The responsibilities of each Board position are as follows:
APresident: The President shall serve as the chief officer. The responsibilities of the President shall include but not be limited to:
1Convening and conducting all meetings of the Board of Directors and/or general membership deemed necessary to administer to the affairs of the Congregation with the exception of those meetings of the Board of Directors and/or the general membership specifically assigned to others in these By-Laws.
2Serving as one of the co-signers with the Treasurer or other individual designated by the Board of Directors on all checks issued.
3Representing the Congregation at all meetings, functions, organizations, and institutions or delegating this responsibility to an assignee.
4To serve on the Financial Committee.
5To fill the position of the Temple President, the person must be Jewish, have been a Temple member in good standing for a minimum of two (2) consecutive years immediately preceding the election and must have served on the Board the year immediately preceding the election.
BExecutive Vice-President: The responsibilities of the Executive Vice-President shall include but not be limited to:
1Chairing Board of Director meetings in the absence of the President.
2Overseeing the general maintenance of the Temple facility.
3Arranging for use of special event facilities as required.
CVice-President – Membership: The responsibilities of the Vice-President – Membership shall include but not be limited to:
1Establishing and maintaining all pertinent membership records.
2Communicating with members of the Jewish community in relation to the expanding membership.
3Serving on the Financial Committee.
4Serving on the Communication Committee.
DVice-President – Religious School: The responsibilities of the Vice-President – Religious School shall include but not be limited to:
1Being present at the monitoring the instructional programs of the religious school in conjunction with the Administrator and Rabbi.
2Establishing the annual budget required for the religious school programs.
3Establishing and maintaining the policies and procedures of the religious school in conjunction with the Administrator and Rabbi.
4Evaluating teachers’ contracts in conjunction with the Administrator and Rabbi and procuring teachers’ signatures on the contracts.
5Serving as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the religious school.
6Appointing an assistant to facilitate and to take over and cover in the absence of the VP – Religious School, at the discretion and option of the VP – Religious School.
7Shall attend the CBE Preschool Board meetings.
EVice-President – Havurah: The responsibilities of the Vice President – Havurah shall include but not be limited to:
1Establishing and monitoring the activities and programs of the Havurah (adult religious and social communities).
2Establishing the annual budget to sustain the Havurah programs.
3Establishing and maintaining the policies and procedures of the Havurah.
4Serving as the liaison between the Board of Directors and the leaders of the Havurah.
FVice-President – Fundraising: The responsibilities of the Vice-President – Fundraising shall include but not be limited to:
1Chairing all fundraising activities and events of the Congregation.
2To provide all necessary financial reports to the Board of Directors.
3Serving on the Communication Committee.
4Shall serve as a member on the Capital Fundraising Committee.
GVice-President – Programs: The responsibilities of the Vice-President – Programs shall include but not be limited to:
1Chairing all programs, activities, and events of the Congregation.
2Providing all necessary financial reports to the Board of Directors.
3Establishing and maintaining the master calendar for the Congregation.
4Serving on the Communication Committee.
HVice-President – Social Action: The responsibilities of the Vice-President – Social Action shall include but not be limited to:
1Serving as chair of the Social Action Committee.
2Planning and executing all community outreach programs and events on behalf of the Congregation.
3Serving on the Communication Committee.
ITreasurer: The responsibilities of the Treasurer shall include but not be limited to:
1Maintaining a record of all financial receipts and disbursements.
2Serving as one of the co-signers with the President or other individual designated by the Board and Directors on all checks issued.
3Providing all necessary financial reports to the general membership and to local, state, and federal agencies as required.
4Serving on the Financial Committee.
5Make recommendations of financial status on delinquent membership to the Financial Committee.
JFinancial Secretary: The responsibility of the Financial Secretary shall include but not be limited to:
1Maintaining the membership dues billings and membership financial records.
2Pursuing collection of all billing in arrears due the Congregation.
3Chairing the Financial Committee.
4Advising the Board of Directors regarding the statistics of discounts and past-due accounts.
KSecretary: The responsibilities of the Secretary shall include but not be limited to:
1Recording and maintaining records of all business meetings (minutes) conducted by the Board of Directors and the general membership and distributing said minutes not later than seven (7) days after the meeting, without prior approval of the President.
2Notifying the general membership in writing of all meetings of the general membership at least two (2) weeks prior to the scheduled meeting.
3Maintaining a copy of the current By-Laws and transmitting all necessary reports to local, state, and federal agencies when modifications to these By-Laws are affected.