The RaynesPark Association

72/74 Abbott AvenueLondonSW20 8SQ


Present: Chris Larkman (Chair & minute taker), John Hall, Alan Lavender, George McGillivray, Pat Keith, Pamela Robinson, Peter Ford, John Waller, Cllr GilliLewis-Lavender

Apologies: Cllr Rod Scott, Pat Erricker, Derek Frampton

1) Groundwork Consultation. Boel Abelson-Crossley from Groundwork joined us for the first part of the meeting. She presented the draft report on the Consultation exercise they had undertaken. Boel explained that they are required to formulate a draft Action Plan. The Council would then produce a final Action Plan. Boel stated that it was the Council’s wish to include practical matters which could be achieved within a timescale of 6 months to 2 years. Members were not entirely happy about this and thought that there needs to be more overall objectives which themselves would indicate practical measures which may be needed. These are the notes that Boel took away from the meeting as a conclusion of the discussion:

  • Tidy up around railway
  • Unattractive Centre – preventative measure to keep railway banks clear – wall?
  • Parking (lack of)
  • Sites for development – forum to look at
  • Station
  • Farmers’ Market
  • Lower Downs?
  • Movements/circulation need to be co-ordinated/looked at – study to guide planning & policy long term
  • Greening – keep trees on embankment
  • Night-time safety – lights
  • Signage – make clearer
  • More varied retail opportunities

It was agreed that Boel would work with Chris to try to produce an Action Plan covering these topics and to bring the result back to our next meeting for further discussion. It was, however, noted that questions about Lower Downs do not fit into a RaynesPark (and certainly not as part of an RPA remit).

2) The Cycle Track and Pollarding Trees. There continues to be concern about the destruction of trees which is planned as part of this scheme. Several people questioned as to why the amount of land to be taken would need to be such that the trees needed to be cut down. Chris emphasised the in-principle benefits of an improved pavement and crossing which is part of the proposed plan. It was agreed that Chris would contact Pete Thomas (lead officer, Merton Council) to re-affirm the need for full consultation on whatever is planned. It was reported that Pete Thomas has had some queries about how to contact local associations. Chris agreed to advise him on this.

3) The Library. Chris reported that there had been significant email debate about the availability to the general public of the toilets in Raynes Park Library. When the new library was planned it had been intended that toilets within the library would act as a sort of replacement for the public toilets which were previously on the site. However, we’ve ended up with limited provision, and no separate toilets for staff members. The result has been a general reluctance within with the library service to advertise the availability of the toilets. On the one hand people felt that it is only right that people (especially young children caught short or older people) should freely be able to make use of these facilities even if they are not using the library. On the other hand it was recognised that the toilets are cleaned once daily and the library staff are not expected to be toilet minders. Chris said that Ingrid Lackajis, head of Library Services, has agreed to put a sign up within the library. She also had concerns about children using the toilets a) because they can sometimes be messy and b) in terms of their protection. Chris said he’s suggested to Ingrid that the sign could also say ‘Children to be accompanied’. Chris suggested (though there was not unanimous agreement with this) that local associations could let their members know that the toilets are available.

Chris reported that it is planned to continue and develop the availability of books from the library on the station.

4) Greening. There has been no progress in identifying a replacement for George MacGillivray in taking a lead over Greening issues.

5) Health Centre. Chris said that Dr Howard Freeman from Durham Road Surgery will be attending the next meeting to update us on the current plans for a new Health Centre in RaynesPark. It was confirmed that the previously proposed site (the Elf Petrol Station) is not now going ahead.

6) Thames Water Site. There was no further news on the development of this site, and we are currently awaiting a wide ranging consultation by the Council on the various issues relating to the site.

7) Farmers’ Market. Chris reported that there was no further news. However it is still anticipated that the market should commence in the late spring. Chris agreed to contact Cllr Chris Edge to see where matters were at, especially in terms of the electrical and water works which need to be done. It was rumoured that David Bezkorowajny is moving out of the area. Chris said that he has not received any such notification from David. (David had taken the lead role for pursuing the Farmers’ Market project.)

8) RaynesPark Station Meeting. Chris reported on a meeting chaired by Stephen Hammond MP to look at issues around Raynes Park Station. Also in attendance were managers from Network Rail, South West Trains, Raynes Park & West Barnes RA & LB Merton. Discussions included: identification of areas of responsibility between Network Rail, South West Trains and LB Merton; graffiti; the Skew Arch; the informal drop off point to the south of the railway; tidying the banks; West Barnes level crossing.

The representative from Network Rail said they have a helpline. She continually emphasised the importance of local people using this service to report concerns. It may be useful for local associations to copy the following into their newsletters:

If you have a problem caused by litter or flytipping, get in touch and we will do everything we possibly can to help. Whatever questions or concerns you have about the railway, call us any hour of the day or night, seven days a week on our 24 hour Network Rail Helpline – 08457 11 41 41.

There was some debate on the intrusiveness of the advertising hoardings around the station. Gilli Lewis-Lavender said she would ask Cllr Rod Scott to enquire about the contract arrangements for these hoardings. It was also noted that the gap between the train and the platform on platform 1 at the rear of the train is dangerous.

9) Contact Details. Chris said he would communicate by email and do all he can to get as much information as practical to John Hall, Pamela Robinson and David Freeman who are not on email. It was agreed Chris would check with Jill Truman to see if she wanted to be on the mailing list. (Post meeting note: Jill said not to email her our minutes – Jan Bailey already receives them and she will pass on anything for the newsletter to her.)

10) Issues for Subsequent Meeting:


Visitors to the meetings


Business Involvement

To invite Clls Neil Mills & Cllr Tariq


6pm at 72/74 Abbott Avenue, SW20 8SQ on Thursday 13 March 08 and Thursday 17 April 2008.