Notice of Meeting
April 10, 2012
4:30 p.m.
Campus Center Board of Trustees’ Room
Pomona, New Jersey 08240-0195 – (609) 652-4845
April 10, 2012
I. Call to Order/Roll Call
II. Approval of Minutes
III. President’s Report
IV. Committee Reports
A. Public Relations
B. Academic Policies
C. School Spirit
D. Student Welfare
E. Finance
V. Announcements/Comments from the Public
VI. Adjournment
2011-2012 Student Senate Meeting
Minutes From
March 27, 2012
Presiding: Samuel Wakawa
Members Present: Becky Batista
Destiny Bush
Rosalia Caceres
Kaitlin Cibenko
Elizabeth Corey
Justin Frankel
Sualeh Hafeez
Paulo Henriques
William Inacio
David Jonas
David Kang
David Lamando
Melissa Lyon
Matthew Monte
Charlie Nusbaum
Benjamin Peoples
Crystal Rosario
Kate Sparacio
Jamie Sofia
Nathan Taylor
Julio Torres
AJ Vervoort
Members Absent: Osagie Ekenezar* *Notified Chair
Melissa Harabedian
Michael Hering *
John Szczuplak*
Members Late: None
Agenda/Business: Samuel called the meeting to order. Senators who were absent or late were noted. David J. moved to approve the minutes of March 6, 2012, seconded by Ben.
Motioned Passed: 22-0-1*
*Senator Abstained: Samuel Wakawa
President’s Report: Samuel Wakawa
Samuel informed the senators that he was away at a conference at the time of the last senate meeting. The conference gave him an opportunity to meet from students from other colleges.
Vice President’s Report: Kaitlin Cibenko
Kaitlin talked about the conference that she, David Lamando, A.J., Osagie, and Ben attended in Washington, D.C. She then told the senators that she expected them to read the meeting packet prior to the meeting, so they could make informed decisions when voting.
Committee Reports: Academic Policies
Becky reported that the committee had begun discussing the selection process for “Professor of the Year.” We would like to thank all those students who have participated in the nomination process. There were three professors selected for each school, and voting take place on Wednesday, April 4th and Thursday, April 5th.
She then reported that the Student Welfare Committee has also brought to the committee’s attention that students are not satisfied with their preceptors. Please remind students that if they are not satisfied with their preceptors, they have the option of switching their preceptors by going to Academic Advising on the second floor of the Campus Center.
She then told the senators to advise all students that if they want to drop a class but have a hold on their account, they should go to Student Records or the Bursar’s Office to temporarily remove the hold and then drop the course.
Becky then turned the floor over to Paulo so he could present the results of the survey that the committee conducted for all the students in the different schools at Stockton, in order to address any academic issues or concerns.
Public Relations
Sualeh reported that the committee will be working diligently to promote the upcoming Carnival along with the School Spirit Committee. David will be creating a flyer containing information concerning the carnival.
He then reported that will be working with the Student Welfare Committee to compile a list of this year’s accomplishments of the Student Senate. He will then work with the Student Development Staff to send out a mass email of these accomplishments to the student body.
Sualeh concluded his report by stating that he will be creating a facebook event to promote the upcoming Student Senate and Board of Trustees election. This will increase the number of votes cast in the upcoming election.
School Spirit
Jamie reported that the Spring Carnival is confirmed for April 21, 2012 from 12-4 in the Housing 2 and 3 Quad. Student Senate, Greek Council and Speech and Hearing will be collaborating to provide this event for the students. There will be free food. Music will be provided by DJ ShYY, Chukwuemeka Nnadi, a senior here at Stockton.
Jamie turned the floor over to Melissa who reported that three vendors had been chosen to submit bids on the carnival’s activities. The bids will be evaluated and one will be chosen.
Jamie then reported that Justin and Destiny are contacting campus clubs and organizations to give them an opportunity to have a table with a carnival game at the event. We are encouraging as many clubs as possible to participate both to advertise for future club involvement and to show school spirit!
She concluded the report by adding that the carnival is mandatory for Senators; please see Melissa or Jamie if you are unable to attend. Please wear Senate polos to help promote the senate!
Student Welfare
A.J. spoke with Jillian Panzone, Director of Lakeside, regarding the Papa John sauces. Students were upset because they have to pay extra for pizza sauce. The current policy allows for one order of sauce.
A.J. then reported that he spoke with Jason Fitch, District Manager of Chartwells, regarding the tax exempt concern. Students are still complaining tax is not being removed appropriately.If a student is being charged tax, at the time of the transaction, they can remind the cashier that they are tax exempt. Also, if this doesn’t happen, they can bring the receipt to Jason and he will adjust it.
A.J. went on to report that he also spoke to Jason regarding Dina’s being opened on weekends. Jason said it’s a good possibility for next semester and he will look into it during budget time. He said students don’t see the amount of labor that goes into preparing Dina’s (slicing cheese, meats, etc.). However, A.J. reassured him students would eat at the facility on weekends.
A.J. wanted the senators to know that the Mondo’s employee that was making inappropriate remarks to young female students was fired because he violated Chartwell’s strict anti-harassment policy.
He then reported that he spoke with Don Woolslayer, Director of Plant Management, about concerns from students in Housing 5 and Housing 1 regarding their heat. Don said he restored control of heat to students in housing and if a specific apartment’s temperature gauge is resetting itself, then those individuals should put in a work order.
Also, Don denied the request for hoses outside of the buildings. Students wanted to have hoses to wash out their garbage cans, etc., because they smell. Don suggested filling the garbage cans up with hot water outside and swishing it around.
A.J. reported that students were complaining that the meal plan breakfast rate was inadequate at Stockton. Jason told A.J. that if we want a higher meal plan value for breakfast, to provide him with facts from other colleges, and he will look into it during budget time. Dave Lomando, Academic Policies Senator, contacted the 9 major colleges in NJ to compare Stockton’s breakfast meal plan rates with other colleges. Dave gave an extensive report on the difference in prices. And will forward the report to Jason.
Ben spoke with Joe Loeflad about the new upgrades in Housing 1 to improve WiFi. The v\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);}.shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}new configuration will provide increased coverage and performance for laptops and mobile devices. Ben gave his report. He added that upgrades will hopefully occur in Housing 5 next year if it fits within the budget.
A.J. reported that Shauna Lawlor, RHA president, attended the meeting.
Shauna spoke to Glen Miller, Chief of Police, about installing cameras in the laundry facilities. Students are saying their laundry and laundry baskets are being stolen. He said that he would support installation of cameras in the laundry rooms as it is a “public” area. The issue is financing. He also said that he would look into the problem. He added that students should make sure that the door is closed so those entering must use their swipe cards and the police can then check the time of the theft with the students who were in the laundry room at the time.
The Multicultural Connection submitted a supplemental in the amount $1,464 to hold the Multicultural Dinner. David moved to approve the supplemental, seconded by Sualeh.
Motion Passed 22-0-1*
* Senator Abstained: Samuel Wakawa
He then reported that the following clubs met with the committee to review their annual budget requests: All Starz Dance Team, Argo, Art, ASA, Books without Borders, Criminal Justice, Dance, FEMALES, Free to Be, Gaming Guild, Hospitality and Tourism, MCC, Neighborhood Watch, Physics, Pride Alliance, S.A.V.E, SET, Social Work, STAND and Veterans.
He concluded his report by stating that April 3rd is the last day for budget review.
Announcements/Comments from the Public:
Len Farber, Director of Student Development, thanked those who attended the middle states evaluation meeting and the day in the life program.
Lauren Wilson, Assistant Director of Student Development, made an announcement about the upcoming award ceremony.
Stephen Davis, Associate Dean of Students, encouraged everyone to nominate a student for the HERO Award and also announced the upcoming HERO Dinner.
Adjournment: Paulo adjourned the meeting at 5:38 pm.