Agricultural Mechanics Course Syllabus

Mr. Brown


Today 24 million Americans (one in five)work in the agriculture industry, making it the largest employment sector in America. However, many people think that means that one in five Americans isa farmer; that is not true!Actually only one percent of the 24 million employed in agriculture are farmers!Nearly all jobs in agriculture industry deal with over 300 careers that provide services or products to farmers and/or getting the farmers goods to the customers. Agricultural Mechanics is one sector of Agriculture with huge job potential. This class will explore some of the skillsused by people working in the Agricultural Mechanics field.



1FFA and SAEMany

2-3Shop SafetyDemonstrations


7-10ElectricityResidential Wiring

11-16Metal FabricationWelding and Cutting

17-25Small EnginesTear Down and Rebuild

26-28Fluid PowerHydraulic Labs


31-32Land UseSurveying

33-35General Maintenance and RepairsMany

36Careers in Ag Mechanics


B+ = 87-89 %C+ = 77-79 %D + = 67-69 % F = 0-59 %

A = 93-100 %B = 83-86 %C = 73-76 %D = 63-66 %

A- = 90-92 %B- = 80-82 %C- = 70-72 %D- = 60-62 %

60% ~ AssignmentsThis consists of book work, quizzes, tests, and projects. I will do my very best to return these items by the Monday following their due date.

25% ~ HomeworkThis consists of two large projects that must be completed each quarter. They are each explained in greater detail in the assignment sheet.

5% ~ Journal SheetsStudents will, in complete sentences, journal about what they did and learned at the end of the class period each day; on the last day of every week the student must turn in their journal sheet.

5% ~ OrganizationStudents will put all their reading handouts, returned assignments, and journal sheets into their three ring binder which will be checked once a month and be given a grade based upon completeness.

5% ~ ResponsibilityStudents must complete all assignments, journal sheets, and binder checks by 3:04 of the last day of the quarter. This grade is all or nothing, do your work.


Three Ring Binder

Flash Drive

Old Clothes


Come prepared – Each student is required to bring a three ring binder, notebook, and pencil each day. Don’t bring the following: caps, jackets, duffle bags, foods or any beverage other than water, or any electronic equipment other than calculators which will be confiscated and turned into the high school office. If a student is not prepared for the day they cannot earn full daily points.

Safety first – Safety glasses are required at all times in the Lab/Shop. No dangling jewelry, ties, or scarves are allowed in the Lab/Shop as well as no loose or baggy clothing (instructor discretion). Long hair must be tied back. No sandals, open toe or high heels shoes in the Lab/Shops as well as no shorts or nylon wind pants. No horseplay. Do not talk to anyone while they are operating a machine. Give 100% concentration on what you are doing. Do not operate machines until you have passed the safety test.

Respect – I expect every student will respect themselves, their peers, school property, and the teacher. This includes swearing; none is allowed in the classroom or shops. Also you should be in your seat and quiet at the beginning of the class so I may begin on time. Likewise, near the end of the hour you must clean up any mess you made, return tools to their proper location, and take your seats before you can be dismissed. While in class make sure you treat the school’s tools and facilities as they were your own. If you break a tool or piece of equipment due to your negligence, you are responsible for the replacement cost of that item if it’s less than a year old, 50% of its replacement cost if it is 2-5 years old, and 25% if it is older than 5 years.

Make-up work – It is the student’s responsibility to ask for make-up work before or after the class period, and then the work is to be completed one school day after the absence. If the makeup work requires work in the shop the student must come in before school to complete the assignment.

Late work – I have a zero tolerance for late work. The best score a student can receive for a late assignment, journal sheet, or binder check is 50%.

Incomplete work – I believe a studious learner completes all assignments; after all I wouldn’t make the assignments if I didn’t feel it was important to your education! Therefore all assignments should be turned in by 3:04 of the last day of the quarter or the students will receive a 5% grade reduction.


Breaking any of these policies results in the following action (I have the right to skip to more severe punishment if the situation warrants it):

  1. verbal warning and/or sentences
  2. removal from class and/or calling parent
  3. sent to principal’s office and/or detention

* All policies and procedures are subject to change as needed at the teacher’s discretion.

Dear Parents,

I’m excited to have your child in my class, and I am looking forward to a great quarter. I hope that your child will learn a great deal in my class, and I will do my very best to make the environment conducive to learning. If you have any questions, please stop in my office at school or contact me by email ( ) or by phone (school: 723-4288 or cell: 507-220-0194).

T.J. Brown


Agriculture Mechanics Student and Parent Contract

I have read the syllabus and understand the grading system. I have read the class policies and I will adhere to them; if I don’t, I will receive the appropriate consequence listed in the discipline procedures. I know that tools will be used in this course and that if I violate any of the safety policies or instructions given by the instructor, serious injury or removal from class may result.

Student Signature______Date______

I have read the syllabus and understand the grading system. I have read the class policies and will instruct my son or daughter to adhere to them; if he/she doesn’t, he/she will receive the appropriate consequence listed in the discipline procedures. I know that tools will be used in this course, and I give my son or daughter permission to use them as a part of the curriculum for this class.

Parent Signature______Date______

Sign and Return by August 26th along with $25 for Chapter, Region, State, and National FFA Dues

(please make checks out to Springfield Public Schools)