General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010
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Dear Colleague,
It gives us great pleasure in inviting you to attend 9th Congress of Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology (AFSUMB) going to be held in capital of India New Delhi, between 18th to 21st November, 2010. We, the members of Indian Federation of Ultrasound in Medicine & Biology, are thankful to AFSUMB for giving us an opportunity to host 9th Congress of AFSUMB in India.
Scientific deliberations will be one of the most important facet of the conference. The best known luminaries in the field of Ultrasonography, National & International will enlighten us with their dedicated work & vast experience. The Scientific Programme has been planned to hold the interest of both the beginner and the expert. Live demonstrations, discussions over controversial issues, debates and provision to meet the experts are the highlights of the congress. We promise you an academic feast which will enhance your clinical acumen and imaging skill.
Apart from a comprehensive scientific program, the arrangements will be made to give a glimpse of rich cultural heritage of India. It is a land of sages, of Gautam Buddha, of Lord Rama, Lord Krishna & Mahatma Gandhi who preached and practiced non-violence. The culinary delight of Delhi is bound to satisfy your palate.
Your presence & participation in the 9th AFSUMB-2010, India is essential for the success of congress. Visit, enjoy the warmth & hospitality of Delhi.
We hope you return with fond memories of the congress.
Dr C V Vanjani
Organising Chairman / Dr Mukund Joshi
Organising Chairman
Dr Bhupendra Ahuja
Organising Secretary / Dr Rahul Sachdev
Organising Secretary
General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010
Please Reply On
Venue :
The Ashok
50B, Diplomatic Enclave, Chanakya Puri,
New Delhi - 110 021, INDIA
Phone : +91-11-26110101, 26116161
Fax : +91-11-26876060; Website :
Official Language :
The official language of the conference is English.
Local Language :
Hindi & English
Climate : New Delhi has pleasant & charming weather in the month of November. The temperature ranges between 15-25 degrees Celsius (min-max). Light woolen clothing may be required in the evening.
Letter of Invitation :
Upon request, the conference secretariat will send a personal letter of invitation to facilitate obtaining grant or VISA for participation in the conference. However, this does not imply any financial support towards expenses for attending the conference, such as registration, travel and hotel accommodation.
Disclaimer :
While every attempt will be made to ensure that all aspects of the conference mentioned in this announcement are adhered to, the organizing committee reserves the right to make such changes as may be necessary. The organizing committee will not be liable for any personal loss, accident or damages to person or belongings of participants or accompanying persons.
General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010
Please Reply On
Registration Fee :
Category / Early bird upto 30th June 2010 / Regular upto
30th Sept 2010 / 1st Oct. 2010 onwards & Spot
Indian Delegates
IFUMB Member / Rs. 6000 / Rs. 6500 / Rs. 7000
Non IFUMB Member / Rs. 6500 / Rs. 7000 / Rs. 8000
PG Student / Rs. 4000 / Rs. 4500 / Rs. 5000
Accompanying Person / Rs. 6000 / Rs. 6500 / Rs. 7000
Trade Delegate / Rs. 7000 / Rs. 8000 / Rs. 9000
Overseas Delegates
AFSUMB Member / US$ 200 / US$ 250 / US$ 300
Non AFSUMB Member / US$ 250 / US$ 300 / US$ 350
Accompanying Person / US$ 200 / US$ 250 / US$ 250
Trade Delegate / US$ 250 / US$ 300 / US$ 350
- The registration fee includes conference kit, lunches & inaugural dinner.
- The Banquet on 19th November, 2010 is complimentary for IFUMB members who are AFSUMB members as well. Otherwise Banquet is chargeable @ Rs.1200/- for Indian Delegates and US$ 30 for Overseas Delegates. IFUMB member who are not the member of AFSUMB as of today, may become Life Member of AFSUMB by paying Rs.1500/- to IFUMB and avail the facilities being provided to AFSUMB Members.
- Children above 5 years will have to be registered as accompanying person.
- For PG students, a certificate from head of department / institution is compulsory.
- For Spot registrations, only cash will be accepted. Spot registrants will be provided delegate kit subject to availability.
1. Payment made by DD / Multi-city Cheques
Please send the registration form along with a demand draft / multi-city cheque in favour of
"AFSUMB 2010, India" payable at Delhi, to the organizing secretary at the secretariat address.
2. Online Registration
Delegates can also make the payment of registration fee, online through the conference website
A request for cancellation must reach the conference secretariat by 30-09-10. 25% of the amount will be deducted towards handling charges.
All refunds will be made after the conference. No request for refund will be entertained after 30th September, 2010.
Last Date of Early Bird Registration : June 30th, 2010
Last Date of Registration Cancellation : September 30th, 2010
General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010Please Reply On
18th November, 2010 Live Workshops in all the HallsHall A / Hall B / Hall C
08.30 am - 10.30 am / 1st Trimester
1. 04 - 10 weeks
2. 11 - 14 weeks /
Abdomen, Prostate
1. Renal Doppler2. Diffuse liver diseases & Portal hypertension
3. Prostate /
Musculoskeletal USG
1. Shoulder2. Wrist & Soft tissue Masses
3. Foot & Ankle
10.30 am - 11.00 am /
11.00 am - 01.00 pm / 2nd & 3rd Trimester1. Anomalies Scan
2. Fetal Echocardiography
3. Growth & Doppler / Vascular
1. Carotid
2. Venous
3. Arterial / MSK & Pediatrics
1. Nerves
2. Neonatal hip
3. Neonatal brain & spine
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm /
02.00 pm - 04.00 pm / Newer Techniques1. 3D / 4D Pregnancy
2. 2D/ 3D/ 4D Infertility &
Gynecology / Contrast
1. Liver
2. Non liver
3. Guidelines / Small Parts, Breast, Elastography
1. Neck / Thyroid
2. Breast / Elastography
19th November, 2010
Hall A /
Hall B
/Hall C
08.30 am - 09.15 amRefresher course / The Fetal Anomalies Scan : Standards & Ideals / Liver
Segmental anatomy & Liver vasculature / Musculoskeletal Ultrasound
1. Essentials of MSK ultrasound
2. Sports injuries
09.15 am - 10.30 am
Symposium 1 / Early pregnancy & pregnancy loss
- Milestones & Ominous Signs
- Recurrent Pregnancy Loss
- Dysmorphology
- Doppler in Ist Trimester
1. Practical approach to liver masses today
2. Everything on HCC and role of advanced techniques
3. Difficult focal masses / Shoulder / Hip
1. Rotator Cuff Trauma & Disease
2. Pitfalls & Limitations
3. Infant Hip
10.30 am - 11.00 am /
11.00 am - 12.00 pmSymposium 2 / Fetal Growth & Doppler
- Defining Growth Restriction
- Doppler in Obst. Decision making
- Update in Management of Growth Restriction
1. Practical approach to surgical Jaundice
2. Gall bladder beyond gall stones
3. Endoscopic ultrasound / Hand /Wrist / Rheumatology
1. HRSG of small Joints & Tendons
2. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
12.00 pm - 01.00 pm
Symposium 3 / Fetal Environment
- Evauation of Amniotic Fluid
- Ultrasound of the Placenta
1. Pancreatic tumors
2. Endoscopic CEUS for Pancreatic lesions
3. Splenic lesions / Knee, Foot and Ankle
1. HRSG in Tendon Achilles Pathology
2. Painful Ankle Syndrome
3. Knee Trauma
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm /
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm / Fetal Interventions- Intrauterine Transfusions
- CVS / Amniocentesis
- Multifetal Reduction
- Update on in-utero Therapy
1. Difficult areas in liver for RFA
2. High intensity focused ultrasound
3. Interventional US for GI & pancreatico biliary disease
4. Fusion RFA
03.30 pm - 04.00 pm /
04.00 pm - 05.00 pm / Recent Advances in 3D/4D Fetal Ultrasound / Volumetric USG / Fusion Imaging05.00 pm - 06.00 pm / Debate:
Cord around the neck
Lower Segment Scar / Debate :
Ultrasound the 'first' imaging step in acute abdomen / Symposium 5 : Emergency & critical care USG
1. USG guided vascular access
2. USG in trauma
3. Pleural effusion
20th November, 2010
Hall A /
Hall B
/Hall C
08.30 am - 09.15 amRefresher course /
Prize Abstracts
Oral Presentation of Prize Winning Abstracts in OBGYN /Art of taking good images
How to examine a pediatric patient / Basics of Doppler1. Color optimisation
2. Color artifacts
09.15 am - 10.30 am
Symposium 1 / Fetal Echocardiography
- Techniques, Standards & Measurements
- The 3 Vessel View
- Cardiac Anomalies
1. Pediatric GI
2. USG in GU womb & beyond
3. Neurosonography / Carotid
1. Advances in plaque characterization
2. Grading stenosis-consensus report
3. Post intervention carotids
10.30 am - 11.00 am /
11.00 am - 12.00 pmSymposium 2 / Ultrasound Genetic Screening
- First Trim. Genetic Markers
- Second Trim. Genetic Sonogram
1. Intestinal USG
2. Hydrocolonic sonography
3. Appendicitis / diverticulitis / Arterial
1. Peripheral arterial disease
2. Upper limb arterial Doppler
3. Dialysis access
12.00 pm - 01.00 pm / Panel Discussion :
Screening for Genetic Disorders
Ultrasound, Biochemistry & Decision Making / Symposium 3 : Abdominal vessels
1. Aortic aneurysm
2. Renal artery stenosis & post stenting
3. Mesenteric vessels
4. Portal hypertension & TIPS / Symposium 3 : Venous
1. DVT
2. Chronic venous insufficiency
3. Venous interventions
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm /
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm / The Uterus and Adnexa- The Endometrium
- Adenomyosis, Fibroids
- Adnexal Masses
- Ovarian Torsion
1. How to talk with a disgruntled patient
2. You get a notice - what next?
3. Prevention of suites- better than fighting
03.30 pm - 04.00 pm /
04.00 pm - 05.00 pm / Recent advances in 3D/4D Gynecologic Imaging / Contrast / Elastography05.00 pm - 06.00 pm / Multifetal Pregnancy :
- Womb-mates: an overview
- Monochorionic Placentation: Insights
Interventional techniques - USG the modality of choice / Symposium 5 : Education
1. Tips of ultrasound websites
2. Role of professional society in USG education
3. Tips on writing paper
4. AFSUMB education
Hall D : Echocardiography
9.00 am – 10.30 am : Symposium 1
Echocardiography in Ischemic and Valvular Heart Disease
1. Echo in Decision making in AMI
2. Emergency Echocardiography
3. Evaluation of Valvular Heart Disease
4. Timing of surgery in valvular heart disease / 11.00 am – 1.00 pm : Symposium 2
Advances in Echocardiography
1. Online TEE guidance for Balloon Mitral Valvotomy
2. 3D Transesophgeal Echocardiography
3. Stress Echo – Clinical Applications
4. Diastology – its clinical relevance
5. Echo in patients older than 80 years
21st November, 2010
Hall A /
Hall B
/Hall C
08.30 am - 09.15 amRefresher course / Fetal Skeletal Abnormalities /
Basics of interventional techniques
1. Basic principles of intervention2. Procedures where things went wrong / Tete-a-Tete with
Prof Anil Ahuja
09.15 am - 10.30 am
Symposium 1 / Fetal Neurosonography
- Fetal Cranium
- New Developments
- Spine Evaluation
1. Renal masses
2. Medical renal disease
3. Renal tuberculosis
4. USG of bladder / Breast
1. Evaluation of breast masses & Newer advances
2. Axillary nodes evaluation & biopsy
3. Non palpable breast cancer USG features
10.30 am - 11.00 am /
11.00 am - 12.00 pmSymposium 2 / Fetal Neck, Thorax & Fetal Abdomen
Fetal Neck Lesions
Fetal Thorax
Fluid Collections & Masses in the Fetal Abdomen / Prostate & male infertility
1. TRUS-prostate cancers
2. Male infertility
3. Endorectal Ultrasound / Neck
1. Thyroid
2. Parotids
3. Other neck masses
12.00 pm - 01.00 pm
Symposium 3 / The Fetal Urinary Tract
The Fetal Anus
Fetal Genital Ambiguity / Organ Transplants
1. Liver
2. Renal / Scrotum
1. Approach to a testicular masses
2. Extra testicular scrotal lesions
3. Acute scrotal pain
4. Non palpable testes
01.00 pm - 02.00 pm /
02.00 pm - 03.30 pm / Panoramic Awareness- Ectopic Pregnancy
- Safe Abortion
- Current status of Fetal MRI
- MRI of the Female Pelvis
- Accuracy of Fetal Ultrasound
1. Eyeball
2. Orbit
3. Abdominal wall & hernia
4. Skin
03.30 pm - 04.00 pm /
04.00 pm - 05.00 pmRecent advances / Fetal Face
2D, 3D & 4D Evaluation / Strain imaging / New techniques in vascular imaging
05.00 pm - 06.00 pm / Panel Discussion : PCPNDT Act of India / Debate : Intuition Vs.
evidence based practice
1. Intuition based practice- our grand experience
2. No intuition-only evidence based practice / Symposium 5 :
1. Tips on buying Ultrasound machine
2. Management issues in ultrasound practice
General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010Please Reply On
International Faculty :
Dr Anil Ahuja (Hongkong)
Dr C V Shah (USA)
Dr Caroline Hong (Australia)
Dr Christian Nolsoe (Denmark)
Dr Prof Derchi (France)
Dr Fergus Scott (Australia)
Dr Hans-Peter Weskott (Germany)
Dr Himanshu Kaushik (Australia)
Dr Michael B Nielsen (Denmark )
Dr Vikram Dogra (USA)
Dr T P Baskaran (Malaysia)
Dr Wilaiporn Bhothisuwan (Thailand)
Dr Yi-Hong Chou (Taiwan)
Dr Yung-Liang Wan (Taiwan) / Dr Byung Ihn Choi (Korea)
Dr Cheng-Wen-Chiang (Taiwan)
Dr Daniel Makes (Indonesia)
Dr Dorita P Evangelista (Philippines)
Dr H Sidharta (Indonesia)
Dr Jae Young Lee (Korea)
Dr Kanu Bala (Bangladesh)
Dr Leung Kwok Yin (Hong Kong)
Dr Masatoshi Kudo (Japan)
Dr Musarrat Hasan (Pakistan)
Dr Nobuyuki Taniguchi (Japan)
Dr Ong Chiou Li (Singapore)
Dr Seung Hyup Kim (Korea)
Indian Faculty :
Dr Alka Karnik
Dr Ambrish Dalal
Dr Anju Garg
Dr Arun Kinare
Dr Ashok Khurana
Dr Ashvin Lawande
Dr Asif Momin
Dr B S Ramamurthy
Dr Bhupendra Ahuja
Dr Boopathy
Dr C V Vanjani
Dr Chander P Lulla
Dr Col C S Pant
Dr Col Satish Parashar
Dr Deepak Chawla
Dr Indrani Suresh
Dr Jaideep Malhotra
Dr Jyoti Chaubal
Dr K D Shah
Dr Kuldeep Singh
Dr Mandakini Megh
Dr Manjula Virmani
Dr Mukund S Joshi
Dr Mohit Shah / Dr Narendra Malhotra
Dr Nitin G. Chaubal
Dr P C Manoria
Dr P K Srivastava
Dr Pradeep K Gupta
Dr R N Bagga
Dr Rahul Sachdev
Dr Rajesh Puri
Dr Rajinder Nanda
Dr Rakesh Gupta
Dr S K Sharma
Dr S Suresh
Dr Shabnam B Grover
Dr Shashi Gupta
Dr Shyam S Doda
Dr Sriniwas Desai
Dr Sudheer Gokhle
Dr Sunil Shah
Dr T H S Bedi
Dr T L N Praveen
Dr Varun Duggal
Dr Vivek Kashyap
Dr Yashodhara Pradeep
General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010Please Reply On
Abstract :
The papers can be accepted under any of the following headings:
* Abdominal Sonography.
* Vascular Imaging & Echocardiography.
* Small Parts & MSK.
* OB & Gyn.
* Pediatric Sonography.
* Technological advances ( Elastography, Contrast, Fusion etc)
Dead line for Abstract submission:
30th June, 2010
Free Papers and Posters
Guidelines for free paper presentations at AFSUMB 2010. Abstract of presentations. Submitted abstracts should include unpublished data. The abstract should be in a MS Word file (MS office 2007), and should not exceed 250 words. Please mention two key words at the end of your abstract. All abstracts will be anonymously peer reviewed. Accepted free communication will be slotted for presentation in the scientific program sessions to ensure that the final program reflects the current research interest of our delegates and achieves the highest possible scientific standards.
All free papers accepted for oral presentation will be in PowerPoint (office 2007), format only. No facilities for slides, video, overhead transparencies or poster boards will be available at the Congress.
JPEG images are the preferred file format for inserted images.
* Please keep a minimum font size of 12.
* For cross platform compatibility use fonts such as Arial, Verdana, Tahoma or Times New
* Proof read and spell check your presentation.
* Abbreviate your message and limit the number of words you put on a slide:
* Avoid large text paragraphs.
* Use bullet points as a prompt.
If necessary use avi or wmv file formats only. You should make sure of your movie files and their proper linking to your presentation at the time of preview.
Submission of abstracts
Submissions will be accepted from Mar 01, 2010 to June 30, 2010. Abstracts must be submitted via the website. Please ensure that you read the submission instructions provided online carefully before commencing the submission process.
Notification of accepted abstracts
You will be notified whether your abstract has been accepted by Aug 31, 2010. At that time you will be given full details for the timing of your presentation.
PLEASE NOTE: In order for an abstract to be considered for oral presentation, the presenting
author must be registered by the submission deadline. One delegate can submit only one paper as the first author.
General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010Please Reply On
During the conference accommodation at venue and nearby hotels will be provided at a concessional tariff for the registered delegates/accompanying persons and exhibitors through our official travel agent. Since the November is a busy season due to International Trade Fair, early reservation of rooms is advisable to ensure comfortable stay. Accommodation at venue will be given on first come first serve basis.
Hotel / Category / Distance from Venue / Room Type / Room Tariff / Hotel Taxes
Single / Double
The Ashok / 5 Star / Venue / Standard
Suite / 10500
15000 / 11000
15000 / Exclusive
Taj Palace / 5 Star Dlx / 3 Kms / Deluxe
Luxury / 13000
15000 / 15500
17000 / Exclusive
Samrat / 4 Star / Adjacent / Standard / 7700 / 8250 / Exclusive
Parkland / Boutique / 3 Kms / Standard / 6500 / 6500 / Exclusive
Thirty Three / Boutique / 9 Kms / Standard / 5000 / 5000 / Exclusive
Jor Bagh / Guest House / 4 Kms / Standard / 5500 / 5500 / Included
Bharat Continent / 3 Star / 7 Kms / Standard / 4000 / 4000 / Included
Bharat Palace / Budget / 7 Kms / Standard / 2100 / 2100 / Included
Hotel Rupam / Budget / 7 Kms / Standard / 1600 / 1600 / Included
Hotel Le Sancy / Budget / 7 Kms / Standard / 1200 / 1200 / Included
Terms and Conditions:
- Accommodation through OTA will be provided only to registered delegates.
- The above rates are inclusive of Breakfast.
- Hotel Taxes (Luxury Tax) is inclusive in the hotels, wherever mentioned
- Government service tax @ 4.12% would be applicable on the total billing for all the hotels.
- Above room tariffs are on per room / per night basis.
- Incase of any increase in tax amount by the Government, the revised tax amount will be applicable and will be payable by the guest
- Rooms will be allotted on a first come first serve basis and are subject to availability at the time of booking with the Official Travel Agent.
- All payment should reach the Official Travel Agent before the given deadline to secure the room(s) on confirmed basis.
- All refunds, if any, will be made after the completion of the Conference.
General InformationRegistration
Paper Presentation
Important Contact
Registration form
Last Date of Early Bird
June 30th, 2010Please Reply On
AFSUMB : Executive Council / AFSUMB : Organising Committee
Immediate Past President / Byung Ihn Choi (KSUM) / Patrons / Dr. R. N. Bagga
Dr. S. K. Sharma
President / Cheng-Wen Chiang (CTSUM) / Organizing Chairmen / Dr. C. V. Vanjani
Dr. Mukund Joshi
President-Elect / Nobuyuki Taniguchi (JSUM) / Organizing Secretaries / Dr. Bhupendra Ahuja
Dr. Rahul Sachdev
Vice-President 1 / Masatoshi Kudo (JSUM) / Vice Chairmen / Dr. Mandakini Megh
Dr. P. K. Gupta
Dr. Sunil Shah
Vice-President 2 / C. V. Vanjani (IFUMB) / Chairmen Scientific / Dr. Ashok Khurana
Dr. P. K. Srivastava
Dr. Nitin Chaubal
Secretary / Seung Hyup Kim (KSMU) / Chairmen Finance / Dr. Chander Lulla
Dr. Deepak Chawla
Treasurer / Yi-Hong Chou (CTSUM) / Chairmen Reception / Dr. P. K. Shah
Dr. N. Malhotra
Dr. S. Suresh
Journal Editor / Chi-Ping Chen (CTSUM) / Co-Chairman Scientific / Dr. Chander Lulla
Dr. Arun Kinare
Dr. Sudhir Gokhale
Website/Newsletter Editor / Shiro Kozuma (JSUM) / Co-Chairmen Finance / Dr. Geeta Balsarkar
Dr. Pragati Sinha
Councilors / Yung-Liang Wan (CTSUM)
Tohru Masuyama (JSUM)
Jae Young Lee (KSUM)
H. Sidharta (ISUM)
YuXin Jiang (SUM/CMA)
Musarrat Hasan (USP) / Co-Chairmen Reception / Dr. Manju Virmani
Dr. Varun Duggal
Co-opted Councilors / Kanu Bala (BSU)
Sodov Sonin (MSU)
T P Baskaran (MSUM)
Wilaiporn Bhothisuwan (MUST)
Dorita P. Evangelista (PSUCM) / Advisory Board / Dr. Col. C. S. Pant
Dr. T.L.N. Praveen
Dr. Indrani Suresh
Dr. Y. T. Patel
Dr. G. N. Singh
Dr. Ambrish Dalal
Dr. G. S. Bathla
Dr. B. S. Ramamurthy
Dr. P. C. Manoria
Dr. Alka Karnik
Representatives / Kwok Yin Leung (HKSUM)
Tharith Thou (CSUM)
Choiu Li Ong (MUSS) / Executive Committee / Dr. S. S. Doda
Dr. Shabnam B. Grover
Dr. T. H. S. Bedi
Dr. R. N. Goel
Dr. Vanaj Mathur
Dr. G. P. Vashisth
Dr. Kuldeep Singh
Dr. S. J. S. Chawla
Dr. N. Batta
Dr. Narendra Bhag