Class/Group: / Subject/Topic: / Prior Learning
Classroom Environment and Expectations(S1)(S7)(S8)
You might consider
How is the environmentmade conducive to learning with high expectations for all?
How are appropriate strategies used to create a positive and purposeful atmosphere?
How is the learning environment created so that it is appropriate for the children’s stage of learning and development?
How pupils encouraged to display positive attitudes?
How are good relationships created and sustained?
How are other adults used effectively?
How are pupils expected to behave well and achieve their best?
How are sanctions and rewards used in line with school policy to positive effect? / Notes:
Pupil Progress and Outcomes (S2)
You might consider
What do pupils learn?
How are the learning outcomes demonstrated?
How does the teacher ensure thatall pupils learn something new/develop their existing knowledge/skills?
How are pupils appropriately challenged to achieve their best?
How are appropriate resources used to support learning?
How are pupils encouraged to: explain what they are learning and why they are learning it? Think for themselves and solve their own problems? / Notes:
Planning, Teaching and Subject Knowledge (S4)(S3)
You might consider
How are clear and appropriate objectives designed and shared?
How are the lesson and the learning structured?
How does theplanned lesson content meet the objectives?
How is subject knowledge and expertise used to address misconceptions?
How is the time used to maximise learning?
How doeshomework extend learning?
How are any opportunities to promote Literacy and Numeracy seized? / Notes:
Lesson Observation Form–Guidance Notes
The questions are not a checklist, they are prompts for you to consider during observations.
The key focus is to evaluate the impact of teaching upon pupils’ learningand guide the trainee as to how this can be further improved.
Assessment of and for Learning (S6)You might consider
How is pupils’ learning systematically checked?
How is the lesson adapted in response to assessing learningand/or children’s questions?
How do the pupils know how well they are doing and how to improve?
How are questioning/discussion used to assess and promote learning?
How do questions tease out pupils’ understanding of their knowledge and develop it further?
How are activities matched to pupils’ prior learning and understanding?
How Is learning reviewed with the pupils in order to set future targets? / Notes:
Ensuring individual needs are met (S5)
Key Strengths:
How does the teacher ensure that the work is appropriate and challenging enough for all pupils?
How are resources used to meet the needs of all the learners in this class?
How are explanations re-phrased when necessary?
How does the teacher intervene to support individuals/groups of pupils when necessary?
How are any barriers to learning addressed?
How do any pupils with specific learning needs receive support?
How are a range of approaches used to ensure that all pupils make progress? / Notes:
What key learning points will you take from this lesson to help you in your future teaching?
What would you like to discuss in your weekly meeting arising from this observation?
The key focus is to evaluate the impact of teaching upon pupils’ learning and guide the trainee as to how this can be further improved.
© Liverpool John Moores University Primary Lesson Observation revised 2016-17 use for 2017-18