The RESOLVE Antisocial Behaviour Awards are the UK’s premier awards for effective practice in tackling antisocial behaviour (ASB).

Nominations are now invited for the 2016 awards programme—see inside for details of the four award categories and how to enter.

Please note that the closing date for receipt of nominations is Friday2nd September 2016

The RESOLVENational ASB Awards are sponsored by

About the awards

The RESOLVE awards provide deserved recognition for the outstanding contribution oftenants, housing officers, ASB practitioners and their partners to resolving ASBand making communities safer.

If you have been impressed by someone’s work, make sure you submit a nomination.

Entry is free and simple.

The awards ceremony takes place at the Conference Dinner on Tuesday 8th November 2016 at the RESOLVE ASB Annual Conference at the St Johns Hotel, Solihull.

The 2015 awards presentation attracted more than 340 people including leadingpractitioners from across the UK, Government Departments and national bodies.

National awards categories and criteria

There are four categories of award:

  • best project award
  • residents’ and communities award
  • team of the year award
  • practitioner of the year award

Across all four categories judges will be looking for examples of where individuals and/or teams can demonstrate successful outcomes and inspire others.

The criteria for each categoryare set out on the following pages.Please refer closely to these when completing your application as it is against these that the judges will assess each entry.

The best project award sponsored by

This award is for a project or initiative demonstrating measurableimprovement in reducing ASB and increasing community confidence.

All nominations should demonstrate the impact the project has had.

The project or initiative may be specific to a particular neighbourhood or may be targeted on a particular client group or issue. For example, teams working withvulnerable witnesses, young people or troubled families; or teams that focus onlocal priorities such as hate crime, arson or criminal damage would all be eligible

In your entry describe the project, its role and objectives and its most significantachievements, we would like to see both quantitative and qualitativeinformation.

The residents’ andcommunities award

Standing up against ASB requires exceptional courage.

This award recognises the bravery and courage of an individual or a group of localresidents who have taken a personal stand against antisocial behaviour.

Applications should demonstrate the positive effects resulting from the actions ofthe individual or group.

The team of the year award sponsored by

This award is for a group or a team that has provided an exceptional service inresolving ASB within an identified neighbourhood.

The team may be located within a single organisation or its members drawn fromacross a range of local agencies and/or from the community.

We are looking for a team that has worked together to achieve shared goals and candemonstrate measurable results.

Nominations should demonstrate the makeup of the team, its role, objectives andthe positive outcomes it has achieved. They should also show, where applicable, howthe team has worked with residents to develop and deliver the service.

Practitioner of the year

Please note that nominations to this award are restricted to ASB practitioners working for a RESOLVE ASB Member organisation.

This award is for an employee of a RESOLVE member organisation or who has demonstrated exceptionalcommitment, producing positive results and inspiring others.

This could be someone who has been innovative, someone who has been creative orsomeone that’s been simply determined.

Please list their achievements and qualities and back these up with testimonialsfrom others.

Eligibility and making a nomination

Entry is free and simple.For more information and nomination forms please contact us on 024 7647 2725

Complete the entry form for the award categories you want to nominate to.

In no more than 500 words, say why you think your nominee(s) deserves anaward. Tell us their story; whether it be one of tackling the causes of ASB, taking afirm stand against it, or assisting others to adopt pro-social behaviour.

You may include up to a maximum of 2 sheets of A4 double sided testimonials from colleagues, tenants, residents or partners to support your entry.Attach supporting information to entry form.

Please note we are unable to accept DVD’s, YouTube media reports or footage.

Nominations must be received by no later than Friday 2nd September 2016

Post or email your nomination to:-

Sharon Mackley, RESOLVE ASB,

4 Riley Court

Millburn Hill Road

Coventry CV4 7HP


How the awards are made

Judging is carried out by an awards panel. The panel will make the awards based onthe information provided in each of the nominations received.

Three finalists will be shortlisted from each of the four award categories.

Finalists will be notified by Friday 16th September 2016.

Details of the finalists will be published on the RESOLVE website, notified to membersvia our bulletins and featured in Resolution.

Winners will be announced and awards presented at the Conference Dinner on 8th November 2016 at the RESOLVE ASB Annual Conference at the St Johns Hotel, Solihull.

Further advice to entrants

Please remember when submitting your nominations to give as much relevantinformation as concisely as you can. This will enable the judges to fully understandyour nomination, and to assess it fairly against other nominations.

1 Finalists will be asked to provide a series of photographs or images insupport of their entry. This should reach us by no later than Friday 7th October 2016.

2 By entering the awards, entrants give permission for material to be used forpublicity purposes.

3 It shall be the responsibility of entrants to obtain and to retain all necessarypermissions from the subject(s) in any material submitted.

4 The decision of the judges is final and no correspondence will be entered into.

5 RESOLVE ASB will not be responsible for lost, delayed or damaged entries andwill not be in a position to return any nomination or materials submitted.

6 Award winners and finalists may state in marketing material that they are afinalist or a winner, as appropriate.