
Social StudiesMrs. Kind

Review for the Final

Influential People

Ancient China


  • First Grand Emperor
  • Created a single system of writing and money
  • Collected taxes
  • Split empire into 36 provinces
  • Weakened power of nobles by taking away their weapons


  • Chinese philosopher
  • His ideas were called Confucianism
  • Rulers should be fair and just
  • Wanted to bring tradition back to China
  • Respect within the family


  • First strong emperor of Han dynasty
  • Created the Grand School

Ancient Greece


  • Greek writer and poet who wrote Illiad and Odyssey


  • Greek Statesman
  • Made sure the poor as well as rich citizen could take part in government
  • People got salaries to sit on a jury


  • Philosopher who searched for the right way to live
  • Questioned Athenian values
  • Put to death for “urging young people to revolt”


  • Student of Socrates who wrote down all of his teachings


  • Alexander the Great’s teacher who taught him to appreciate Greek culture

Alexander the Great

  • Became king of Macedonia at age twenty
  • Conquered most of the Persian empire
  • Spread Greek culture wherever he conquered

Ancient Rome

Julius Caesar

  • Patrician who declared himself dictator of Rome
  • Commander in the army
  • Governor of Gaul
  • Joined forces with Cleopatra for money to continue fighting
  • Killed by Senate members because he was “destroying Roman traditions”
  • Gave grain to soldiers
  • Gave citizenship to people not born in Rome
  • Changed the way we measure time-July named after him

Augustus Caesar

  • “Honored One”
  • Octavian
  • His rule began Pax Romana
  • Created aqueducts, new roads, census
  • Created a system for police and fire safety


  • Mary’s son who was thought to be Messiah
  • Told simple stories called parables
  • People who followed him were called Christians


  • Leader of the Roman Catholic Church

Ancient Arabia


  • Prophet of Allah
  • Hijra to Medina
  • Holy city is Mecca
  • Followers called Muslims


  • Created the first medical textbook in Arabia

The Middle Ages


  • Charles the Great
  • Leader of the Franks
  • Biggest achievement was when Pope Leo II crowned him emperor
  • Loved learning, horseback riding and archery
  • Spread Christianity

King John I

  • Forced to sign the Magna Carta in 1215
  • Magna Carta limited King’s power
  • Gave right to a fair trial

The Renaissance

Lorenzo Medici

  • Family gained great wealth through banking and trading
  • Some considered Lorenzo a tyrant-unjust ruler
  • He was a patron, or supporter, of the arts
  • Lorenzo paid artist to work in Florence. As a result, Florence became a city of art and learner
  • He became known as “Lorenzo the Magnificent”


  • Italian humanist
  • Studied works from Greece, Rome, and Arabia
  • Poet who loved learning


  • Renaissance artist who used many classical ideas such as balance and form
  • He was a painter, sculptor, and architect
  • Known for his statue of the David and painting the Sistine Chapel in Rome

Leonardo da Vinci

  • He was a scientist, engineer, musician and artist
  • Loved to watch people and birds
  • Painted Mona Lisa
  • Wrote down all of his ideas in a notebook backwards
  • Made sketches of inventions-flying machine

Nicolaus Copernicus

  • Studied books of Greek and Arab astronomy
  • Recorded positions of the stars
  • In 1514, he discovered that the Earth orbited the Sun

The Reformation


  • Humanist who criticized Roman Church
  • Question policy concerning indulgences
  • Wanted to reform the Roman church

Martin Luther

  • German monk who also did not agree with indulgences
  • He felt that the money should not be spent on the building of St. Peter’s Cathedral
  • In 1517, Luther wrote 95 Theses, or statements of protests and put it on the Wittenberg Church door
  • His protest started a movement called The Reformation (change)
  • This protest also lead to another division of Christianity
  • Luther’s followers became known as Protestants
  • Thought convents and monasteries were unnecessary
  • Thought church decorations and services should be simpler

Johannes Gutenberg

  • In 1448 he built a printing press
  • The printing press made writing easier, cheaper, and faster
  • Printing press helped spread Luther’s criticism of Roman Church and a translation of the Bible

King Henry VIII

  • Brought religious change to England
  • Built a strong monarchy
  • At first supported Roman Church, but when the Pope did not grant him a divorce, he stopped supporting Roman Church and began supporting Protestant Church

Queen Elizabeth I

  • King Henry VIII’s daughter
  • One of the most popular monarchs in England
  • Renaissance arrived in England during her rule
  • Religious conflicts cooled
  • She enjoyed poetry and plays
  • Supported work of William Shakespeare-actor poet and playwright
  • During his rule, Spain wanted to gain control over Atlantic trade routes and wanted England to support Catholicism once again
  • Under King Phillip II, Spain gathered an armada of 130 warships to attack England
  • After 9 day, England defeated Spain with only 90 ships
  • As a result, England became one of the greatest naval powers in the world


  • Italian astronomer, mathematician, and physicist
  • His telescopes proved that the sun is the center of the solar system