The Ridings at Brookside Condominium Association
Public Meeting Minutes of Saturday March 21, 2009
On Saturday March 21, 2009, at 10 am, the Public Meeting of the Ridings at Brookside Condominium Association met in the Clubhouse, Present were, Vice President Tony DeOliveira, Treasurer Sherry Greenawalt, Member at Large Neil Foley.
Minutes – This being the first Public Meeting of the fiscal year there were no Minutes present.
Financials - Money Market Balance is $141,603.00. The Association currently has eleven (11) DC’s in the amount of $503,000.00. Operating balance is $49,062.02. The total Association funds to date are $693,655.00.
Board Resignation – The Board accepted the resignation of Board Member Don Hamm with regret, and thanked Don for his service to the community. The Board wishes Don well. The Association is accepting applications for appointment to the Board to fill the open seat that was vacated by Don. All interested Unit Owners were asked to have their applications in Management’s hands by March 27, 2009.
Community Sign – The Association has purchased a sign to post the Association’s Newsletter and any other information for the perusal of the residents. The sign will also give notice for General Meetings and other Special Events. The placement of the Association Sign has not been determined to date.
Fire/Emergency Easement – The Association in coordination with the Borough of Macungie will install NO Parking signs on both sides of the access road that allows for emergency entry for fire and emergency vehicles. The Borough has assured the Association that the Police Department will ticket any and all vehicles that park in the emergency access.
Parking – The Association will research the Borough and State regulations in regard to parking distances from stop signs and fire hydrants. Painting of the curbs will also be researched for viability in enforcing parking rules and regulations.
Newsletter – One resident requested to have the Newsletter, now posted on the Association’s web site, mailed to him.
Balconies on Lindfield – The Association is continuing to replace balconies on Lindfield Circle that are leaking into the garages below on an as needed basis. A new type of membrane that requires no wooden decking to be placed on top is now to be used.
Roof Replacement – The roofs of units 302 – 312 Windsor Place will be replaced due to leakage and normal wear. The roof has reached its twenty (20) year life span and is in need of replacement. The work will be done in April. The skylights, which belong to the Unit Owner’s, will be replaced, where requested, at a cost of $400.00 each. This cost is to be passed to the Unit Owner. One Unit Owner requested to keep the old skylights and was granted permission, with the stipulation that any leakage due to the age of the skylight is to be the sole responsibility of said Unit Owner. The Association will bear no cost for repairs of the skylights that are not replaced.
Grounds – The Pine Trees that Border the Association at the south end were crowned and heavily pruned to allow sunlight and air to the swale that runs behind the units. Hopefully this will alleviate the dampness in that area. The Pines on the west border were reduced in width to allow for better mowing and clean up of the area. The Cherry and Plum trees were crowned and heavily pruned to reduce the overall size of the trees.
The Annual Spring Clean up has been started by Hursh Landscaping. Unit Owners were asked to keep an eye on the shrubs in the front planting beds and report any dead shrubs to Management.
Proposed Amendments – The proposed amendments to the By Laws have been sent to the Associations attorney for review. Rebecca will mail three sample Declarations to the Declaration Group.
With no further discussion Pam Watt made a motion to adjourn the meeting. George Folk second. The meeting was adjourned at 10:50 am.
Respectfully submitted,
Sherry Greenawalt
The Ridings at Brookside Condominium Association