4K Advisory Committee - Minutes

February 22, 2010

4C, 5 Odana Court, Madison

Present included: Lisa Watchtel, MMSD; Sheila Briggs, MMSD; Sarah Dill, MHNS;Jolene Ibeling, City of Madison; Jody Bartnick, 4C; Jeani Meehan, Kindercare; Beth Graue, UW Madison; Sue Abplanalp, MMSD; Adrianne Wafford, Red Arrow; Daithi Wolfe, B&E/WCCF; Eve Degen, MTI; Marcia Heumeller, DCPC.

Agenda for today:

Review 4K Forum

Creating a Timeline

We began by debriefing the forums. Consensus was that the forums were very helpful. They were well attended. We got lots of good questions. We have a new Q&A document that includes all of the additional questions that were asked at the forum. The Advisory Committee was asked to provide feedback on the document to Sheila by Wednesday, prior to it going on the website.

The subcommittees that met reported out. The first update was from the Family Outreach group. They worked to redefine their charge. They also discovered that many in the Latino community were not aware of 4K at all. They are generating a list of organizations that they may be able to reach out to inform. They feel their group should possibly merge with the Public Relations group. They aren’t sure how useful the survey is. They wanted to make sure the BOE saw that they did reach out to families. They may revise it. Sue responded that she will have our staff share more information on LaMovida (the radio station). The PR group has not met, so they will work to merge their groups.

The Curriculum subcommittee met on Friday. They did some housekeeping to get reorganized for the next phase. They have several subcommittees operating as smaller working groups. 1) Assessment—design and reporting student growth. March 17 is next meeting, and 2) Curriculum and instruction—working on guides for directors and principals. March 19 is next meeting. The question they are bringing to this group is about assessment. They want to make sure it is sound and appropriate in reporting student growth. They want to be reassured that student growth is only one component of program evaluation. It is certainly a factor, but it is not the sole factor. There is also a question about where program evaluation falls in the planning process, and with whom. Research and Evaluation anticipates looking at kindergarten screener information.

Logistics needs to meet to determine tasks to work on and reconstitute the subcommittees based upon the work left to be done.

We then began creating a timeline to update the calendar (see attached calendar).

The next 4K Advisory Committee Meeting will be held on Monday, March 22, from 9:00-11:00 at 4C. We will continue meeting at 4C on the 4th Monday each month: April 26, May 24, and June 28,from9:00-11:00.