity to advise of any amendments they felt they wanted. It was also advised that Karen and Hazel could come to our Community Council and do a one to one on the constitution. Marion to arrange this. She also reported on the Sonas Development Day. Joyce and Marion attended and gave a presentation to the group of how we went about doing our Resilience Plan.
Alan K: Reported fly tipping behind his house in Hospital Road. Reported to DGHP and it had been cleared however garden waste was then tipped into Council land at the Commercial Units behind Hospital Road.
Alan also contacted the Council regarding the Crowning Committee being charged £120 to hire Victoria Hall for an event. He felt that as this was Common Good property the hire could be waived.
Public Forum.
Mr Cowan from the Back of the Hill addressed the meeting and asked if we could intervene on his, and the Riding of the Marches Committee regarding the overgrown state of the Core Path leading from Back of the Hill to the Cattle Grid. He produced photographs that showed how overgrown and dangerous it is especially when horses and riders will be using on Riding of the Marches events. Jamie Nicholson will take this up with the Council
AOCB No business
The meeting closed at 9.00pm
No meeting in July
Date of next meeting 10th August 2017 at 7pm