Rev. Fr. J. Chapuli


+ Most Rev. Dr. Anthony O. Okogie D.D.

Archbishop of Metropolitan See of Lagos

First Publication, 13th October, 2000

Second Publication, 16th July, 2004

[Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel]

Third Publication – Revised Edition.



No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage and retrieval system, without the prior permission in writing from the publisher.

Publication of:

Lagos Archdiocesan Council of Block Rosary Crusade

C/o Our Lady Queen of Nigeria Catholic Church, Clegg

Street, Surulere Lagos.











[PAGE 1 – 29].

i. The use of Image in the Block Rosary Crusade

ii. Is Mary the Mother of God?

iii. More facts about Purgatory

iv. Why should we honour Virgin Mary?

v. Is Mary ever Virgin? What about the other brothers and Sisters of Jesus?

vi. The Identity of Mary at the Crucifixion Scene



[PAGE 30 - 96].

i. The fall of Man and His Redemption

ii. Preparatory visits of the Angel

iii. Apparitions of Our Lady of Fatima

iv. The great Solar Prodigy

v. Block Rosary Crusade

vi. Brief Biography of the three little children of Fatima

vii. Homily of His Holiness Pope John Paul 11 on the beatification of Francisco and Jacinta on 13th May 2000

viii. History of Block Rosary Crusade in Nigeria and Lagos Archdiocese

ix. The Rosary and Block Rosary Crusade


[PAGE 97 - 169]

i. The Message Proper

ii. The Rosary

iii. Rosary and Fatima Apparition

iv. Victory of the Rosary

v. Prayers of the Rosary

vi. The Origin of the Rosary

vii. Rosary meditation and the Marvelous Results

viii. The fifteen promises of Blessed Virgin Mary to Christians who recite the Rosary devoutly

ix. Daily Sacrifice for Sinners

x. Communion of Reparation

xi. First Saturday Devotion Routine and other Prayers

xii. Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

xiii. The Steady Wearing of the Brown scapular of Mount Carmel and sabbatine privilege

xiv. The Ten Principal Virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary

xv. Method of praying the Rosary in the Block Rosary Crusade


i. The constitution of Block Rosary Crusade

ii. Objective of the Society, Spirit and membership

iii. Who can be a Member?

iv. Who is a member?

v. Various organs of the Block Rosary Crusade

vi. Is this not a Tribal Society?

vii. Block Rosary Crusade a Unique Society


[PAGE 183 - 208].

i. One Hundred Flaming and Motivating Speeches

ii. The Tears of an Innocent Child

iii. Some guidelines to good membership

- Disrespect to Leaders

- Disregard or under-rating of our members

- Tracing faults and mistakes

- Un-useful publicity

- Lack of concentration

iv. Secret cults in our educational sector

v. Re-examination of our Membership


[PAGE 208 - 219].


[PAGE 220 - 229].


One truth that must be accepted is that the Block Rosary Crusade has grown from the initial perception of a few critics that it is limited to only certain category of people, a geographical section, tribe or operational base to embrace all the geographical inhabitation of man, encompassing people of various age and status with different religious teaching or belief.

Despite her enormous acceptance, she still remains very enigmatic to her critics who are yet to draw the curtain of their position and embrace the monumental change that has taken place in the Block Rosary Crusade. It is our firm belief that the lucidness of elements contain in this work will not only resolve the puzzles about the crusade but also expose some mysteries of the Christian faith with regards to the Catholic teaching or belief.

However, coming to this height is no mean task, there were ups and downs. No time is more auspicious than now, to bring to light the causes and effects of the adversities produced in the course of time and mechanisms that have replaced them including personae and achievements.

Meanwhile, this work will guide the new converts or entrants of the Block Rosary Crusade to understand the modus operandi of the crusade and also enlighten the derailing members about the true teaching of the message of Fatima with regards to Prayer, Penance and Sacrifice. Furthermore, it will also be a veritable tool for the faithful who want to understand more of their Catholic faith.




This book, “THE ROSARY AND BLOCK ROSARY CRUSADE BY LAGOS ARCHDIOCESE” is an asset of inestimable value to any Catholic that may come across it. It will remain a precious object of joy to the entire members of Block Rosary Crusade for marvelous work performed in the Great Jubilee Year 2000.

Consequently, we are ever grateful to God Almighty through Our Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary for bringing into focus the idea of publishing this book in the minds of the Archdiocesan Council Executive Members and, at the same time bringing the good work to accomplishment. Glory be to Jesus, unto life everlasting. Amen.

We wish to acknowledge with profound gratitude the efforts of many that contributed in several ways to make the publication a success. Our heartfelt appreciation goes to the various Parishes, individual members of the Block Rosary Crusade and also non-members who forwarded materials of different forms that resulted to the magnificent quality of this Marian book. In a very special way, we thank the President of Lagos Archdiocesan Council of Block Rosary Crusade, Bro. Callistus Okafor, the National President, Bro. Augustine I. Imoh, Bro. F. Nwenyi, Bro. Vincent M. Darah, Bro. Stephen Ogwai, Year 2000 Silver Jubilee Anniversary Committee members for contributing immensely. A big thanks goes to Mr. Kenneth Onu, Mrs. Emilia Osuagwu and Miss Julie Nwachukwu for typing the Manuscripts. We thank Oblate Eusebius Oguizu for helping us with relevant information concerning Block Rosary Crusade in Nigeria.

Furthermore, we must not fail to acknowledge the spiritual encouragement and constant support of our Chaplain, Rev. Fr. Joachim Ochibili who took the proof reading task of the text, obtained the necessary approvals that finally make the publication a reality. We also thank the Archdiocesan Patrons and Patronesses; inclusive are some Ex-Council Officers of the Block Rosary Crusade for granting us audience during our research visits not minding the hour.

Finally we thank members of Year 2000 Silver Jubilee Anniversary Editorial Sub-Committee especially Bro. Don Newman Maria, Bro. Fidelis-Mary O. Nwachukwu, Bro. Matthew Zibiri and Bro. George Ekechukwu for their invaluable contributions and suggestions towards this historical assignment.

We pray that Our Blessed Mother, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary will continue to intercede for us now and to the hour of our death. Amen.


All over the world, the members of the Block Rosary Crusade are the most ardent dovetees of our Mother Mary through the recitation of the Holy Rosary. Who are these people and what is the meaning of the prayer of the Rosary they pray? You can find out only inside this book.

There is yet to be any story in the history of the world more moving than the wonderful story of the birth, public life, death and resurrection of our Saviour Jesus Christ. St. Augustine, one of the great Saints of the Church, says quite emphatically that there is no spiritual exercise more fruitful or more useful to our salvation than continually turning our thoughts to the suffering of our Lord. In the Rosary, we have the mysteries of our salvation summarized. The Rosary with its meditation on the birth, public life, passion and resurrection of Jesus Christ is certainly most pleasing to our Lord himself and is a very successful means of obtaining all graces. Of all prayers, the Rosary is one of the most beautiful and richest in blessing. The Rosary is a powerful spiritual weapon. Through the Rosary, we come to love our Lord and our Lady, the Blessed Virgin, more and more. In the Rosary, we relive the gospel story of the joys and sorrows and glory, which made up the life of our Lord and our Mother Mary.

In the Church, devotion to our Mother Mary is taken very seriously. The Block Rosary Crusade is at the top of the ladder among the very few groups that bring this devotion to the fore, more bravely and publicly. Through this group, we have a great insight on the importance of our devotion to Mary. The Mother of God Almighty is very pleased to have people gather together in prayer. He expressly recommended prayer to his apostles and disciples by promising that whenever two or three are gathered together in His name He would be there in their midst (cf. Matt. 18:20). The Block Rosary Crusade members come together in prayer as a group not only in the name of our Lord but also in the name of His Mother, Mary. In this way, the group is in the forefront of those emphasizing the need to honour our Lord’s Mother and at the same time rely on the power of her intercession in our daily prayers. And this they do bravely, devotedly and PUBLICLY. “In his book on the Rosary, Pope Gregory X111 says very clearly that we must believe (in pious faith) that the public prayers and processions of the members of the confraternity of the Holy Rosary were largely responsible for the great victory over the Turkish Navy at Lepanto which Almighty God granted to Christians on the first Sunday of October, 1517. In France, when King Lious the Just, was blessing La Rochelle, where the revolutionary heretics had their stronghold, he wrote his mother to beg her to have public prayers offered for a victorious outcome. The Queen’s-Mother decided to have the Rosary recited publicly in Paris. It was begun on May 20th 1628. Both the Queen’s-Mother and the reigning Queen attended the recitation of the Rosary together with the Duke of Orleans, Cardinal de La Rochefoucault and Cardinal de Berulle, as well as other prelates. The court turned out in full force as well as a large proportion of the general populace. The Archbishop used to read the meditations on the mysteries aloud and then begin the Our Father and Hail Mary's of each decade while the congregation made up of religious and lay folk answered him. At the end of the Rosary a Statue of the Blessed Mother was solemnly carried in procession while the litany of Our Lady was sung.

This devotion was kept up with admirable favor every Saturday and resulted in a manifest blessing from heaven: for on All Saints’ Day of the same year the King defeated the English at the Island of Re and made his triumphant entry into La Rochelle. This goes to show the great power of public prayer.

Finally, when people say the Rosary together it is afar more formidable than one said privately, because in this public prayer it is an army set in battle array. The devil can often overcome the prayer of an Individual, but if this prayer is joined to that of other Christians, the devil has much more trouble in getting the best of it. It is very easy to break a single stick, but if you join it to others to make a bundle it cannot be broken. “In union there is strength”. Soldiers join together in any army to overcome their enemies; wicked people often get together for parties of debauchery and dancing, and evil spirits join forces in order to make us lose our souls. So why then, should not Christian join forces to have Jesus Christ present with them when they pray, to appease Almighty God’s anger, to draw down His grace and mercy upon us, and to frustrate and overcome the devil and his angels more forcefully? (Culled from The Secret of the Rosary by St. Louis De Mont fort).

Dear Reader, we cannot underestimate the force of our prayers through Mary. During the wedding at Cana in Galilee, as recorded in Join’s gospel, it was at the prompting of His Mother that the Son (Jesus), Son of God obliged the request (intercession) of the Mother to provide wine for the couple and guests. We must never therefore fail to understand that through Mary our Mother our prayers, requests are always granted and our needs always provided.

The life of the three children at Fatima teaches us the importance of prayer, penance and sacrifice. (cf. page 38 inside). Some highlights of materials we also find in this book include: The Guiding Principles of Block Rosary Crusade, Meaning of Consecration, reasons why we wear the Scapular, some detailed explanation of the Fatima message, and lots more. This book is one that you will not drop until you have read the last page – very rich, comprehensive, interesting and educative. Enjoy it!



Lagos Archdiocesan Council of Block Rosary Crusade




The Catholic Church all over the world has so many religious practices that make her so different from other (so called) churches. And it is our responsibilities to know all these, because we are the future hope of the Church.

A young man once said to his religious father,: “Sir, I don’t need to learn all these doctrines of the Church any more, after all I have been baptized, I have received my 1st Holy Communion and have been confirmed. What else do I need all these doctrines for?” It is good we know all these teachings of the Church for they will help us a lot in our struggles toward eternity.

There are so many Christian doctrines and religious practices, which the Catholic Church teaches which, are not accepted by other denominations, even though these were handed down to us by the early Christians. It was during the reformation led by Martin Luther of Germany in the sixteenth century that all these controversies about certain doctrines of the Catholic Church were ignited. They kept on saying that these doctrines were not rooted in the scriptures.

Among these Christian doctrines are (a) Purgatory (b) Devotion to Mary (c) The holy Rosary (d) Praying through the saints (e) The use of images in the Church (f) Infant baptism (g) Confession to Priest, etc.

We will focus our discussions on one of these, namely, “the use of Images”. For this directly concern the entire members of the Church and Block Rosary Crusade society in particular.

What is an Image? An image is the figure of a person or anything made or carved with wood, stone, etc. A picture too can be regarded as an image.

Virtually in all Catholic churches throughout the world we do see images of many saints, which we popularly call statues. Now, does it mean we worship images in the Catholic Church? The answer will soon emerge.

Some Christians when trying to explain this subject make it so difficult for people to know the truth. They persist in saying that God Almighty disapproved the making of images, backing up their argument with the following Bible passages: Deuteronomy 5: 7-9, Exodus 20: 3-5, etc. In these chapters, God is telling us not to make any idol nor make any image to be worshipped as god. And we in the Catholic Church do not make idols nor worship them. What we have in our churches are the images of the holy people of God, in other words known as statues. God did not condemn the Making of images rather He condemned the serving, worshipping, or regarding them as gods. In the history of creation, God said, “come let us make man in our own IMAGE and likeness” Gen. 1: 26.

He is the Almighty and can never contradict Himself. In some passages of the scriptures, He ordered the making of certain images, which undoubtedly was for a purpose. Let us trace one of the popular events which took place in those days in the history of the Israelites as recorded in the book of Numbers Chapter 21: 6-9. If God had condemned totally the making of images, would He have told Moses to make the bronze serpent? Again it is good to note that during the public life of our Lord Jesus Christ, he did not condemn totally the making of images rather, he referred to it saying, “As Moses raised the serpent in the desert so will the son of man be raised so that all that believe in him will never perish (John 3: 14-15).

The statues or images you see in the Catholic Church and in most of our small groups called societies are not gods, they are there for special purposes. Some are there to remind us of the kind of holy life the fellow lived while on earth. Some are there too to remind us of the kind of sufferings and death endured by the fellow during life for the love of Christ, etc. Keeping these in our minds, we too are moved by their faith and are encouraged by their perseverance. Thus we can carry our day to day crosses following Jesus without complaint, in the sense that many people have successfully done so in the past. We don’t know these holy people physically when they were living on earth, but seeing their statues or images, much information about their holy lives flash through our minds.