Dear Partner,

Thank you for inviting Rory to be a part of your upcoming event! The way we look at it, Rory is working for you, and along side of you, to make sure that your attendees have the maximum experience possible. You can count on him to be prepared to deliver an outstanding performance. The information below is crucial and critical in helping Rory to customize and tailor his presentation to your specific audience.

If you have supplemental materials you would like to send on to our team to review, please feel free to do so but even then it’s very important that we receive this specific questionnaire filled out in it’s entirety. This will help us deliver the best presentation possible to your group!

Background Information:

1.  What is the name of your company or organization? Please list both official names (ie ticker symbols, legal entity, etc) and also how you typically refer to yourselves.

2.  What's the overall size of the company or organization? (Revenue, Team Members, Locations)

3.  What is the mission statement of your company or organization?

4.  What is your primary product or service that you offer?

5.  Who do you offer that product or service for?

6.  How do you get your product or service into your customers “hands”?

7.  What is your company or group slogan?

8.  Who are your primary competitors?

9.  What differentiates your business from that of your competition? Please be as specific as possible about your key differentiators.

10.  How are your prices/fees in relation to competitors?

11.  Are there any “buzz words”/acronyms for the industry we should know?

12.  Are there any “buzz words”/acronyms for the company we should know?

Event Information:

13.  What is the goal of this event or the reason for having the conference?

14.  How often do you have meetings like this one?

15.  Is there a theme for this meeting? What is the official name/title of the event?

16.  What is your "big picture" goal for the outcome of this presentation? If Rory can help your group to just one thing better, what would you wish for?

17.  Who are the other Speakers at this event?

18.  What other activities are happening that attendees will be participating in?

19.  Who is the best on site contact for Rory?

20.  Who of your “VIPs” or “Executives” will be in attendance?

21.  What is the agenda for the event? What is happening just prior to and immediately after Rory’s presentation?

22.  Is there any subject we should be careful not to mention?

23.  What other speakers have you had in the past? Did your group like him/her? What did they like/dislike about other speakers?

Audience Information:

24.  Relevant audience demographics? (Age, experience, job title, education, ethnicity, gender, etc)

25.  How many people are expected to be at the whole event?

26.  How many people are expected to be in Rory’s session?

27.  What is the average income level of the attendees? (This gives Rory an idea of their lifestyles)

28.  What type of training do they receive now? What do you (and they) like about that training? What would you alter or change in your current training model?

29.  What type of room setup do you expect to have for Rory’s presentation?

30.  Will you have a live video of him up on screen while he’s presenting? Ie IMAG?

Psychographic Information:

31.  What are 3 things your people are doing well that you want to emphasize or reinforce?

32.  What is the biggest challenge your people are facing? Is there a particular objection or concern expressed by potential clients that you run into?

33.  Are there any messages you cannot give that Rory can give for you? Any seed you want Rory to plant?

Content Specific Information (None of this information will be mentioned directly from stage, it is only for Rory’s background and benefit):

34.  Please give me a list of every acronym that you use and what it stands for (seriously).

35.  What are the things your team should be doing that they don’t feel like doing?

36.  What is the most common piece of paperwork or administrative task that everyone hates doing?

37.  What are trivial things they allow themselves to get pre-occupied with?

38.  What are things that they should do but they create work for themselves to do instead as a way of avoiding doing these things?

39.  What are the key priorities and strategic focuses for the top level leaders that they often get pulled away from?

40.  What are the types of activities that show up as urgent fires or interruptions that pull you away from the strategic initiatives?

41.  What’s the hardest work they hate doing but should be doing that they don’t want to do?

42.  What are their key metrics, critical success factors, income producing activities, or most important daily recurring tasks that everyone should be focused on?

43.  What’s the short term work they have to do that will pay off for them in the long run?

44.  What’s the big company vision?

45.  Do you have any type of an incentive trip or bonus plan?

46.  What is something that if they invested more time into they would see a better result?

47.  What is something that you encourage them to put their resources into?

48.  Where are they experiencing a belief barrier right now?

49.  What would be the higher expectation level than what they have now that you are promoting?

50.  What is the overall grand company vision?

51.  In what ways could the people in this audience likely afford to “Take the Stairs” a little more often? Ie In what ways could they be a bit more disciplined?

Sales Team Information (for Sales Groups only – otherwise please skip):

52.  Who do they sell to?

53.  What is the name of their CRM system?

54.  How are the salespeople paid?

55.  How do they get their leads (self-generated or company-generated)?

56.  What type of advertising is done?

57.  How many “calls” should they make on a daily basis?

58.  How is the sales team “doing” right now? Is revenue momentum up, down, or sideways?