July 2017 EditionInteresting News in the Company!
Conference is Scheduled!
The Technology Training Conference is scheduled for October 13-17 at the RiverfrontResortCenter. We’re working with all areas to provide every employee with opportunities to participate in this conference. Supervisors will coordinate schedules to rotate employee work schedules and conference events. Check with your supervisor during the first week in October for your schedule.
Important Dates . . .
July 16
/ New Entrance Card System Takes EffectJuly 22 / Blood Bank Drive
July 28 / Company Picnic (All Branch Locations)
Acquisition of JP Enterprises
The board of directors has finally ironed out the details for acquiring JP Enterprises that is based in Seattle. JP Enterprises will be a subsidiary of The Millennium Group. Andrew Schultz, the current president of JP Enterprises, will be the new Vice President of International Affairs and will relocate to the New York office. Elizabeth Sterling will remain at the JP Enterprises subsidiary and will report directly to The Millennium Group president and our board of directors.
We’re excited to have completed the acquisition. JP Enterprises will enhance our customer base and provide an additional market for the Company. We will have a company-wide conference later in the year for employees to meet and get to know each other.
A Growing Organization
The Millennium Group is growing by leaps and bounds. With the addition of the Myrtle Beach customer service site and the acquisition of JP Enterprises, we now have 1,452 full-time employees and 190 part-time employees.
Here is a condensed organization chart. It shows the top management after restructuring the Company recently.
First-Quarter Sales
The Millennium Group has increased its scope of investment holdings. Three growing areas for investment potential are hotels, retail, and restaurants. The following chart summarizes these areas for the first quarter.
Dental Benefits
We are reinstating employee dental benefits. Effective August 1, employees will not have to pay a monthly premium for dental benefits for themselves. The Company will assume pay premiums for all full-time employees. Employees who wish to continue paying premiums for dental benefits for family members will continue paying monthly premiums for only their dependents. As a compromise to paying employees’ dental premiums, the deductibles for office calls and services will increase by 3 percent.