December 2007



SUNDAY 8 a.m. and 10:15 a.m.

The Rev. Tommy Bye, Vicar Liz Manning, Bishop’s Warden

VICAR’S VOICE: “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”

Thanksgiving Day is over. Advertising is in full swng. The stores have already stocked their shelves with talking Santa Claus dolls, Christmas (oops!) “Holiday” trees and wire reindeer that twinkle and glow, each vying for your credit card dollar. HO! HO! HO!Easy pay, no interest, and no payment for two years. HO! HO! HO!

This is my favorite time of the year. Once again I get to be cynical about the secular holiday season, and at the same time I truly love the beginning of the new church year.

One of my favorite Advent songs, “Come Thou Long Expected Jesus,” reminds me who I am and to whom I belong. In the words that Charles Wesley penned in the 18th century, there is a balm to my restless soul. The words remind me how to live in this crazy world that is hell bent on destroying itself by separation from God. The Great Mystery is truly a paradox. The Divine becomes vulnerable in order that the Created can become Divine.

“Come, thou long expected Jesus, born to set thy people free; from our fears and sins release us, let us find our rest in thee.Israel’s strength and consolation, hope of all the earth thou art; dear desire of every nation, joy of every longing heart.

Born thy people to deliver, born a child, and yet a king, born to reign in us forever, now thy gracious kingdom bring. By thine own eternal Spirit rule in all our hearts alone; by thine all sufficient merit raise us to thy glorious throne.”

It is not my intention to throw rocks at Old Saint Nick or the antlered red nose high flyer. They have their place in our universe. I just choose not to bet world peace and my eternal salvation on their magic.

My prayer for me, for us, is to slow down and embrace the season of Christmas. Drive carefully. Be safe on your travels. Rushing, and trying to control life itself will not add one more minute that God has given you.

“Come, thou long expected Jesus, let us find our rest I thee.”

Peace and Blessings, Fr. Spear +

“Christmas and Miracles”

Running and catchin the football his Grandpa Rick had just thrown to him, Buck was full of energy. He was enjoying the sunshine on his face and the feel of his legs moving swiftly through the grass. The act of participating in this game that most kids his age would take for granted was viewed by Buck….and by all watching….as a new beginning.

Last year at this time, our grandson was lying in a hospital bed in total isolation except for his parents and the medical team working on his case. No one else was allowed in the tiny room that had been decorated with wall-to-wall pictures of family, friends and pets. Germs were not permitted to enter this sanctuary where Buck had recently undergone a bone marrow transplant for Acute Myeloid Leukemia. His immune system had plunged to zero after the radical procedure. He lived in a bubble of sorts for several months, but he was not alone in this fight for life. All of the children on this hospital floor were undergoing or recovering from bone marrow transplants, and feeling the full-blown hit to their young bodies of a myriad of drugs given to prevent rejection.

This time was particularly hard for Buck since the transplant was at Christmastime. Through the haze of high fevers and the strong reaction his body underwent to make the new bone marrow his own, Buck thought long and hard about what he was going to do after regaining his health.

“One of the most painful parts of it for him was the inability to shop for and give family and friends Christmas gifts,” our son, Steve, wrote in the journal he was keeping since his son was diagnosed with leukemia. “He said at the time that when he got well he would figure out a way to make that happen for kids in his same predicament.”

Well, what seemed like a tragedy, God has worked for good. Buck, who turned 14 in November, took the bull by the horns a few months ago and put his plan into place. Dell Children’s Hospital will havea whole section on the Oncology wing called “Buck’s Barn,” where the kids on the floor will be able to come and pick out free gifts to give to their parents, siblings, and even their pets. Without asking for donations to this cause, the money has been rolling in to fund it from those who heard about what Buck has been doing.

This is our own Christmas miracle. Buck is a Christmas miracle. Sometimes we can experience these works of God in astounding ways, and other times God waits for us to notice how he is working in our lives on a daily basis. One thing I have learned through my journey in life thus far is that whatever trial appears hopeless, God can turn it around for good. Many times the Lord has whispered in my ear, “Child of Mine, have you not seen what I can do?”

This Advent I hope you will watch with me in quiet anticipation for the miracles of God.

God’s peace, Christie


Cynthia, Peggy, Lee, Jeannie, Lila Gene, Patti, Betty, Harrison, Sandy, Jay.

UTO - A REPORT FROM MAE: Many thanks to all who participated in the fall ingathering of United Thank Offering. Our total offering was $367.70. It has been sent to the Diocesan UTO Coordinator. Blue boxes for collecting your offerings are available in Swope Hall. “When we have a spirit of thanksgiving we can hold all things lightly. We receive; we do not grab. And when it is time to let go, we do so freely. We are not owners, only stewards.” Richard Foster

CHRISTMAS EVE SERVICES: We will have two services on Christmas Eve this year, with one at 5 p.m. and the other at 11 p.m.


There will be a combination meeting Monday, January 7, at 6 p.m. for the Bishop’s committee and Financial committee. It will be held in Swope Hall.

A regular Bishop’s committee meeting will be scheduled for a later date in the month, and will be announced at church.


12/4 Fielding and Rita Reiner

12/19 Rick and Christie Schroeter


12/2 Thomas Sumners

12/9 Pat Burleson

12/16 Jay Smith

12/23 Leigh Stevenson

12/24 Mike Kelley

12/30 Amy Keith


12/2 Joseph Stevenson

12/9 Christie Schroeter

12/16 David Manning

12/23 Ian Stevenson

12/24 Thomas Sumners

12/30 Quentin Jameson


12/2 Mae Hernlund and Susan Dunham

12/9Paula Sumners, Sandi Burleson and Teet Hobbs

12/16Gail Moreman, Sandy Hodges and Sue Peterson

12/23 Rita Reiner, Lila Gene Hobbs and Christie Schroeter

12/24 Gail Moreman

12/30 Gail Moreman


12/16 Pat Burleson

12/24 Joe McShane

12/25 Joe McShane

12/30 Rick Schroeter

Anyone who would be willing to serve as greeter/usher is asked to contact Joe McShane at (512) 261-6780.