the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog (you can highlight and replace with abstract title)

John Q. Doe,[1]PE, CFM, ABC Corporation, Inc.; Jane S. Doe,[2]Ph.D., CFM, GISP, DEF Corporation, Inc.; Nancy L. Drew, AICP, Department ofEnvironmental Services (You can highlight and replace with author name and organization separating the two with a comma. When there is more than one author, add a semi-colon before the next author)

Insert presentation text here. You can highlight this paragraph and replace with your text. If there is more than one paragraph just enter one return at the end of the paragraph and then continue with next paragraph. If there are bullets or numbered lists you can highlight using the below and insert your bullet or numbered list. When you are done with your lists, enter only one return after the last of the list and then choose “Presentation Text” style above to continue with text. If you do not have any bullets or numbered lists in your abstract, simply delete the two lines from your document.

  • Bullets (Choose “Bullets” Style Above)
  1. Numbers (Choose “Numbers” Style Above)

Continue with presentation text (choose “Presentation Text” style above)

For reference information in choosing the right style for each abstract, please see the following:

  • The style to use for Abstract Title is called “Abstract Title” and is listed above in Styles.
  • The style to use for Author(s) is called “Authors” and is listed above in Styles.
  • The style to use for Presentation Text is called “Presentation Text” and is listed above in Styles.
  • The style to use for the footnotes is the default for this word document. When you choose “Insert Footnote” you will automatically be taken to the bottom of the page where you can enter the information as listed below in the footnotes section of this document.

If you have any questions or need help with any of the formatting, please call Marla Shain at 703-870-7000, ext. 4600 or by email at .

[1] Insert job title;address of organization, city, state, zip code; phone numberin following format 123-456-7890; email address (separate job title, complete address, phone number, and email address with a semi-colon)

[2] Insert job title; address of organization, city, state, zip code; phone numberin following format 123-456-7890; email address (separate job title, complete address, phone number, and email address with a semi-colon)