World History
Ch. 8: The Islamic World
The Qur’an: Sura 47
“Muhammad, Revealed at Medina”
Allah will bring to nothing the deeds of those who disbelieve and debar others from His path. As for the faithful who do good works and believe in what is revealed to Muhammad – which is the truth from their Lord – He will forgive them their sins and ennoble their state.
This, because the unbelievers follow falsehood, while the faithful follow the truth from their Lord. Thus Allah coins their sayings for mankind.
When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take ransom from them, until War shall lay down her armor…
As for those who are slain in the cause of Allah, he will not allow their works to perish. He will vouchsafe them guidance and ennoble their state; He will admit them to the Paradise He has made known to them.
Believers, if you help Allah, Allah will help you and make you strong. But the unbelievers shall be consigned to perdition. He will bring their deeds to nothing. Because they have opposed His revelations, he will frustrate their works.
Have they never journeyed through the land and seen what was the end of those who have gone before them? Allah destroyed them utterly. A similar fate awaits the unbelievers, because Allah is the protector of the faithful; because the unbelievers have no protector.
Allah will admit those who embraced the true faith and do good works to the gardens watered by running streams. The unbelievers take their full pleasure and eat as the beasts eat: but Hell shall be there home…
This is the Paradise of which the righteous have been promised. There shall flow in it rivers of unpolluted water, and rivers of milk forever fresh; rivers of delectable wine and rivers of clearest honey. They shall eat therein of every fruit and receive forgiveness from their Lord. Is this like the lot of those who shall abide in Hell for ever and drink scalding water which will tear their bowels?...
Know that there is no good but Allah. Implore Him to forgive your sins and to forgive the true believers, men and women. Allah knows your busy haunts and resting-places.
From Jackson J. Spielvogel, Western Civilization: A Brief History, Volume I: to 1715. 3rd Edition.
Stamford, CT: Wadsworth/Thompson Learning, 2005.
The Qur’an: Sura 22
“Paradise and Pilgrimmage”
15. If any one things that God cannot support him in this life, as well as in the hereafter, let him turn totally to God and sever (his idolization towards anyone else.) He will then find out that this plan eliminates his worries.
16. We thus reveal these clear revelations, then God guides whomever He wills.
17. Those who believe, those who are Jewish, the converts, the Christians, the Magi, and the idol worshippers; God will judge them all on the day of resurrection. God is witnessing all things.
18. Do you not realize that to God prostrate those in the heavens, and those in the earth, and the sun, and the moon, and the stars, and the mountains, and the trees, and the animals, and many people? Other people are committed to doom. Whomever God commits to humiliation, you will find none to honor him.
19. Of the two opposing sides, with regard to their Lord, those who disbelieve have deserved garments of fire, and lava being poured on their heads.
20. Even their insides melt therefrom, and their skins.
21. They will be confined in iron cells.
22. Whenever they try to flee from the agony thereof, they will be returned therein: “Taste the retribution of burning.”
23. As for those who believe and work righteousness, God will admit them into gardens with flowing streams. They are adorned therein with bracelets of gold, and their clothes are silk.
24. They have been guided to the right message; they have been guided in the path of God most praised.
25. Those who disbelieve and repel others from the path of God, and from the Sacred Mosque that we appointed for all the people to retreat therein or just visit, and those who introduce any wickedness therein, we will commit them to painful retribution.
26. We pointed out for Abraham the location of the shrine: “You shall never idolize anything besides Me, and purify My shrine for those who encircle it, retreat in it, and those who bow and prostrate therein.
27. “And announce that the people shall observe the hajj pilgrimage. They will come to you walking and riding; they will come from the farthest valleys.
28. “They will reap many benefits, commemorate God’s name during the specified days, and show their appreciation for the livestock He provides for them. Eat therefrom, and feed the poor and needy.
29. “They shall carry out the religious duties, fulfill their vows, and encircle the grand shrine.”
30. Indeed, for those who respect the sacred duties decreed by God, it will be better for them at their Lord. All livestock are permitted for you as food, except what is already stated. You shall avoid the abomination of idol worship, and avoid false regulations.
31. You shall devote your worship to God alone; do not set up any idols besides Him. Anyone who idolizes anything besides God is like one who falls from the sky, and gets snatched away by the vultures, or gets blown away by the wind into a bottomless pit.
32. Indeed, those who honor the offerings decreed by God, demonstrate the righteousness of their hears.
33. After reaping benefits from the livestock for awhile, they offer it as charity at the grand shrine.
34. We decreed certain rituals for each congregation, whereby they show their appreciation of God’s provision of livestock. However, your God is the same God; you shall submit to Him. Give good news to the reverent;
35. whose hearts cringe upon remembering God, remain steadfast in the face of adversity, observe the salat prayers, and give to charity from our provisions to them.
36. The livestock offerings are part of the religious duties decreed by God, for your own good. Thus, you shall mention God’s name as you sacrifice them. Once they fall on their sides, you shall eat therefrom, and feed the poor and needy. That is what we created them for, that you may be appreciative.
37. None of their meat or blood reaches God; what reaches Him is your righteousness. That is what He created them for; that you may magnify God for guiding you; give good news to the good doers.
Translated by Rashad Khalifa, in Qur’an: The Final Scripture. Tucson, Arizon: Islamic Productions, 1981.