Town of Porter

Plan Commission Meeting Minutes

March 19, 2008

A. The meeting was called to order at 7:35 p.m.

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Roll Call / Determination of Quorum

Present: Mr. Babcock, Ms. Brueckheimer, Mr. Stinson, Mrs. Bollinger, Mr. Timm,

Mr. Eriksson and Mr. Bell

Absent: None

Also present were Mr. Lyp, Mr. Mandon, and Mrs. Mitchell

D. Consideration of Minutes of Previous Meeting

Motion to approve the minutes of the February 20, 2008 meeting as written was made by Ms. Brueckheimer; second by Mrs. Bollinger. Motion carried via voice approval 7 – 0.

E. Audience Participation


F. Old Business and Matters Tabled


G. New Business


H. Preliminary Hearing

Application for subdivision approval made by Keenan and Christina Comer for the property located at the southwest corner of Michigan Street and Porter Avenue in Porter.

Mr. Comer represented himself before the Plan Commission. It was quickly realized that he had mistakenly advertised for a Public Hearing without being granted permission by the Commission. There seems to have been a misunderstanding between he and Mr. Mandon.

Motion to set the application for Public Hearing at the April meeting was made by Ms. Brueckheimer; second by Mr. Stinson. Motion passed via voice approval 7 – 0.

Application for subdivision approval made by Todd Martin and Royal Church for the property located at Oak Hill Road and Quail Ridge Drive in Porter (Hunter’s Glen Subdivision).

Mr. Stinson immediately recused himself from the Plan Commission due to the “appearance” of a possible conflict of interest because his property is adjacent to the property being discussed.

Todd Martin, Royal Church and Janet Hicks (their engineer) were present to bring their application before the Plan Commission. They stated that they are replatting the property to bring it up to 2008 standards.

Mr. Bell read into the record a letter from Kenneth Kraus from Haas and Associates dated January 28, 2008. The letter contained a check list of things that needed to be done to the property before it would be brought up to code. Ms. Hicks stated that she had brought the checklist considerably up-to-date minus two or three things.

Mrs. Bollinger asked Mr. Martin if a POA exists and if there were any existing covenants that relate to Parcel A. Mr. Martin responded that there were indeed existing covenants but the covenants do not govern Parcel A.

Mr. Bell feels the development would further affect the drainage of residents along Quail Ridge Drive. He believes that the current residents have drainage problems because of this property.

Mr. Mandon stated that the Town Engineer needs to approve the platt and tell us that it definitely meets the code before there is a final vote.

Ms. Brueckheimer is concerned with the size of sanitary pipe on the replatt. She would like to see IDEM approve the plans as well. She also believes that Haas needs to be 100% in favor of the plans.

Mrs. Bollinger asked Mr. Martin if the “green space” would be a part of the owner’s property and Mr. Martin said, “Yes.” He stated that the new lot owners would be informed about the green space easements that would be a part of their back yards. Mrs. Bollinger asked what would happen if the homeowners decided that they didn’t want people entering their back yard to enjoy the green space.

Motion to set the above application for a Public Hearing at the April meeting was made by Mr. Timm; second by Mrs. Brueckheimer. Motion passed via voice approval 7 – 0.

I. Public Hearing

Application for subdivision approval made by Andrew Brack for the property located at the northwest corner of Rankin Street and Pleasant Street in Porter.

Mr. Brack briefly described his application to the Plan Commission. He owns lots 10 and 11 and would like to bring the two lots into one lot.

Mr. Mandon thinks this is a good idea and that TAC definitely recommends.

Ms. Brueckheimer thinks everything is “straight forward” with this application and also gives her approval.

The Public Hearing was opened at 9:15 p.m.

The Public Hearing was closed at 9:16 p.m.

Motion to approve the application was made by Mr. Stinson; second by Mr. Eriksson. Motion passed via voice approval 7 – 0.

J. Finding of Fact


K. Comments from Plan Commission Attorney


L. Comments from Plan Commission Secretary


M. Adjournment

Motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mr. Stinson; second by Mr. Timm. The meeting was adjourned at approximately 9:17 p.m.


Lorain Bell



Kara Mitchell
