Animal Mortality Refrigeration Units, Code 316
Landowner/Operator: / Date:
NRCS Service Center: / Conservation District:
Location of Practice: / Lat: / Long:
UTM Coordinates:
SEC: / TS: / R: / Field ID:
The purpose of this practice is to provide a system that will properly dispose of dead animals in order to reduce the impacts of odors and to prevent pollution of water and soil resources. An Animal Mortality Refrigeration Unit is a refrigeration unit capable of freezing and storing animal carcasses until such time as they are removed from site to an approved recycling or rendering facility. The estimated life span of this installation is based on the contract time between the participant and the rendering/recycling facility and the anticipated life of the refrigeration unit compartment. The refrigeration unit capacity is ______. The maximum loading capacity of the refrigeration unit is ______.
The vendor you choose for removing the animal carcasses and properly disposing or using them is:
Telephone Number:
Contact Person:
The above information shall be clearly posted on or near the refrigeration units.
This practice will require you to perform the O&M activities as listed below.
Add or delete bullets as necessary to create a site specific O&M plan. This line does not print.
· Carcasses shall be periodically removed from the refrigeration units and shall be removed prior to the refrigeration units becoming over loaded. The actual schedule for removing carcasses is based on your animal mortality, refrigeration unit capacity, and vendor schedule. A record of carcass removal shall be kept (see O&M Worksheet for “Refrigeration Unit Mortality and Pick-up Documentation”).
· Catastrophic losses shall be handled immediately in an environmentally safe manner. Catastrophic losses will be handled by the vendor listed above or as instructed by your integrator.
· If catastrophic death due to a disease occurs, the State Veterinarian shall be contacted immediately.
· Dead animals associated with your operation shall be removed from the daily, so that unacceptable decay does not occur.
· The refrigeration unit shall be leak proof and maintain temperatures between 22 degrees F and 26 degrees F.
· A highly visible waterproof warning sign, shall be posted to identify that the contents of the refrigeration unit are “INEDIBLE”, and the refrigeration unit should remain locked (child safety lock), unless being filled or empty, to prevent vandalism or children from entering the structure.
· Maintain areas adjacent to the refrigeration units in vegetation.
· Refrigeration units shall be loaded according to manufacturer’s recommendations and shall not exceed design capacity.
· Refrigeration unit shall only be used for the freezing of dead animals associated with your operation.
· The practice should be inspected routinely. All items needing maintenance should be repaired or replaced immediately.
· Check refrigeration units to ensure the maximum loading capacity is not being exceeded.
· Check refrigeration unit-operating temperature to ensure it is operating within the required temperature range.
· Check access roads to refrigeration unit to ensure they remain open and accessible to equipment used to remove carcasses from the refrigeration units.
· Check areas adjacent to the refrigeration units to ensure the areas remain vegetated.
USDA-Florida NRCS / Page 1 of 3 / November 2013/ Operation and Maintenance Plan /
Animal Mortality Refrigeration Units, Code 316
Refrigeration Unit Mortality and Pick-up Documentation
Refrigeration Unit_____Unit Load Date / Number of Animals / Estimated Average Animal Weight (#) / Vendor Pick Up Date
This O&M Plan was discussed and a copy provided to the landowner/operator.
Date:Signed by the Responsible NRCS Employee/Conservation Partner
USDA-Florida NRCS / Page 1 of 3 / November 2013