July-August 2009
The Rappahannock Christian 1
Children's Day will be held on
Saturday, July 25, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. for children aged 5 to 13 years. A fun day of games, singing, crafts and food is planned. Come - and bring a friend!
The quarterly business
meeting will be held on July 12
after morning worship and a
light lunch served by the Social
Committee. This is the annual
meeting and committee chairs
are reminded to bring a written
report of activities for the past
year for the church records.
The next Prayer & Praise Service at The Orchard will be on July 10 at 7:00 p.m. This is a time the residents of The Orchard really enjoy as they join in singing, prayer, devotional and fellowship. You will be blessed by being there!
Homecoming at Rappahannock is scheduled for October 18. It will be a day filled with worship, special music, church history, and dinner on the grounds as we celebrate 177 years of service to God. The guest speaker for morning worship will be the Reverend Johnny Wray, former director of Week of Compassion for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).
You can help by promptly giving names and addresses of those who should be invited to Helen Ware.
If you have suggestions for that day, please speak with Dr. Wilbur or a member of the Homecoming Committee - Carolyn Elliott, Anita Harrower, Arlene Lankford, Peggy Pursley and Helen Ware.
A few weeks ago I came across an old Sunday bulletin from RappahannockChurch. (Actually, I suspect that it is just a photocopy. The paper is not very yellowed.) Anyway, it's dated May 7, 1950. The minister at the time was Dr. Edwin Wyle. That day was a special day in the life of the church because six new Deacons were being ordained: Alfred Hodges, Archibald Sutton, Franklin Y. Hundley, Deane McTyre, Robert R. Rice and Wilson C. Ware. Some of you may remember these people.
Looking through the order of service is interesting. The day began with "ChurchSchool" at 10:30 a.m. (John Waring, Superintendent). Worship began at 11:30. Mrs. Deane Hundley was the organist. The sermon was early in the service. This was followed by the service of ordination, and then the Communion service. The offering was last. I don't know if this represents the usual order of service at RappahannockChurch in 1950, or if, for some reason, they altered the order because of the ordinations.
This old bulletin gives us a snapshot, as it were, of a day in the life of our church. 1950 was a long time ago, it seems to me. (I was born in 1953.) A lot of men and women have served the Lord through our church since those 6 men were ordained. It reminds me that we all are part of a huge enterprise -God's building of the Church. That effort spans a lot of time, has involved countless saints, and has come to encompass the entire globe.
As we begin another church year on July 1, we should remember that the torch of Christian witness and ministry has been passed to us. What will our legacy be? Will we turn the church over to the next generation stronger than it was when we received it? I hope so! With God's help, I know that we can.
Elder:Alex Dillard
7/5Scot Katona
7/12Peel Dillard
7/19Fleet Dillard
7/26Ralph Elliott
Deacons:Ken Hammond, Garnett Hodges,
Marvin Sylva, Rob Waring
Deaconess:Sarah Pope
Welcome:Anne R. Waring
Sound System:7/5Doug Landrum
7/12Laurie Wilbur
7/26Laurie Wilbur
Nursery:7/5Carolyn Elliott
7/12Nancy Wyatt
7/19Etta Davis
7/26Gerry Haile
Elders:8/2Tyler Ware & Ralph Elliott
8/9Peel Dillard & Scot Katona
8/16Alex Dillard & Nancy Wyatt
8/23Ralph Elliott & Fleet Dillard
8/30Scot Katona & Ralph Elliott
Deaconess:Arlene Lankford
Welcome:Nancy Wyatt
In the Nursery:8/2K. & L. Wilbur
8/9Emma Dunn
8/16Sandy Tate
8/23Patsy Taliaferro
8/30Patricia Hammond
Sound System:8/2Laurie Wilbur
8/9Doug Landrum
8/16Laurie Wilbur
8/30Deane Lankford
Ordination Service held on June 28 at which Nancy Wyatt, Fleet Dillard and Scot Katona were ordained elders; Jamie Davis a deacon; and Amy Childress a deaconess.
Carmina Passagaluppi served as a counselor at Virginia's GirlState June 21-27 at LongwoodCollege. Carmina said there were over 600 girls in attendance and that she was counselor for 42. GirlsState, sponsored by the American Legion Auxiliary, provides functional citizenship training for young women who are rising high school seniors.
Dr. Wilbur will be on vacation on August 16, 23 and 30. Fred Dant from Philippi Christian Church will be guest speaker on August 16, Tommie Sue Anthony from Zion Christian Church will speak on August 23, and a representative of Gideons International will speak on August 30.
Duane and Jen Lankford are the proud parents of Ava Paulina, born May 22. Deane and Arlene Lankford are the grandparents.
Tripp and Susan Taliaferro are the happy parents of Madeline Margaret, born on May 23. Spottswood and Patsy Taliaferro are the grandparents.
Mrs. Margaret Self died on May 13 after a period of declining health.
She was a long time member of Rappahannock and attended Sunday School and worship service as long as she was able. Graveside services were held at ForestLawnCemetery in Richmond. Sincere sympathy is expressed to her daughter and son-in-law, Gerry and James Haile, and other family and friends.
Mrs. Susie Hodges died on May 17 at WarsawCareCenter. She was a life long member of Rappahannock and enjoyed crocheting and sharing her work with others, including items to be sold at the Women's Retreat in Blackstone. A funeral service was held at RappahannockChurch with interment in the church cemetery. Sympathy is expressed to her son and daughter-in-law, Garnett and Terry Hodges, and other family and friends.
William (Billy) Watkins died on June 14. He became a member of Rappahannock in 1977, but had been unable to participate in recent years because of his health. A memorial service was held at Rappahannock on June 18. Sympathy is expressed to his wife, Thelma, and other family and friends.
The heating/air conditioning units in the Education Building are being replaced. Work is scheduled to begin on July 6.
The Education Building Restoration Committee is currently discussing other work needed in the building and hopes to present a proposal at the business meeting in July.
The new church directory is progressing as Dr. Wilbur and Helen Ware work on obtaining pictures and putting the material in the proper format for printing. Plans are to distribute the new directory at the church homecoming in October.
Rappahannock Christian Church
P. O. Box 1111
Dunnsville, VA22454
District Assembly is at Rappahannock on September 20. This is the time when folks from the 11 churches in District IX gather to worship, learn about the work of the District, enjoy special music and hear an outstanding speaker. The speaker this year will be the Reverend Dr. Rick Harrison, former president of Lexington Theological Seminary. He will give a presentation on Disciples history and the Lord's Supper.
Dinner will be served following the meeting by the Social Committee. Many of you will be asked to provide food and help in other ways for this event.
Put the date on your calendar now!
The Rappahannock Christian 1