The Riverside County Second District Youth Advisory Council

Office Of Supervisor John F. Tavaglione

4080 Lemon Street, 5th Floor, Conference Room 5C

P.O. Box 1646

Riverside, CA 92501-1646

Youth Advisory Council Coordinator – William Luna

Heydi Arroyo, Council Member / Andres Avila, Council Member
Daniel Steven Baeza, Council Member / Sinporion Phuong, Council Member
Darryl Burnett Jr., Council Member / Darchelle Burnett, Council Member
Brandon Reyes Castellanos, Council Member / Rachel Preleyko, Council Member
Elizabeth Castro, Council Member / Ivan De La Cruz, Council Member
Daniel Contreras, Council Member / Brittenny De La Cruz, Council Member
Cheyanne Hamilton, Council Member / Yasmine Granero, Council Member
Jennifer Solis, Council Member / Sam Grisey, Council Member
Caitlynn Smith, Council Member / Alyssa Romo, Council Member
Shannon Huynh, Council Member / Ismael Salazar, Council Member
Laura Rebolledo, Council Member / Samantha Negrete, Council Member
Drake Lower, Council Member / Vivianne Silva, Council Member
Matthew Luy, Council Member / Veronica Precaido, Council Member
Monica Manzanares, Council Member / Ricardo Rubio, Council Member
Bryan Ramirez, Council Member / Melvin Reyes, Council Member
Jovanny Rodriguez, Council Member / Bryan Vargas, Council Member
Leslie Vergara, Council Member / Anthony Yanez, Council Member
Alberto Gonzalez, Council Member / Geovanni Banales, Council Member
Angelo Quiroz, Council Member


TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 2nd, 2014 5:30 P.M.

1.0  Call to Order Meeting was called to order at 5:30 PM

2.0  Roll Call

2.1  Pledge of Allegiance

3.0  Council Business Recommendation

3.1  Approval of Minutes from July 15th, 2014 Meeting Action

Motion was made to approve the minutes by Matthew Luy

Motion was seconded by Ismael Salazar

3.2  Introduction of Karen Christensen/Trish Field Discussion

Council members were given a moment to be introduced to Karen and Trish, the council was given a brief background of their information and the council commended them on there hard work that they do throughout the year.

3.3  Annual Retreat Discussion

The council was able to take time and express their opinions about the retreat and how it went. Overall the kids like the event and loved the keynote speaker. They have issues with the venue as they said it was a little too boring and the friendships at times seemed forced. They liked the teambuilding games and the VMOST activity; just some improvements are needed on venue for the next retreat.

3.4  Youth In Government Day Discussion

The council was informed about the next major upcoming event, which is Youth In Government Day. Council members were informed of the specifics of the event in the past, such as what goes on during the day, and what each council member will be doing. The dates for the event are not set but they are tentatively set for October 23rd, or 30th. Council member are encouraged to brainstorm ideas of what department they would like to be paired up with.

3.5  Veterans Event donations Discussion

The members were reminded of the donation opportunity for the VERTERANS STAND DOWN donation drive. Council members are encouraged to bring in used clothes that are clean for donation. They are in need for pants, jeans and, shoes, so if you have any interest please let me know. I will give council members 1 participation credit for every 5 pieces of clothing.

3.6  Elections Action

The council was able to hold election for the upcoming year, and we have a finalized list of members who will be officers for the year.

1) Commissioner: Brittenny De La Cruz

2) Co-Commissioner: Ismael Salazar

3) Secretary: Melvin Reyes

4) Activities Coordinators: Bryan Vargas, Leslie Vergara, Darchelle Burnett

5) Council Photographer: Alyssa Romo, Daniel Conteras

6) Chief Justice: Cheyanne Hamilton

3.7  Upcoming opportunities Discussion

Council members were reminded of the upcoming volunteer opportunities and were given time to sign up for events. Please see Item 7.0 for the opportunities available. If you are interested in signing up for an event please email William or sign up at the next YAC meeting.

3.8  YAC Facebook page Discussion

The council was asked if a Facebook page would be a good way of keeping everyone updated. They were interested in a new form of communication but possible through text instead of Facebook. William is looking into this option and will inform the council of the options at the next meeting.

4.0  Committee Formation With Follow up Report

4.1  Committee Formation

4.1.1  Committee Name (create a name for your committee)

4.1.2  Identify Committee Chairperson(this person will act as the spokesperson for the committee)

4.1.3  Identify Possible Committee Activities or Projects (2-3projects to start MAX)  Use your knowledge of the VMOST activity from the retreat to establish your vision, Mission, Objective, Strategies, and Tasks for the 2 projects. Begin planning out specifics of the event, such as location, individual tasks, and what will be needed.

The council was given time to form 3 subcommittees for the year. They were able establish a name, a head of the committee, a secretary, and brainstorm major events they would like to host this year. The councils each had a focus which was one of the following: 1) assistance with the homeless 2) assistance with the elderly 3) assistance with the environment.

The subcommittees chose names which are as follows: The fault in our environment, helping everyone live prosperously (HELP), and Love your elders (LYE). Fault committee will be working on doing cleanups on the Santa Ana river trail, adopt a trail and working with Nature Centers. HELP will be planning dates to hang out with local retired citizens. LYE will be working on donation drives and helping out with local soup kitchens.

5.0  Comments or Questions from YAC Members

William will send all council meeting minutes and special reminders or updates to your registered email address. Please check your email regularly in order to ensure that you are up to date on council happenings.

6.0  Items for the next meeting

6.1  Committee Formation & Planning

6.2  Available Volunteer Opportunities

7.0  Upcoming Events:

7.1  “Books-R-Treats” First 5 Riverside Literacy Event Downtown Riverside

Date: October 30th, 2014

Time: 2:30-6:30 PM

Location: Barnes and Nobel

Participation Credit: 2 Participation credits

Max number of members allowed: 5 Members

Additional Information: The coordinators over at First 5 Riverside are requesting the assistance of 5 YAC members at their Books R Treats literacy event in Riverside. They need volunteers help with setup, read during story times (occurs about every half hour), lead short costume parades around store following, encourage crafts and possibly wear or escort Otter costume. We would need volunteers to arrive around 2:30 p.m. or as close as possible. Please arrive wearing your YAC shirt or you can dress up in a kid-friendly costume.

7.2  “Books-R-Treats” First 5 Riverside Literacy Event Corona

Date: October 30th, 2014

Time: 2:30 PM- 6:30 PM

Location: Barnes and Nobel in Corona

Participation Credit: 2 Participation Credits

Max number of members allowed: 5

Additional Information: The coordinators over at First 5 Riverside are requesting assistance of 5 YAC members number of volunteers at their Books R Treats literacy event in Corona. The coordinators are asking for assistance with the gift wrapping, as well as help out with the event specifics. Please come in your YAC shirts.

7.3  Downtown Riverside Fall Fashion Show

Date: October 2nd, 2014

Time: TBA

Location: Downtown Riverside

Participation Credits: 3 participation credits

Max number of members allowed: TBA

Additional Information: The council will be working with the Riverside Downtown Partnership to setup the upcoming fall fashion show which is an annual occurrence. Council members will be helping with the event setup and take down as well as assisting the coordinators however needed. More information will be given as the date draws closer.

7.4  Downtown Riverside Zombie Crawl

Date: Saturday, October 18th, 2014

Location: Downtown Riverside

Participation Credits: 3 participation credits

Max number of members allowed: TBA

Additional Information: The council will be assisting the Riverside Downtown Partnership in their annual Zombie Crawl. Members will be assisting with setup as well as take down of the event in addition to helping with the games setup and events occurring. More information will be given as the date draws closer.

7.5  Homework Help Club

Location: Louis Rubidoux Library, Rubidoux Mission Boulevard 5840

Date: Mondays and Tuesdays

Time: 3:20 to 4;45 PM

Participation Credit: 1 credit per session (3 credits max)

Max number of members allowed: N/A

Additional information: The Rubidoux Library is working with the homework help club to assist students from grades Kindergarten to 8th grade. Aids will assists students on Mondays and Tuesdays from 3:20 to 4;45 PM. The helpers must have passes 10th grade and show a 3.0 GPA or better on their report card. A recommendation letter must also be done from a teacher, or councilor. For more information about the Homework Club and to volunteer contact 682-5485. I will give you 1 credit for each session with a max of 3 sessions possible for credit.

7.6  “Make a Difference” Dinner/Auction

Date: October 18th, 2014

Time: 2:00-5:00 P.M.

Location: Riverside Marriott Hotel

Participation Credit: 2 participation credits

Max number of members allowed: 6

Additional Information: The coordinators over at Inspire Life Skills Training, Inc. has asked for some help at their 9th annual “Make a difference” dinner and auction. You will be assisting with the setup of the event. This organization serves aged-out foster youth and other local at-risk youth by giving them the opportunity to live in safe and stable homes, receive mentoring and other support services while they attend college full time. Please wear your YAC shirts and your contact for the event will be Krista Langford.

7.7  Valor Stand Down Veteran Donations

Date: September 16th, 2014, and October 7th, 2014

Location: CAC Conference Room C

Participation Credit: 1 credit for 5 pieces of clothing minimum

Additional Information: The YAC council is helping out with a Veterans Clothing Donation Drive. Council members are encouraged to bring in donated clothes, in particular the volunteers are asking for Pants, Jeans, and Shoes. T-shirts are also acceptable however they are asking us to focus on getting pants, jeans and shoes. The council can bring the donated clothing to will before September 2nd, 2014 by bringing them up to the conference room. The council is asked to bring the donations to the first 2 council meetings September 16th, and October 7th, 2014. Council members can receive up to 1 credit for bringing at least 5 pieces of clothing for donation. If you have any additional questions please contact me or see the attached flyer.

8.0  Next Meeting Date:

Tuesday, September 16th, 2014 at 5:30pm

9.0  Adjournment

Meeting was Adjourned at 6:49 P.M.

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