The regular meeting of the Glendive City Council was held Tuesday, August 15, 2017. Mayor Jerry Jimison called the meeting to order with the following Council members present: Avis Anderson, Doug Baker, Leon Baker, Rhett Coon, Mike Dryden, Betsey Hedrick, Clyde Mitchell and Gerald Reichert. Department heads present included: Brad Mitchell, Jack Rice, Kevin Dorwart, George Lane. Dean Svenvold was absent.
Mayor Jimison opened the Council meeting at 7:00 p.m. and recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
L. Baker moved to approve the minutes of the August 1, 2017 regular Council meeting; second by Coon and the motion carried, with Hedrick abstaining.
Committee Minutes
Street Committee
Tuesday August 8, 2017, 4:00 pm Glendive City Hall Council Room
Present: Gerald Reichert, Kevin Dorwart, Jerry Jimison, Rhett Coon, Jack Rice, Jordan Mayer and Ranger Review.
Agenda Items:
1) No agenda items to consider. Public comment was asked for and none was given.
Adjourned 4:03 pm, Gerald Reichert
FUPR Committee Meeting
Tuesday, August 8, 2017 – 4:03pm
Present: Mayor Jerry Jimison, Gerald Reichert, Rhett Coon, - Same from Street Committee.
1. Contract Amendment – DOWL Engineering
Kevin Dorwart brought forward a contract amendment with DOWL Engineering for the Meade Ave Project for continuing inspection services. The amendment is not to exceed $31,650. FUPR previously gave temp approval for up to $10,000 for extra inspection.
· Committee Recommends Approving.
2. Schedule I – Sidewalk/Curb-Gutter Program
Dorwart and Jack Rice brought forward continuing information on the sidewalk/curb-gutter program. Timing is an issue. Per Bid opening, we have until Sept 15th to sign a contract with the general contractor. But yet we need to give residence 30 days notice for them to decide if they want to be a part of the program with associated costs. Along with the timing issue, we need to decide if the City is going to force landowners to comply with new SW or CG in schedule I. Most of the participants in schedule I are either the City, County, or State and all have approved. The few commercial and private land owners that are a part of Sched I, we recommend enforcing compliance.
· Coon and Reichert approve enforcement for Schedule I
3. Schedule II – Sidewalk/Curb-Gutter Program
The same issues present itself for Schedule II, however, we have approx. a week longer to decide on enforcement. Sched II has a higher percentage of residence that may not want to incur the costs.
4. Change Order – Western Municipal – Meade Ave Project.
A. Western Municipal has informed DOWL that there are multiple soft spots in the sub-base of Meade Ave. These will need to be repaired and WM is working with DOWL to present CO costs to the City.
· FYI.
B. Western Municipal found an old concrete storm culvert while installing the new water line. They had to go through then, with no time to stop for the change order process. Discussions with the contractor, engineer, and the City, we believe the costs should be between %41500 and $2600.
5. City of Glendive – Deer Management Hunt
It is time once again to approve or deny the City deer management hunt for fall/winter. Mayor Jimison gave testimony that the program has been working as deer altercations and numbers are down since we first introduced the program and harvest numbers have decreased as well.
· Committee Recommends Approving.
6. Our Park – Fundraiser
Mason Hutchinson sent a letter to the Mayor requesting to hold a fundraiser in Our Park on August 24 from 7-9 pm. The event is to raise money for an orphanage in Uganda, Africa. The Kiwanis will be grilling food for the event and all proceeds will go to the orphanage.
· Committee Recommends Approving.
7. Proposals for City Election
LeAnne Cantrell is requesting a decision for the upcoming election for the City of Glendive. The question is whether to have mail in ballot or polling balloting. Everyone in attendance agreed that voting is a privilege and should make the effort for a poll election.
· Committee Recommends Approval of a Poll Election.
8. City of Glendive – Surplus Property
Mayor Jimison informed the committee that all of the department heads have expressed that they have surplus property. Therefor we recommend that we combine the surplus fire truck along with all other dept. surplus items, once they are declared, assembled, and ready and auction them off at the same time. The county is looking into a possible surplus auction as well and may look into online auctions.
· FYI.
9. City Tennis Courts
Paula Marx and Paul Hopfauf brought a request for additional City funding for the tennis court repairs. The group had hoped to get the project completed last year but was unable to. The additional year has added more deterioration and expense. The Tennis Association has enough to cover most of the costs, however, needed an additional $5000 for the repairs. The City had budgeted approx. $16,357 last year for repairs and has actually already budgeted the additional $5000 this year.
· Committee Recommends Approving.
The Committee went into closed session for a personnel matter. No action.
Public Comment – None
Adjourned 3:40pm - Concludes report. Rhett Coon, Councilman W4
Derek Gibbs, who has been program director at Watch East for the past year, provided some history and provided updates to the council on the current Watch East events.
Mayor Jimison asked twice there was no public comment.
Approve hiring Erin Metcalfe as full-time dispatcher effective 8/16/17. Mitchell moved to approve hiring Erin Metcalfe as full-time dispatcher effective 8/16/17, second by D. Baker and the motion carried.
Approve contract amendment #3 with Dowl Engineering in the amount of $31,650.00. Coon moved to approve the contract amendment #3 with Dowl Engineering in the amount of $31,650.00, second by Dryden and the motion carried.
Approve deer management hunt in City limits from 9/9/17 thru 2/15/18. L. Baker moved to approve the deer management hunt in City limits from 9/9/17 thru 2/15/18, second by Anderson and the motion carried.
Approve request from Mason Hutchinson for use of Our Park on 8/24/17 for orphanage fundraiser 7-9pm. D. Baker moved to approve the deer management hunt in City limits from 9/9/17 thru 2/15/18, second by L. Baker and the motion carried.
Approve additional $5,000.00 for repair work at JC West Park tennis courts. Anderson moved to approve an additional $5,000.00 for repair work at JC West Park tennis courts, second by D. Baker and the motion carried.
Approve poll election option for Glendive Municipal Election on 11/7/17. Mitchell moved to approve a poll election for Glendive Municipal Election on 11/7/17, second by Hedrick and the motion carried.
Award bid for Schedule 1 of City of Glendive curb, gutter and sidewalk program. Coon moved to approve awarding the bid for Schedule 1 of City of Glendive curb, gutter and sidewalk program, second by Hedrick and the motion carried.
Permission to bid financing for curb, sidewalk and gutter schedule 1 and schedule 2. Coon moved to approve bid financing for curb, sidewalk and gutter schedule 1 and schedule 2, second by Dryden and the motion carried.
Approve change order for Western Municipal Contracting to repair soil conditions on Meade Ave. cost of $28,380.00. Coon moved to approve a change order for Western Municipal Contracting to repair soil conditions on Meade Avenue, second by Anderson and the motion carried.
Accounts Payable Claims: $436,890.03. Hedrick moved to approve the accounts payable for: $436,890.03; second by Reichert and the motion passed.
Police- Chief Brad Mitchell thanked the Council for the approval in hiring the new dispatcher. They have received the new car from Utah at no expense to the City. The new car is a 2014 Dodge Charger. Julie and some officers are on vacation so the remaining crew is busy covering shifts.
Operations- Kevin Dorwart has been working on WWTP issues, budgets and the curb/sidewalk project.
Public Works- Jack Rice stated he is currently busy with the curb, sidewalk and gutter and Meade Avenue water projects. They made the final house connection today. Tomorrow they will work on the street portion. The crew took care of some weed removal at Barry Underpass that BNSF has failed to maintain this summer. The crew will also begin painting the crosswalks and curbs before school starts.
Fire- George Lane said the fire department assisted West Glendive Fire with a fire on Airport Road. Emergency Apparatus Maintenance is here today inspecting and testing the firetrucks and equipment. He also wanted to remind everyone that we are still under fire restriction and there is no open burning at this time.
Congratulations- Dawson County Fair
August 19-Board Fest-JC West Park
August 23- first day of school
August 26-Badlands Bash-Retro Theatre 10am
August 31-September 3-DCHS all class reunion
September 3-Soap box derby race- Eyer Park
Ordinance Committee-Monday, August 21-4pm
Personnel Committee- Monday, August 21-4:15pm
Street Committee-Wednesday, August 30-4pm
F/U/P/R Committee- Wednesday, August 30-4:15pm
City Court July 2017
D. Baker made a motion to adjourn the meeting; second by Mitchell and the meeting was adjourned at 8:15.
The Council then met in a closed session after the meeting.
Dated this 15th day of August, 2017.
Approved the 5th day of September, 2017.
Jerry Jimison, Mayor
Jessica Ayre, Administrative Clerk