HSV: 921 - Cheering points, information points, single stalls
This guidance applies to cheering/information points/ single stalls at third party events such as a local fete, London Marathonetc. where volunteers or members of staff do not provide personal care that would normally be delivered by carers.
This MS Society activity is covered by our insurance programme. This is based on the guidelines below being followed.
Action before the event
Check venue emergency arrangements (fire, first aid incident, etc.).
Check suitable lavatories and washing facilities are available.
Agree a “named contact” to be available during the visit to deal with any emergencies, problems or questions.
For outdoor events, ensure a plan is in place in case the weather changes.
Ensure all equipment (tents, banners, laptops, etc.) is maintained and inspected in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.
Agree a system for storing and transferring donationsto the bank safely.
Send out HSV: 921A guidance sheet to attendees supporting the event.
All queries regarding access audits, disclosure checks, personal care or the involvement of under 16’s must be presented to the Local Networks Officer.
Action on the day
Keep a charged mobile phone available in case of emergency.
Ensure organiser’swear clothing that makes them easily identifiable.
Provide attendees supporting the event with “named contact”details.
Organiser’s aware of what facilities are available away from main point.
Inform attendees supporting the event of the emergency arrangements; that they will be expected to deal with everyday risks (uneven walkways, animals, etc.) and that they should use appropriate facilities as specified by the venue.
Equipment (tents, banners, etc.)/ information point/ stall/cheering point:
- has a sheet of simple instructions for erection and use available on the day
- is moved and set up by individuals competent to do so and in line with the manufacturer’s instructions and organiser’s requirements
- is used and supervised by a trained person in accordance with manufacturer’sinstructions, factoring in the conditions on the day
- does not obstruct any emergency access or present any slip or trip hazards
Only sealed snacks to be provided (e.g. bottled water, packs of biscuits, etc.)
Actions after the event
If an accident or incident has occurred it must be reported on the appropriate form (HSV: 122/ 123) and return as instructed on the form
To be signed off by the MS Society event organiser:- for each new event
- if the venue changes
- if the organiser changes
- or at the annual review whichever is first
Date of event / Type of event/ venue / Name of MS Society organiser / Signature of MS Society organiser / Event logged on service bank
Where equipment is being used, sheet of simple instructions for erection and use should be attached.
JDRev 6 September 2016Page 1 of 3