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The regular August Meeting of Borough Council was conducted on Wednesday, August 4, 2010 7:09 P.M. The Meeting was held in Borough Council Chambers, 2nd Floor, 304 South State Street, Borough of Clarks Summit, County of Lackawanna and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Council members in attendance were President Gerri Carey, Mrs. Barbara Evans, Solicitor Patrick Rogan, Ms. Virginia Kehoe, Mrs. Barbara R. Grabfelder, Mayor Harry Kelly, Chief Louis Vitale, Mrs. Kathy Drake, and Mr. Herman Johnson. Mr. Roy Davis arrived at 7:07 P.M. Mr. Patrick Williams was absent. The Meeting was called to order by Council President, followed by a brief period of self-directed meditation and then the Pledge of Allegiance led by Mayor Harry Kelly.

CALL TO ORDER:President Carey



PRESENTATION BY BILL FRYE Mr. Bill Frye came before Council to ask for sponsorship on sessions about water conservation. He runs a musical program that educates children and their parents on the importance of water, where water comes from, and water conservation. He gave a performance to Council after explaining an overview of his program. Mr. Bill Frye was looking for schools, libraries, or any educational venues the Borough could provide. Ms. Virginia Kehoe asked what kind of sponsorship would be needed to in order for Mr. Bill Frye to put on these presentations. Mr. Bill Frye responded that it would cost $600 for three 45 minute sessions. He stated that if he could go to libraries and churches, stating that he had funding from the Borough, then he would be able to simply just set dates to run the programs.

PRESENTATION BY JANE OSWALD – AMERICAN CANCER INSTITUTEMs. Jane Oswald came before Council to present the signs that would be put up as a result of Council’s vote to ban smoking in our public parks. The signs came from Partnership for a Tobacco Free Northeast. She felt these signs would help parents police other parents. President Gerri Carey thanked Jane Oswald for attending and for all her hard work with this project.

PROCLAMATION FOR JAMIE KRESGEMayor Harry Kelly made a proclamation honoring Jamie Kresge, making August 4, 2010 Jamie Kresge Day in the Borough of Clarks Summit. In 1998, Jamie Kresge volunteered his time and was appointed by Council to represent the Borough of Clarks Summit Zoning Board. Jamie acted as judge and jury, deciding the most appropriate application of the law with regard to each separate hearing. Council wished to thank Jamie Kresge for all his work and dedication.

  1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA:Mrs. Kathy Drake made a motion to approve the agenda. Mr. Herman Johnson seconded the motion and it carried 7-0.
  1. PUBLIC COMMENT & INPUT:Ed Slowie, representing David Howell, came before Council to address the Jake brakes and truck traffic situation. He found that on Fridays and Sundays was when they were most disruptive, usually during a time when property owners were sleeping. These trucks had been posing a dangerous threat to pedestrians in the crosswalk. He felt we should put up signs at each end of town that says fines are doubled. He felt this would help alleviate the problem.
  • Award bids for Tractor, Scooter, EMA vehicle

Ms. Virginia Kehoe presented the bids for the tractor, scooter, and EMA vehicle. Walter Peck of Moosic bid $150.00 for the scooter. Mr. Herman Johnson made a motion to accept the bid. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Kathy Drake and it carried 7-0. Matthew Louis made a bid of $285.00 for the tractor. Mr. Herman Johnson made a motion to accept that bid. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Barbara Grabfelder and it carried 7-0. Bayridge Motors made a bid for the EMA vehicle for $325.00. Mr. Herman Johnson made a motion to accept the bid. Mr. Roy Davis seconded the motion and it carried 7-0.

  1. BOROUGH TREASURER’S REPORTMrs. Kathy Drake made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report. Mr. Herman Johnson seconded the motion and it carried 7-0.
  • Finance Committee – vote – acknowledgement of Lori Harris “acting CEO”Council tabled this discussion until after an executive session later in the meeting.
  • Personnel Committee – vote – part-time DPW & secretaryAfter conducting interviews, Ms. Virginia Kehoe provided Council with copies of the resumes of the candidates she felt were best for the positions. Mr. Herman Johnson made a motion to accept the recommendations. Mrs. Barbara Grabfelder seconded the motion and it carried 7-0.
  • Zoning Hearing Board – vote- new alternate- tabled
  • Planning Commission – vote Health Network Labs conditional useMrs. Barbara Evans made a motion to accept the conditional use. Mrs. Kathy Drake seconded the motion and it carried 7-0.

7.POLICE REPORT:Mr. Herman Johnson suggested that we look into our reserves and see if there is any money set aside for a new police vehicle. He felt it was a safety issue. It was questioned what the status was on curfew for children in the Borough. Chief Louis Vitale stated that he didn’t feel that any of the recent thefts had a relation to the curfew. It was then asked when the best time to get a new police vehicle would be and Chief Louis Vitale responded that fall would be the best time to purchase one.

  • Update on Taser Policy The policy was to be forwarded to Mr. Patrick Rogan. Mr. Roy Davis asked if the police had been able to filter in their research on tasers into the taser policy. He felt that information would be good for Council to be aware of. He was told that information is usually confidential, but that he’d be sent all the information they could provide.

8. VENDOR PAYMENTS TO BE RATIFIED:Mr. Roy Davis made a motion ratify the vendor payments. Mrs. Barbara Grabfelder seconded the motion and it carried 7-0.

9. OLD BUSINESS:There was no old business to discuss at this meeting.

10. NEW BUSINESS:There was no new business to discuss at this meeting.


  • July
  • August

Mr. Herman Johnson made a motion to accept the Borough sewer office report for the months of July and August. Mrs. Kathy Drake seconded the motion and it carried 7-0.


  • Update on Lyon propertySolicitor Rogan stated that the investigation on this property was because this property was subdivided prior to the Zoning Ordinance. The research on that and its legal issues was presented to Council.
  • Update on centennial small games of chanceState law provided that a local auction would have to be performed by the municipality. They would have to do that not by resolution, but by guessing. It would have to be on a ballot in order for it to be determined if the municipality would be able to participate in games of chance. The County treasurer’s office said we would have to submit an application to them to determine whether or not we qualify under the state Act. This had become a state issue to prevent organized criminal activity. Solicitor Rogan suggested that we put an application together through Ms. Virginia Kehoe.


  • Raymond Davis – police reportingMs. Virginia Kehoe explained that Mr. Raymond Davis had requested that this be put on the agenda in May. He hadn’t made an appearance since then. It was then decided that it be taken off the agenda until Mr. Raymond Davis was heard from again.
  • Phil Cable – requestMr. Phil Cable was requesting to waive the additional expenses from the bike race. It was coincidental that the DPW workers were working, because they were enhancing the police staff. It was questioned whether or not there was a specific requirement for the people who were asked to staff those intersections to have knowledge or training to man that intersection. It was answered that there is no specific criteria required. Part of this problem was the short notice. Mr. Herman Johnson felt that we should ask our insurance carrier if an untrained individual would be covered or not. Mrs. Barbara Grabfelder made a motion for the Borough to pay the remaining costs. Mrs. Barbara Evans seconded the motion. Mr. Herman Johnson and Mrs. Kathy Drake were for nay. The motion carried 5-2.


Mr. Roy Davis made a motion to start the executive session. Mr. Herman Johnson seconded the motion and it carried 7-0. The meeting went into recess at 8:12 p.m.

  • Prior -none
  • During –
  • Subsequent -immediately following

The meeting reconvened at 8:29 p.m.

  • Finance Committee – vote – acknowledgement of Lori Harris “acting CEO” Mr. Roy Davis made a motion to pay Mrs. Lori Harris $600.00 for her extra work as acting CEO. Mrs. Barbara Grabfelder seconded the motion and it tied 3-3 with Herman Johnson, Barbara Evans and Kathy Drake voting Nay. The tie was broken by Mayor Harry Kelly with a yes vote.

15. ADJOURN:With no further business to discuss, Mr. Roy Davis made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Mr. Herman Johnson seconded the motion, it carried 3-3. The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Jennifer Mullisky

Assistant Borough Secretary