HPS Hamtramck Public Schools Minutes of Regular Meeting

Board of Education Wednesday, January 12, 2011



The Regular Meeting of the Board of Education of the School District of the City of Hamtramck, Wayne County, Michigan, was held on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 6:00 p.m. in the Administration Building, 3201 Roosevelt, Hamtramck, MI 48212.

The meeting was called to order by President Zwolak at 6:02 p.m.

Present: Members Walters, Myrick, Shulgon, Zwolak, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Absent: None


Motion by Member Borushko

Seconded by Member Zwolak

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education accepts and approves the Agenda, with any additions and deletions.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Shulgon, Zwolak, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None



Letter from Mr. Chris Wigent dated January 3, 2011(read by Member Shulgon)



Motion by Member Walters

Seconded by Member Balcerzak

RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education approves the following items under the Consent Agenda:

a.  Approval of Minutes from:

1.  December 8, 2010 Special Meeting

2.  December 8, 2010 Regular Meeting

b.  Approval of Employment – Employment of Johnquel Bannerman, resident of Hamtramck, as an Aide for the Recreation Program, $7.50 per hour, max of 35 hrs per week, effective January 13, 2011.

c.  Tenure – Approval of Teacher Tenure for Brooke Horzelski-Jones, Preschool Teacher at ECE, effective January 12, 2011.

d.  Remove from Employment – Remove Raymond Olko from employment as a Substitute Custodian for the Building & Grounds Department, effective immediately (employee resigned).

e.  Approval of Leave – Approval of 12 week FMLA Leave for Sara Cavataio, Reading Teacher at Kosciuszko Middle School effective February 12, 2011 or upon the birth of her child.

f.  Approval of Employment – Employment of Salima Rahim, resident of Hamtramck, as a Title I ELL Paraprofessional at Kosciuszko Middle School, $11.00 per hour, max of 35 hours per week, effective January 18, 2011.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Shulgon, Zwolak, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None



A.  Superintendent of Schools

Lego Presentation – Mr, Michael Dobbyn had several of his students who were on the Lego Team present to briefly discuss their last competition. They received a trophy for their professionalism during the event. Mr. Dobbyn also received an award for coach of the year.

KMS Strings – Mr. Tim Brennan was accompanied by his students to play a few songs for the Board and audience. The students are progressing and doing extremely well.

LINC Services – Kelly Thomas and Bill Mauer were present from LINC Services. They gave a power point presentation regarding their program and what the benefits to the District could be.

RTI-School Improvement Conference – Ms. Sharalene Charns and Denise Litterio gave a report on the conference they attended regarding RTI. A power point presentation was also used.

Mr. Pitts was present on behalf of Dickinson West. He informed the Board that they received a certificate from MDE regarding making AYP. He also introduced several of his students who were part of the National Elementary Honor Society.

People’s State Bank – Mr. Glenn Pasternak gave a brief update regarding the ratings that People’s State Bank had been receiving recently. It is his recommendation that the District transfer accounts from People’s State Bank to banks that are more financially stable. There may be a risk continuing to bank at an institution that is having problems.

Laticia Ogletree – Mr. Niczay has a certificate to present to Ms. Ogletree for her generous donation made to the High School. Unfortunately Ms. Ogletree was not able to attend the meeting.


General Fund

Board Report

January 12, 2011

Attached hereto is a listing of invoices and checks now due for supplies, materials, equipment or services delivered or rendered to the School District. These invoices and checks represent purchases made or services ordered upon approved resolutions of the Board of Education for the current fiscal year. Where required or when possible, competitive prices have been obtained prior to placing orders, and where quality specifications permitted, purchases were made or services obtained at the lowest price quoted.

Invoices examined and recommended for approval by the Board of Education.

Thomas Niczay

Superintendent of Schools

Approval of Invoices and Check Register

Motion by Member Balcerzak

Seconded by Member Walters

RESOLVED, that the Check Register for the period December 9, 2010 through January 12, 2011 as enclosed, be approved.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Zwolak, Shulgon, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None


Approval of Employment

Motion by Member Myrick

Seconded by Member Walters

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education does hereby approve the employment of Gerald Gresham, Math Teacher at Hamtramck High School, step 0 for a Bachelor’s Degree, effective January 10, 2011.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Zwolak, Shulgon, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None


Approval of Contract

Motion by Member Borushko

Seconded by Member Walters

RESOLVED, that the Board of Education does hereby approve the contract with Children’s Hospital of Michigan for providing services to the School Based Health Clinic for the 2010-2011 school year. Total amount not to exceed $99,119.00

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Zwolak, Shulgon, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None



Mrs. Myrick reminded everyone that the Martin Luther King Jr. prayer breakfast would be held on Monday, January 17, 2011 at 9:00 a.m. at the Hamtramck High School Community Center. Tickets are still available and everyone is invited.


Motion by Member Balcerzak

Seconded by Member Walters

RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education go into Closed Session for discussion of the following items:

Student Expulsion Hearings

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Shulgon, Zwolak, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None


The meeting went into Closed Session at 7:39 p.m.


Motion by Member Borushko

Seconded by Member Walters

RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education resumes in Open Session.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Zwolak, Shulgon, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None


The meeting resumed in Open Session at 8:22 p.m.

Expulsion of Student #70015242

This hearing is being postponed until further information can be gathered relating to the incident.

Expulsion of Student #70010347

Motion by Member Balcerzak

Seconded by Member Borushko

RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education does hereby permanently expel Student #70010347 from attending Hamtramck Public Schools.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Zwolak, Shulgon, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None


Expulsion of Student #70011146

Motion by Member Walters

Seconded by Member Shulgon

RESOLVED, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent of Schools, that the Board of Education does hereby permanently expel Student #70011146 from attending Hamtramck Public Schools.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Zwolak, Shulgon, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None



Motion by Member Borushko

Seconded by Member Walters

RESOLVED, that the Meeting be adjourned.

Ayes: Members Walters, Myrick, Shulgon, Zwolak, Borushko, Puchalski and Balcerzak

Nays: None

Absent: None


The Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,


Hedy Shulgon, Secretary

Approved by: ______

Elizabeth A. Zwolak, President