June 16, 2009 11:00 a.m.

Present: Dick Farkas, Cathy Todd, Virginia Wojno-Forney, Dan Sveda, Amador Gonzalez, Dan O’Connell, Dan Johnson, Dominic Frisina, Holly Rhoads, Gary Wells. Committee Chairs: Dan Reynolds, Tom Fox, Stu Buchanan and Jack Harig.

Excused: Marcia Holcomb, Janet Williams

Absent: Ed Wagner, Charlene Corlett, Mike Marco, Oscar Hunsicker, Janey Ames, Brad Jeffries, Jake Wilhite

President Dick Farkas called the meeting to order at 11:09 a.m. A quorum was present.

Minutes of May 12 meeting was presented for approval.

Treasurer’s Report: Dan O’Connell presented the Treasurer’s report. For the month of May, income was $651.00 and expenses were $4,731.57 leaving a deficit of $4,080.57 for the month. Year-to-date income was $47,178.06 and year-to-date expense was $45,985.14 leaving a surplus of $1,192.92.

President’s Report: Rotary International contributions exceeded our goal by 244%.

President-Elect Report: Dan O’Connell gave a quick review of the goals of his year ahead and will give details at the next club assembly on July 7. The capital campaign will be the focus as regard to money. He is looking for an entertainment committee chair. Dan’s Rotary International contribution goal is $30 per member. We will do local projects, Chili Open, continue the Paul Harris Fellow lottery and alternative meetings. New member increase goal will be 10 net new members and we will strive to have more members attend district meetings.

Dominic Frisina moved to accept the officer reports which was seconded by Dan Sveda. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:

Club Administration: Jack Harig reported that the transition is going well.

Membership: Dan Sveda presented new member application for William Harper, Executive Director of the Summit County ADM Board, who was proposed by Terry Dalton. Cathy Todd moved to accept Mr. Harper which was seconded by Dan O’Connell. Motion carried.

Capital Campaign: Tom Fox reported that the committee has begun to interview professional fund raisers for the capital campaign.

Camp: Dan Reynolds reported that camp has begun and registration is up from last year. He also reported that his staff had a fund raiser and raised $4,000 toward the capital campaign.

Old Business: President Dick raised the question of continuing the alternate evening Rotary Club meetings. Dominic Frisina moved to continue the meetings which was seconded by Virginia Wojno-Forney. Motion carried. The golf outing was rained out and will be rescheduled later in the summer. We were notified that Tangier was unhappy with the club due to not being notified of no meeting in May for the golf outing and last week’s Board meeting. They set up for us and provided food. It was an error on our part and President Dick suggested that we pay them so they would not lose money and to continue a good relationship with them. Dan Sveda moved to pay them up to $550. The motion was seconded by Dominic Frisina and approved by all.

New Business: President Dick recognized the outgoing Board members, Oscar Hunsicker, Brad Jeffries, Ed Wagner and Gary Wells and thanked them for their service on the Board. It is time to send out dues notices to the membership. Since our club budget has changed with the elimination of the administrator, Cathy Todd moved to reduce the dues from $305 down to $295 and to reduce the new member initiation fee from $200 down to $125. The motion was seconded by Virginia Wojno-Forney and was noted that it rescinds a previous board action. Motion carried.

Adjourn: The meeting was adjourned at 12:02 p.m.

The next board meeting will be on July 8, 2009 at 11:00 a.m. at TANGIER.

Respectfully submitted:

Cathy D. Todd

Cathy D. Todd
