Partnership Agreement2016/17

In partnership with placement providers (the Partner), Sheffield Hallam University (the University) aims to secure excellent learning experiences for trainees. We value the relationships we build with our Partners in a range of activities. By signing this agreement, Partners confirm their understanding and acceptance of information provided in course-specific handbooks.

The University and its Partners will work together to:

  • Select, train and (where appropriate) assess trainees on education based courses.
  • Support and facilitate high quality training experiences.
  • Engage together in effective communication for the benefit of our trainees and the public benefit of high quality teacher education.

The University will:

  • As appropriate, provide ongoing support for partner mentors and prepare trainees for their placement.
  • Administer the placement experience.
  • Respond to feedback from Partners and provide appropriate support.
  • Ensure compliance with statutory requirements and NCTL guidelines regarding Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks.
  • Provide appropriate guidance handbooks and documents to clarify procedures and expectations.
  • Manage partnership data.
  • Process the appropriate payment to Partners for providing a placement.

In providing a placement, the Partner will:

  • Ensure that trainees are covered under the health and safety procedures and risk assessments in place for existing employees.
  • Be aware of their rights and responsibilities in relation to DBS checks and suitability disclosures made by trainees. Including, but not limited to, ensuring no requests are made for information contained in a trainee's disclosure.
  • Provide a range of placement experiences appropriate to the trainees' courses.
  • Provide supportive supervision as appropriate to the placement.
  • Carry out assessment where appropriate and report to the University as required.
  • Notify the University of any change in circumstances relevant to trainees' placements.
  • Communicate with the University about relevant issues as appropriate.

In addition, where Partner employs a newly qualified teacher (NQT) from the University, the Partner shall, upon reasonable request, provide the University with data regarding the employment status of the NQT and their progression against the teacher standards. The University undertakes to anonymise the data and use it solely for reporting to Ofsted under its ITE framework.

More detailed information about procedures, placement requirements and roles and responsibilities can be found in handbooks or materials relevant to specific courses which will be provided to Partners. The full DBS policy can be found in the Partnership Handbook. Contact the Employability and Partnerships Team at for general enquiries. Specific contact details are listed in handbooks.

I have read the Partnership Agreement and agree to follow Partnership procedures

Signed: / Print
Position: / Email:
Tel: / Date:

Once completed, please return to the Employability and Partnerships Team


Post:The Employability and Partnerships Team, Sheffield Hallam University, Charles Street Building, Charles Street, Sheffield, S1 2NH