The data elements listed represent what is required for DTC to mark a municipal issue as “trade eligible.” These data elements are required as part of DTC’s New Issue Information Dissemination Service (NIIDS).
This list of nine data elements represents the minimum requireddata elements needed to set up an Offering in the new underwriting system. In order to begin the dissemination process DTC must have these nine data elements, at least one CUSIP number and the dissemination agent must have the dissemination flag turned on.
Offering Type / Describes whether an Offer is for a New Issue, or to make an Older Issue DTC Eligible or as the result of a Corporate ActionDistribution Type / Describes whether this is a Primary Offering or Secondary Offering
Sub-Issue Type / Additional level of security classification as used by DTCC. For Municipal issues the values are:
Municipal Bond
Municipal Note
Municipal Insured Custodial Receipt
Municipal VRDO
Base CUSIP # / First 6 digits of a CUSIP number and is used to identify the Issuer as assigned by the CUSIP Service Bureau
Certificate Type / Identifies the certificate type in which the security can be held. (ex: Registered, Book Entry Only)
Offer Legal Description / The legal description of the Offering or Issue as stated in the Prospectus or Offering Statement or another applicable document
Underwriter / The name of the firm underwriting the issue.
Underwriter Contact Name / The name of the primary contact at the lead Underwriter for this deal.
Underwriter Contact Phone number / The phone number of the primary contact at the lead Underwriter for this deal.
Contact e-mail / The e-mail address of the primary contact at the lead Underwriter for this deal.
The following data elements have been defined as those elements needed to report, compare and confirm a municipal issue and must be populated for DTC to mark the issue as “trade eligible”.
Manual Calculation / Identifies whether Pricing can be calculated using a standard methodology or manual calculation is needed.Values: Yes or No
Day Type or Interest Calculation Method / Identifies the interest Calculation period
1 = Actual/Actual
3 = MSRB 360 (Strict interpretation)
7 = Act/360
10 = Currently used (1992) SIA standard 30/360
12 = Act/365 - for periodic securities
Unknown or other
DTCC currently supports the following:
Interest Classification / Identifies whether interest is paid:
-> Periodic
-> At Maturity
-> Discounted
-> None of the Above
End of Month Adjustment / End of month payment adjustment rule flag
0 = Don't adjust the associated date for the end of month condition
1 = Adjust the associated date for the end of month condition
28 = All coupon dates fall on the 28th of the month
29 = All coupon dates fall on the 29th of the month
30 = All coupon dates fall on the 30th of the month
Payment frequency Type / Identifier for coupon payment frequency
DTCC values are:
- Every N Years
- Every N Half-years
- Every N Quarters
- Every N Months
- Every N Fortnights
- Every N Weeks
- Every N Days
- Other
Payment Frequency number / The actual number value of the frequency
Payment Date Business or Calendar indicator / Identifies whether a business calendar or an actual calendar is used for Payment date calculations
Coupon rate (aka Interest Rate) / The coupon or interest rate.
Original annual rate of interest payable to the lender as expressed as a percentage of principal as stated in the bond's offering documents.
First Trade Settlement Date / The first trade settlement date is the date the Issuer and
Underwriter exchange money for bonds
Maturity Date / The original maturity date of the issue or the original date on which an interest bearing security becomes due and assets are to be repaid, as stated in the bond's offering documents.
Dated Date / The official 'Dated Date' as stated in the Prospectus or Offering Statement or another applicable document.
First Coupon Date aka: First Interest Payment Date / Date the first interest payment is due to the holders of the security
Last Coupon Date / Date the last interest payment is due to the holders of the security
Call schedule type / Indicates the type Call Schedule
0 = none
1 = discrete calls with no notification
2 = continuous calls with notification
3 = discrete calls with notification
Currency / The Certificate or Settlement Currency for the security.
Minimum Denomination / Original minimum denomination required for transfer or change of ownership of a security (tradable) as determined in the bond indenture.
Multiple Denominations / Original multiple or incremental denomination, to the minimum denomination required for transfer or change of ownership of a security (tradable) as determined in the bond indenture.
Tail Denomination / Remaining or leftover amount not fitting within “minimum” or “multiple” denominations
Issue Description / The legal description of the Offering or Issue as stated in the Prospectus or Offering Statement or another applicable document.
Secondary Description / Any Issue Description information that was not contained in, or did not fit in the Issue (legal) Name field.
Base CUSIP Number / First 6 digits of a CUSIP number and is used to identify the Issuer
State Code / Postal code of the state or territory of the Issuer (aka State of Origin or State of Issuance)
Note: May need to have multiple states for some bonds
Interest Accrual Date / The date of the bond issue from which the interest begins to accrue.
Ratings / The Credit Rating or evaluations of the credit quality of notes and bonds made by rating agencies. State “non-rated” if non-rated by that rating agency. Show both long-term and short-term for each rating agency, if appropriate. There will be at least 3 ratings, one for each rating agency.
Ratings Consist of the following group of data elements:
Ratings Consist of the following group of data elements: / Credit Rating Agency (Moody’s, S & P, Fitch)
Short Term Credit Rating
Long Term Credit Rating
Credit Rating Effective Date
Credit Enhancement / The use of the credit of an entity other than the issuer or obligor to provide additional security in a bond or note financing.
This will be a Y/N field
Credit Enhancement Type(s) / Identification of the Credit Enhancement Type(s) for the security. The types include: letter of credit, bond insurance, credit facility, secondary insurance, and surety bond.
Required but Conditional on Credit Enhancement =YES
Credit Enhancer Name(s) / Credit Enhancer Name(s)
Required but Conditional on Credit Enhancement =YES
Federal Taxable / Indicates the interest income paid to the bond holder is federally taxable.
Field choices will be: Y or N.
Federal Alternative Minimum Tax / Indicates whether the interest income paid is taxable to the bond holder according to the alternative minimum tax rules.
Field choices will be: Y or N.
Revenue, General Obligation, or Double-Barreled / Identifies whether the limitations of the resources and issuer can avail themselves to repay the debt are Revenue, General Obligation or Double Barreled
Put indicator / Indicates the existence of a feature that provides the bond holder the contractual option to redeem the bond prior to the scheduled maturity date. Values: Y or N
Note: Shows the existence of or the requirement for a Put Schedule/ Put Feature
PUT/Tender Date / Date on which securities are subject to Optional or Mandatory Redemption by the bond holder
Required but Conditional on Put Indicator = YES
PUT/Tender Frequency / Frequency of Tender or Put period.
Required but Conditional on Put Indicator = Yes
PUT Type / Indicates whether the redemption prior to maturity date feature is Mandatory or Optional to the bond holder.
Required but Conditional on Put Indicator = YES
BEO / Registered / Identifies the certificate type in which the security can be held. (Registered, Book Entry Only)
Maturity Principal Amount / The face amount or par value of a security payable on the maturity date.
Callable / Indicates the existence of a feature that provides the issuer the contractual option to redeem the bonds prior to the scheduled maturity date. (excludes extraordinary calls) Values: Y or N
Note: Shows the existence of or the requirement for a Call Schedule/ Call Feature
Call Rate Basis Type / This field is for each call event on the schedule and identifies whether the rate is expressed as a % of Par or % of CAV. Zero coupon bonds and OID bonds are callable at an accreted value.
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES
First Par Call Date / The first date on which bonds may be called at Par for redemption.
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES
First Par call price / The price of the bonds on the first Par part call. Particularly relevant for CAV Bonds.
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES
First Premium Call Date / The first date on which bonds may be called for redemption at a price above par.
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES
First Premium call price / The price of the bonds on the first part call at a price above par.
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES
Days to Call Notification / Number of days prior to a call date that the issuer/agent must give notice to holders
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES and Call Schedule Type not = None,
Call Window - Business or Calendar indicator / Identifies whether a business calendar or an actual calendar is used for the Days to Call Notification
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES and Call Schedule Type not = None,
Full In Whole Optional Call Schedule / The full in whole optional call schedule should be supplied using the Call Feature data elements
Required but Conditional on Callable = YES
(Note: Pricing Calls is required by MSRB rule G15a )
Extraordinary Call / Indicates the existence of an Extraordinary Call provision in the bonds indenture.
This is to be a Y/N field
Sale Method / Identifies the Sale Method for the offering as competitive or negotiated.
Formal Award Date & Time / Date and time the issuer formally accepts a bid for Competitive Issues or, the Date and Time the Bond Purchase Agreement is executed for Negotiated Issues.
First Trade Execution Date & Time / First Date and Time a trade may be executed for this security.
Expected Closing Date / The expected date of the bond closing with the issuer and underwriter as facilitated by DTC.
CUSIP / This is captured in two fields:
'Primary Security ID Agency' - The identification of the National Numbering Agency assigning the Security ID (Value: CUSIP Service bureau)
'Primary Security Identifier' - Primary identifier of the security (this will contain the actual CUSIP number)
Initial Offering Price (Initial List Price) / Initial Syndicate offering price/yield to the public, if provided.
Initial Offering Yield (Initial List Yield) / Initial Offering Yield, if provided (% )
OID Price / The original issuing price of a security that sold at an amount that is less than the maturity value of the bond.
Original Issue Discount Price, if applicable
OID Yield / The yield associated with the original issuing price on a security that sold for an amount that is less than the maturity value of the bond.
Original Issue Discount Yield, if applicable (%)
Interest Type / Identifies whether interest is fixed or variable
Variable Interest Basis / Represents the mechanism by which the variable interest is arrived at.
Required but Conditional on Interest Type=Variable
Index Name / The index that will be used to calculate the interest, if it is variable and Index based.
Required but Conditional on Variable Int Basis= Indexed
Index Date / The date on which the index should be used for computing the interest.
Required but Conditional on Variable Int Basis= Indexed
Index Spread / Represents the interest offset to index value in percentage.
Required but Conditional on Variable Int Basis= Indexed
First reset date / The first date that the coupon or interest rate changes.
Required but Conditional on Interest Type=Variable
Interest Rate Reset Frequency / The frequency that Interest Rate is Reset.
Required but Conditional on Interest Type=Variable
DTCC values are:
- Every N Years
- Every N Half-years
- Every N Quarters
- Every N Months
- Every N Fortnights
- Every N Weeks
- Every N Days
- Other
Interest Rate Reset frequency number / The actual number value of the Interest Rate Reset Frequency
Required but Conditional on Interest Type=Variable
Coupon effective date / Coupon effective date (date interest begins accruing at new rate)
Security Type / Security type values may equal: bond, note, strip coupon. Default should be bond.
Note: The DTCC sub-issue type will be used for Security Type.
Step Indicator
(aka Step-Up Flag) / Indicates that the coupon rate of the bond changes per a pre-determined schedule
Step Date (s) / Date (s) on which the Step Rate changes become effective
Required but Conditional on Step Indicator=Yes
Step Rate (s) / The Interest Rate for the effective period as established in the Step Date schedule.
Required but Conditional on Step Indicator=Yes
Dissemination Decision Flag / Flag set by the Dissemination Underwriter to indicate that the Security Information can be disseminated as part of the NIIDS process.
Triggers the Dissemination Process
Optional Data Elements—the following data elements are NOT required to mark the issue as trade eligible, however, if populated this information will be disseminated.
Obligor Name / Free form text field for Obligor name, if appropriateCredit Enhancer Level of Priority / Credit Enhancer Level of Priority
Credit Enhancement Expiration Date(s) / Credit Enhancement Expiration Date(s) for each
State Taxable / Field choices will be: Y or N. Taxable or Tax-Exempt
For Bonds that are issued in multiple states it is necessary to capture Tax rules by state.
State Alternative Minimum Tax / Taxation based on an alternative method of calculating federal income tax intended to ensure that taxpayers are not able to avoid paying any federal income tax.
State Code / For Bonds that are issued in multiple states it is necessary to capture Tax rules by state.
Blue Sky Regulation / List of the states where issue is NOT cleared under Blue Sky Restrictions (an exception list)
Bank Qualified / Field is Y/N.
Designation given to a public purpose bond offering by the issuer if it reasonably expects to issue in the calendar year of such offering no more than $10 million par amount of bonds of the type required to be included in making such calculation under the Internal Revenue Code. When purchased by a commercial bank for its portfolio, the bank may receive an 80% tax deduction for the interest cost of carry for the issue. A bond that is bank qualified is also known as a “qualified tax-exempt obligation.”
New Money / This is a Y/N field. Securities issued for a new project or purpose.
Refunding / This is a Y/N field. A procedure whereby an issuer refinances outstanding bonds by issuing new bonds.
Advanced Refunding / For purposes of certain tax and securities laws and regulations, a refunding in which the refunded issue remains outstanding for a period of more than 90 days after the issuance of the refunding issue.
Remarketing / This is a Y/N field. The process of reselling securities to the public that has been tendered for purchase by the previous owners thereof.
Estate or Death Put / Identifies that a security is subject to be Put upon the passing of the holder
Days to PUT Notification / The number of days prior to a PUT that the agent must provide notification
Put Window - Business or Calendar indicator / Identifies whether a business calendar or an actual calendar is used for the Put notification window
Issue Size / Issue Offering Amount – The amount ($) of all securities that is offered through this issue
Call Type / Indicates whether the call will be executed by Lottery or Pro-Rata
Sinking Fund Type / Indicates whether the Sinking Fund will be called by Lottery, Pro-Rata or (?)
Full Mandatory Sinking Fund call schedule / The full sinking fund call scheduled will be laid out, if any.
Senior Manager(s) / Listing of Senior Managers or Book runners of a New Issue. This list should allow for multiple senior managers. Use NASD broker symbols and possibly names as well.
Senior Manager (s) Contact Information / Contact information, including name email address and telephone number for each Senior Manager
Super Sinker / A colloquial term for a term maturity, usually from a single family mortgage revenue issue with several term maturities that will be the first to be called from a sinking fund into which all proceeds from prepayments of mortgages financed by the issue are deposited. The maturity’s priority status under the call provisions means that it is likely to be redeemed in its entirety well before the stated maturity date.
Average Life Date / Average Life Date, if supplied
Interest Rate Reset Frequency / Interest Rate Reset Frequency values are:
DTCC values are:
- Every N Years
- Every N Half-years
- Every N Quarters
- Every N Months
- Every N Fortnights
- Every N Weeks
- Every N Days
- Other
Interest Rate Reset frequency number / The actual number value of the frequency
PAC Bond (Y/N) / A mortgage-backed bond payable with a fixed sinking fund schedule structured so that mortgage repayments will be sufficient to make all sinking fund payments as scheduled.