Citizens’ Finance and Planning Committee

Meeting #2, February 19, 2016



Tammy Shaw, Tim Briney, David Levow, Michael Richardson, Julie Veronezi, Bob Balcom, John Wapner, Jim Johnson (by phone). Absent – Aven Kerr. Supervisor Maria Lull and Joe Rickert were observing.

Call to order

The meeting was called to order at 8:35 a.m. by Councilman Balcom.

Approval of Minutes

After slight grammatical modifications Tim Briney moved, and David Levow second acceptance of the minutes. Unanimously passed.

Begin Personnel Policy Manual Review – Benefits Section(s)

In a document prepared by Michael Richardson, with assistance from Bob Balcom, the committee began a side by side review of the sick leave program. Comparisons were made between sample language provided by Michael, current policy and the highway unit (unionized employees). This comparison included the following general areas:

·  Allowance (full time)

·  Allowance (part time)

·  Allowance (new employees)

·  Accrual

·  Accumulation

·  Use of Sick Leave

Discussion occurred regarding each topic with an understanding between the members that the sample language would act as the basis to which modification would be made to meet the needs of the town based on current policy and best practice.

Michael Richardson spent time explaining the difference between the types of paid time off benefits. Generally, sick leave is employer controlled and used to insure the employee does not lose pay for being sick. Vacation and personal leave are earned usually by employee service.

The committee members made several modifications to the sample language that reflect current town practice and policy. The language modification will be reviewed upon completion of all the topics regarding sick leave.


The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 a.m.

Next Meeting Date :

The committee members wanted to continue working on the topic and agreed to meet on Saturday, February 20 @ 10:00 a.m. Discussion resuming with Family Sick Leave.

Prepared by Bob Balcom