Educational Master Plan 2002-2008
“A Vision for Student Success”
Implementation Grid
GOAL 1 / PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT / Develop and deliver instructional courses and programs tailored to meet the needs of our prime constituenciesEvaluation of Progress / Activities / Strategic priority / Implementation Responsibility / Timeline to Completion / Self-Assessment Measures / Monitoring Oversight
+ / 1.1 / Strengthen the program review process so that it becomes the recognized tool of academic planning / 1 / EPC / On-going / Program Review
Completions &
Recommendations / Senate
Comment: EPC has a good, working system in place using the Program Review as the basis for Departmental program development, budget needs, hiring purposes. EPC voted and Senate and SGC approved purchasing an on-line program review system to facilitate the whole Program Review process, making it user and evaluator friendly and easier to refer to. Needs to be purchased and put into action. (7/07)
+ / 1.2 / Strengthen the already institutionalized program viability process so that it becomes a recognized tool for making decisions and taking action / 1 / EPC / On-going / Program Viability
Studies / Senate
Comment: EPC continues to do viability studies on disciplines when necessary and make recommendations to the Senate. EPC systematically follows up on the implementation of recommendations.(7/07)
+ / 1.3 / Consider the establishment of new programs in the following areas (TBD based on Section III) / 1 / EPC / 2002-2003
On-going / New Program
Recommendations / EPC
Comment: Nursing, Work Force Center, Career ladder, personal trainer, Korean AA degree, paralegal, Accelerated College Transfer, Child Development AA to BA, Dental Tech Advanced Prosthodontics – all of these programs have been developed, are in progress or are beginning to come together.
-- / 1.4 / Explore the development of new interdisciplinary courses and programs / 1 / Curriculum
Committee / 2002-2004 / New Courses &
Programs / EPC
Comment: Some Departments have collaborated to develop interdisciplinary courses: Child Development and Music, English and Music. CSIT, Cinema, Photo, Theater and Music are developing a new interdepartmental multimedia program.
-- / 1.5 / Create more productive curricular bridges between liberal arts, basic skills, and vocational instruction / 1 / Curriculum
Committee / 2002-2004 / New Courses &
Programs / Curr.Dean/
Acad Affairs
Comment: Career Ladder programs linking non credit and credit courses have been developed. Has not yet happened with credit courses.
-- / 1.6 / Establish professional/community advisory boards in every department / 3 / Department
Chairs Council / 2002-2004 / Annual Meetings/
Follow-up Rec / IDWG Dean
Comment: Voc Ed departments have advisory boards. Unclear whether or not any academic programs have advisory boards.
-- / 1.7 / Explore ways to provide students with the shortest distance and time to achieve their educational goals, including creating a “transfer-ready degree” / 4 / Counseling / 2002-2004 / Degree Program / Exec.Dean/
Dean, Retention; Curr. Dean/
Acad Affairs
Comment: Counseling develops SEPs with students, and Action Plan-It has been purchased and implemented to enhance this process. No work to date on creating a “transfer-ready degree” aside from the AA.
+ / 1.8 / Coordinate academic planning processes (position prioritization, instructional equipment, hours of instruction) with the college-wide budget/planning process / 7 / EPC / 2002-2003 / Analysis of budget
Planning process / Shared
Comment: This is being accomplished through integration of schedule preparation, Annual Unit Plans, Biennial Review and Six Year Program Review.
GOAL 2 / ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE / Enhance the quality of teaching (pedagogy) in all academic programs to help students achieve their personal educational goals
Evaluation of Progress / Activities / Strategic priority / Implementation Responsibility / Timeline to Completion / Self-Assessment Measures / Monitoring Oversight
-- / 2.1 / Coordinate course content and student performance expectations with both feeder and receiving institutions / 1 / Curriculum
Committee & Dept Chairs / 2003-2005 / Articulation
Agreements / IDWG Dean
Comment: Nothing has been done with regard to working with high schools in terms of curriculum. The Child Development Department is working on an AA to BA program; the Child Development degree program is fully articulated with 4-year colleges. [Note – Advisory committees would help with this issue.]
-- / 2.2 / Explore best practices in teaching at LACC and at other colleges (including collaborative learning, critical thinking, and electronic instruction pedagogies) and using them as the basis for professional development activities / 1 / Staff
Committee / 2002-2003 / Workshops/
Activities / Senate
Comment: The districtwide Student Success Initiative (SSI) as well as the Basic Skills Assessment Tool (BSSA) have addressed best practices; these will be incorporated into Staff Development activities next year and beyond, but have not been a major part of Staff Development activities in the recent past.
+ / 2.3 / Initiate a serious, sustained faculty-led discussion on the issue of academic outcomes assessment / 1 / Senate / 2002-2003 / Academic Outcomes Task Force / Senate Exec
SLO Coord.
Comment: Campuswide discussions of SLOs began in 2004 and included significant numbers of faculty and students; regular reports have been made to the Ed Planning Committee, the Academic Senate, the Curriculum Committee, the Department Chairs’ Council, and the Shared Governance Committee. A series of workshops is offered on a regular basis to assist faculty in identifying and assessing SLOs. More than half of the currently offered courses have identified SLOs although none of the identified SLOs has yet been assessed. Software to manage assessment data, eLumen, has been purchased based on input from faculty, and implementation and training are scheduled to begin in July.
-- / 2.4 / Research the causes of unsuccessful student outcomes and designing and implementing early intervention strategies to improve student success / 4 / Matriculation / 2002-2004 / Strategies
Implementation / VP/Acad Affairs,
VP/Std Srvc
Comment: Little has been done so far, but the SSI and BSSA are expected to provide significant impetus in this area. The Chemistry Department is beginning to implement the use of a Chemistry placement test. A software to assist with the development of student education plans (SEPs), Action Plan-It, has been purchased and is now in use by the Counseling Department.
+/- / 2.5 / Validate the cut-off scores for all proficiency & placement examinations and bringing them into line with those of comparable institutions / 4 / Matriculation / 2002-2003 / Assessment
Results / Academic
Comment: The English and ESL Essay Placement Tests have been re-validated, and they continue to be included in the State Chancellor’s list of approved assessment instruments. Cut scores for placement into both English and Math courses have been studied and adjusted as needed over the years.
/ 2.6 / Expand faculty/student opportunities for collaboration that support academic activities (mentoring, internships, clubs)
- Faculty-Faculty
- Faculty-Student
Student Activities / 2002-2004 / Mentoring
Internships / VP/Acad Affairs,
VP/Std Srvc
Comment: The focus of the Book Program in Spring 2007 was on mentoring; SI has been expanded somewhat; there is still no location on campus where students and faculty can gather socially. Other campus-wide activities provide opportunities for faculty-student interaction: Constitution Day, Foreign Language Day. Other activities foster faculty-faculty interaction: brown bag lunches, NewFacultyAcademy. A new club, the Anthropology Club, was started in 2006(?). The programs are doing OK, but there are not locations where students and faculty can gather.
-- / 2.7 / Develop a DepartmentChairAcademy that will help Chairs develop techniques for assuring that individual sections are taught in compliance with the course outline of record, for promoting effective syllabus design, and for monitoring instructor grading practices / 5 / Staff
Committee / 2002-2004 / Academy / President
IDWG Deans
Comment: The DepartmentChairAcademy (Workshop) has been established but focuses more on other issues.
-- / 2.8 / Expand the pilot program of pre- and co-requisite enforcement college-wide to guarantee that students are prepared to succeed in their courses / Matric Advisory
Com / VP/Std Srvcs
Comment: The enforcement of pre-requisites was begun with 4 departments (English/ESL, Math, Child Development, and Cinema/TV) and later expanded to include Chemistry.
GOAL 3 / INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT / Integrate educational technologies with classroom instruction across the curriculum
Evaluation of Progress / Activities / Strategic priority / Implementation Responsibility / Timeline to Completion / Self-Assessment Measures / Monitoring Oversight
+ / 3.1 / Offer faculty enhanced opportunities for learning about how to use computer-assisted instructional technologies / 1 / Teaching/
LearningCenter / 2002-2003 / Workshops / Senate/IT Sub
Comment: The main area for faculty learning is in the Teaching Learning Center (TLC). FLEX activities for faculty are offered through the TLC. Recent sessions have included training on Etudes, PowerPoint, moodle, podcasting, and @one. Faculty have the opportunity to participate in off-campus training sessions, with partial financial support coming from Staff Development.
The Instructional Technology Committee (ITC), a subcommittee of the Educational Planning Committee (EPC), has six goals as part of the IT Master Plan. Several of them relate to faculty learning about how to use computer-assisted instructional technologies:
- Goal 3.5 of the ITC Master Plan is to work within departments to communicate the various forms of technology that are available to them.
- Goal 3.8 of the ITC Master Plan is to provide training on newly-adopted applications and systems such as Etudes course management system, eRPA/PCS and SAP.
- Goal 4.3 of the ITC Master Plan is to sustain efforts campus-wide (TLC, library, dept labs) to identify and promote key resources across the curriculum. Assist faculty to utilize available resources in their courses.
- Goal 4.5 of the ITC Master Plan is to enhance efforts to coordinate software and instructional, library and multimedia resources to support teaching, learning and instruction.
+ / 3.2 / Strengthen the role of the TeachingLearningCenter in assisting faculty to explore varied delivery strategies and incorporate technology in the classroom / 1 / Instructional
Sub., Teaching/ LearningCenter / 2002-2004 / Workshops / Senate/IT Sub
Comment: A permanent director of the TeachingLearningCenter was hired in Fall 2003. FLEX activities for faculty are offered through the TLC (see above). The TLC has assumed the responsibility of directing distance-learning efforts for the campus.
-- / 3.3 / Define the role of distance education for the college / 1 / Instructional
Subcommittee / 2002-2003 / Policy Development / Senate/EPC
Comment: The role of distance education has not been clearly defined on campus. Departments who choose to offer online classes can do so with guidance from the Deans and technical help from the TLC, which has assumed the responsibility of directing distance-learning efforts for the campus. The curriculum process for online classes has been standardized and the logistics of creating classes and getting faculty paid properly have been worked out. Most online courses are hybrid. The number of online classes offered at LACC increases each year, with CAOT, CSIT, Social Science, English, Math and Nursing leading the way. The school will offer 31 online classes in Fall 2007. There is a district-wide Distance Ed Committee that reports to the District VP Council. The State Chancellor’s Office will soon mandate that we need to offer a minimum of 10% of our classes online, with accreditation perhaps recommending an increase to 20%.
-- / 3.4 / Create an administrative structure that gives priority to technological support of the college’s educational programs / 7 / Instructional
Subcommittee / 2002-2003 / Policy
Development / President
Comment: The ITC reports to EPC, which reports to the Academic Senate. The annual unit plan process allows for IT to request funds to attain its Master Plan goals. The annual unit plan process also allows individual departments to request funds (through Program 100, VTEA, SIEF, or other special funds) for instructional equipment. The annual unit plan budget prioritization process does not place IT as a “priority” over other requests; it is considered in the same manner as all other requests.
- Goal 1.1 of the IT Master Plan is to coordinate strategic planning, development of instructional technology policies, and management of information resources within the organizational structure of the campus and develop clear lines of accountability for technology support. This is reviewed every year
- Goal 1.2 of the IT Master Plan is to promote the active dialog concerning IT decisions in resources, policy and training among administrative and academic departments, the IT subcommittee and the EPC. This goal is reviewed every year.
-- / 3.5 / Implement an effective system of instructional laboratory support and management
- computer technologies
- non-computer technologies
- assistive technologies
IDWG Deans / On-going / Policy
Development / VP/Acad Affairs
Comment: The All-College Lab is supported by Instructional Assistants (IAs) who report directly to IT. Departments with specialized labs use these IAs or hire their own IAs. Coverage is difficult with the current number of IAs on campus. Support seems to be fragmented college-wide. The suggestion is to change the current model so IAs could do more than just oversee the labs, rather they should also provide support to Departments. This item is similar to 4.5.
/ 3.6 / Maintain state-of-the-art equipment and programming for career education / 7 / Dept. Chair,
IDWG Dean / On-going / Departmental Program Review / VP/Acad Affairs
Comment: The annual unit plan process is in place to provide funds for vocational programs. Several individual departments are not getting the funds they need to acquire state-of-the-art equipment, which negatively impacts the students. For example, CSIT’s oscilloscopes, PLCs, software for databases and networks are not current. Vocational departments meet with their Advisory Committees yearly to review programs and recommendappropriate coursesandequipment.
- Goal 2.2 of the ITC Master Plan is to establish a 3-year acquisition and replacement cycle for hardware, and goal 2.3 of the ITC Master Plan is to coordinate usage of site licensing process in procuring, updating and distributing educational software. These goals are coordinated annually with the budget process.
3.7 / Ensure that campus computer facilities conform to the legal standards for assistive technologies for students with special needs. / 1 / Dept Chair,
IDWG Dean / On-going / Instructional Technology Master Plan / VP/Admin
-- / Comment: The High Tech Center (in the OSS lab) and All-College Computer Lab have a few stations set up for disabled students. The Math Department has 1-2 stations per lab set up for disabled students.
- Goal 2.4 of the ITC Master Plan is to continue to acquire and install assistive technology in computer labs to meet federal ADA guidelines of 10% availability in each facility. Currently we are 30% towards this goal.
GOAL 4 / INSTRUCTIONAL SUPPORT / Coordinate instructional support for the classroom with construction and renovation
Evaluation of Progress / Activities / Strategic priority / Implementation Responsibility / Timeline to Completion / Self-Assessment Measures / Monitoring Oversight
/ 4.1 / Realign Interdepartmental Work Groups to increase administrative and staff support for departments / 1 / Dept Chairs,
IDWG Deans / 2002-2003 / New IDWG
Structure / VP/Acad Affairs, Senate/EPC
Comment: Done
/ 4.2 / Review departmental adjacencies to enhance effectiveness and create synergistic relationships / 1 / Dept. Chairs,
IDWG Deans / 2002-2003 / Policy
Development / VP/Acad Affairs
Comment: Evolving process as renovations and construction of new buildings is completed.
/ 4.3 / Select new technologies and introducing them into new and renovated facilities to enhance instructional support / 1 / Dept. Chairs / On-going / Committee
Recommendations / IDWG Deans
Comment: Improvements include the following:
- Email and Office software available to all faculty; faculty information system—enrollment, exclusion, rosters, grades; improved web site, online course management system—etudes (easy to use distance education software) and etudes-ng, Moodle for course management.
- Classroom improvements: FH 115 Architecture Program Graphic Lab; DH 114 and DH 115 new fumes hoods for (filter for ink) Art Department ; DH 311 Foreign Language Lab; Bungalow B A; B 2C 7 and 7A CDD nursing lab, computer lab and two interactive classrooms (for Workforce Education); Cafeteria added 2 labs C NA Nursing Lab; computer lab; Chemistry Basement Room 11 (Community Services Computer Lab); Community Bldg 228, Computer lab; JH 102 floors, walls prepared for making it a smart classroom. Assessment center in library; HH 101, new Computer Lab for Psychology Department; Speech lab
- Improved technology in completing PCR (ESC), reviewing Schedule of Classes page proofs using Word; SARS for calling and email contact with students.
- Upgraded fiber optic line DS-3 line (2003)
- Student services for counselors: technology improved ed master plan (Action Plan It; SAP for email and phones); online registration
-- / 4.4 / Provide more direct support to departments / 7 / IDWG Deans / On-going / Acad Affairs Adm
Program Review / VP/Acad Affairs
Comment: Fewer technicians available in 2007 than in 2002; below recommended state standard technicians per node; recommended number of technical support personnel for our population and number of computers is 60; LACC current technology support personnel is 29.4. Dean retired and position was filled with classified position in 2004.
-- / 4.5 / Coordinate instructional laboratories to maximize space utilization, conserve costs, and enhance student success / 7 / User Groups / 2002-2003 / Committee
Recommendations / Prop A Advisory Com
Comment: New labs have been made available but little or no coordination between departments. Study by Staff Development recommended that this be done; Many labs are not being fully utilized. (HH lab)
Library is being built and computer lab is included in the plans.
FH Smart Classroom
This item is similar to 3.5.
-- / 4.6 / Maintain the physical environment (classrooms, sanitation, grounds) to support the educational program / 2 / Facilities Mgr / On-going / VP/Adm Srvc,