Course Syllabus Lemon Bay High School Spanish IIStudent: ______Instructor: M. Teresa Cordell Room 112 Phone (941) 474-4372 Ext. 3315 EMAIL Course description: The objective of this course is to develop the following four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing within a cultural context. Students will build these skills and gain geographical and historical knowledge of the target language: – Spanish! Instruction will be given in accordance with the World Language Florida Standards ( Required materials: 1) Audio ear-buds for computer lab days. 2) A 3-ring BINDER to hold looseleaf paper for homework, pencils and pens (at least 1 RED pen). 3) The issued Textbook Realidades Level 2 by Prentice Hall, placed inside the binder. 4) Spiral Notebook (70 page, college-ruled), placed inside the binder. Do not use for homework. Grading procedures. NO EXTRA CREDIT, NO BONUS POINTS, NO “DROPPED” GRADES, & SRA. CORDELL DOES NOT GRADE “ON A CURVE”. Finals are 30% of semester grade.

20%DAILY work. Review and practice of the lesson. Assignments must be complete, legible, & turned in at the beginningof class on the day after being assigned in order to receive full credit for the work. Incomplete assignments will not be accepted & student writes a “CERO” sheet. 75% credit next day, 50% credit 2 days late.

30%Quizzes. Brief oral or written assessments of students’ progress. There are usually two per week. Certain presentations may count as quizzes. Late presentations-75% credit next day, 50% credit 2 days late.No makeup after 4 days = zero.

50%Tests. These assess the student’s mastery of the material studied, previously quizzed, lesson by lesson. There are two per grading period. Projects may count as tests. Late projects 75% credit next day, 50% credit 2 days late. *Missed tests or quizzes are before school, from 6:30–7:15, or 1:55-2:15 within 4 days of an absence. No makeup= zero.

Attendance: Regular practice is critical for the acquisition of second language skills. Please consult the LBHS Student Handbook regarding the county attendance policy. Any work that was assigned before an absence is due when the student returns to class. All assignments are available in the back of the classroom for the student to pick after the absence. If absent, *it is the student’s responsibility to copy information, ask about handouts, complete the work, & turn it in within 2 days. Make appointments to take any missed tests or quizzes within 4 days. ………………………………………………………………………………CUT......


SRA. CORDELL DOES NOT GRADE “ON A CURVE”. You earn your grades as you go.

Finals are 30% of semester grade.

Señora Cordell’s Spanish Class Expectations are: Lemon) We are here to LEARN! Be prepared with required supplies every day. The very 1st thing to do is unpack & if you forgot something, let Señora Cordell know right away.

Bay)2nd- Place unnecessary belongingsin the BACK of the class (book bags, cell phones, jackets, etc.) & keep your hands off other people’s things.

PRIDE –the cognates in the acronym are the same in Spanish as in English.

Positivo Respeto Integridad Determinación Excelencia

ALWAYS Treat others the way you wish to be treated! Interact with your teacher and classmates appropriately and politely. Show by your behavior that you respect others and yourself; therefore, disruptions in the learning environment are not tolerated. If there is a problem with behavior, Profesora Cordell will offer ONE SINGLE verbal warning: “CUIDADO” - in English= “CAREFUL”. Any further disrespect will result in disciplinary action, from Teacher Detention to a trip to the grade level Dean. One major distraction is the use of electronic devices. Refer to the passage in the Code of Student Conduct on pages 25: “Student use of cellular phones or other electronic or wireless devices is strictly prohibited at any time once the school day begins unless specific permission is granted by a teacher or administrator or is specific to an IEP or 504 plan. Each school may develop individual usage rules.” Profesorawill enforce LBHS testing policy DAILY.No cell phone warning will be given.

NEVER Chew gum or consume any food or beverages in this class. Dispose of these at thedoor or you will serve teacher detention cleaning desks. Besides, -it is difficult to learn a new language with stuff in your mouth.

GOOD IDEA Cover your textbook & clearly label withESPAÑOL. Damaged books cost you $!!!!

By registering for this class, you have chosen to learn Spanish, an extremely useful and career-enhancing language. When you pay attention and participate in class, you will learn. This is not a study hall or gossip time. I do encourage A LOT of group and pair work, but please stay on task.

¡Sí se puede!

****Cut****And ****Return the bottom**********Keep the rest for your BINDER********** I acknowledge that I have received a copy of the course syllabus for Señora Cordell's Spanish class & agree to abide by it, as well as the rules contained in the LBHS Student’s Conduct Code.

X______X______Signed Student Name PRINT Student Email X______X______Parent Signature PRINT Parent Email BEST phone # to call about coursework: ______