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TITLE: Policy – RPLPolicy Number / 0064
Effective Date / 1 January 2010
Revision Date / March 2010
Approved By / 2 December 2009 – College Council
- The College – WaterbergFETCollege
The purpose of this policy is to provide guidelines how to gather evidence, assess, make judgments and award credits to an individual’s performance with regards to standards and qualifications. RPL contribute to holistic assessment and self-assessment of people entering on a learning path and enrich the academy and the Curriculum by facilitating dialogue across sites of knowledge and practice.
Recognition of Prior Learning is a system where skills, knowledge, and competencies which have been gained in the workplace, community, in part time jobs, during parenting or practicing hobbies can be assessed and awarded credits, to enable them to gain access to education even though they don’t meet the normal entrance requirements.
As seen from the different Acts, RPL have become an integral part of South African education and training. South African Qualifications Authority Act, no. 58 of 1995 is supporting regulations, policies and guidelines concerning RPL. The Skills Development Act, no. 97 of 1997, this Act is explicit about the need for redress. One of the purposes of this Act is “to improve the employment prospects of persons previously disadvantaged by unfair discrimination and to redress those disadvantages through training and education” (Heyns, J P, 2004). The Higher Education Act, no. 101 of 1997 states”redresses past discrimination and ensure representivity and equal access”. The Education White Paper (1997, DoE, No 3) express that “higher education must be transformed to redress past inequalities, to serve a new social order, to meet pressing national needs and to respond to new realities and opportunities”. The White Paper states also that higher education will open its doors, in the spirit of lifelong learning, to workers, professionals and adult learners in pursuit of multi-skilling and re-skilling, whose access to higher education was denied in the past.The draft New Academic Policy (NAP) distinguishes between two types of RPL: the recognition of accredited learning and the recognition of prior experiential learning. The Further Education and Training Act, no. 98 of 1998 states: Access to the FET band can be gained through the General Education and Training Certificate or equivalent qualification corresponding to NQF Level 1, as well as by other means, e.g. recognition of prior learning processes.
The assessment of learning is available to all ABET learners in basic numeracy and literacy. Certification will not be awarded for evidence produced but merely used as a mechanism for access to further learning in a programme at WaterbergFETCollege.
All ABET learners 15 years and up within the locality of all Waterberg Centres who are in need of creditation status to gain access to a programmme offered at WaterbergFETCollege will qualify to be RPL. No discrimination against gender, race or disabilities.
WaterbergFETCollege will support all ABET learners who might experience intrinsic and extrinsic barriers during the RPL process. Support on learning, gathering evidence, assessment will be given to all learners. At the RPL Centre learners will be able to have access to advisors, tutors, mentors, translators, equipment and media. Learners will get frequent feedback on their learning process. All different learning styles will be acknowledging (visual/audio). Learner support officers will see to the social well been of learners. Most learning will take place at the Centre because of lack to resources and financial stand of learners.
Learners will be from rural areas, different experiences and expectations, little or no skills, poor and unemployed. Sensitivity and flexibility during screening and assessment process are very important because some of these learners did not undergo formal training and may have a low self-esteem.
At least six months are needed for the RPL process. The intake for RPL assessment will be done six months prior the start of any learning programmme to facilitate easy entry for the next registration in the programme the learner is requesting access.
To offer RPL the College has a Quality Management System in place that meets the requirements of the ETQA’s. Assessment and Moderation Policies are in place and these policies meet the requirements of SAQA. These policies are reviewed yearly to make sure that it is applied and effectively used. Appeal procedures are also in place and will be given to learners during application.
To assist RPL candidates the following staff will be allocated:
7.1.Evidence Collection Facilitator
This is part of the pre-assessment stage; screening and pre-assessment. The ECF’s will meet with the candidate to evaluate the viability of the application for RPL. If not viable, feedback will be given to the candidate and alternative learning pathways will be discussed. If viable –they start with the pre-assessment phase – introduce the learner to the process of assessment and support services, including short courses that will help learners in preparing evidence. ECF and Assessor must be different people to prevent biasness.
7.2.1.An Assessor assesses to make a judgment about an achievement that will result in credits towards a unit standard or qualification. The role and responsibilities of assessors are:
7.2.2.Inform the learner about the qualification/unit standard requirements;
7.2.3.Support and guide the learner;
7.2.4.Help learner plan for assessment;
7.2.5.Inform the learner about arrangement surrounding the assessment;
7.2.6.Conduct the assessment according to ETQA principles;
7.2.7.Provide feedback;
7.2.8.Complete documentation and record requirements;
7.2.9.Regularly review the assessment process and implement changes as required;
7.2.10.Comply with all the moderation requirements;
7.2.11.Maintain records of assessments;
7.2.12.Follow guidelines for an appeal for learners who may want to appeal;
7.2.13.Keep abreast of current assessment practices, learning outcomes, standard of assessment, methods of assessment, time frames, technical details and understanding of the details.
7.3.Assessment Designer/Developer
The assessment designer compiles the Assessment plan and guide – they planned their assessment for a standard assessment that follows the delivery of learning, and for the application of RPL. The assessor, moderator and candidate must give feedback about the assessment process.
The moderator quality assures the RPL assessment process –so that the same level of accountability, evaluation and credibility is ensured. The role and responsibility of the moderator are:
7.4.1.Support and guide all parties involved in assessment to ensure fairness in all assessments and judgments;
7.4.2.Manage the appeal process in any disputed assessment;
7.4.3.Develop assessor’s competence as an assessor;
7.4.4.Contribute toward the development of a credible assessment and ETD process within WaterbergFETCollege.
7.5.Administrators and other Support Staff
Administrative and support staff must be trained on policies and procedures for RPL assessment. This staff will deal with the applications for RPL and transcription of credits.
In South Africa there are 11 official languages. Language should not be seen as a barrier for training an individual. People understand tier language better and can communicate better. Translators can help candidates to understand the RPL process better.
7.7.Learner Support
This division mainly focuses on problems that students will encounter during the RPL process as well as social and financial problems.
7.8.1.Man hours
Man hours include time spent by staff on implementation of the RPL process as well as planning for time spent on support for learners wanting access to education and training, the assessment of learners and post –assessment support if required. To minimize time the screening process can be done by self-assessment questionnaires, if the application is viable an interview can be done. Information sessions can be done in groups and challenge exams could be conducted during normal exam times.
RPL will take place at a RPL Centre. The College will not build a Centre but use existing infrastructure. Learners will therefore have access to all the support full time learners have, equipment, media, internet facilities and learner support.
7.8.3.Assessor and Moderator Guides
Assessor guides- keeping the principles of assessment- are very important. The most appropriate methods, instruments and tools must be used because we are training ABET learners 15 years and up. These guidelines must adhere to the principles of validity, reliability, practicability, sufficiency and currency. This will quality assure the process and learners will know that the credits or certificates they received are in line with what Umalusi and other ETQA’s demand from the College.
The moderator guidelines will underline the moderation policy and procedures. Moderation must be part of the planning of assessment, assessment and post-assessment. An external moderator will verify the process. Appeals procedure must be communicated to candidates during the application stage.
7.8.4.Capacity building of staff and resources
Academic staff must have access to appropriate training and professional development, where available.
Administrative staff is the first line of contact with RPL candidates. Therefore these people must have access to training to understand the needs of adult learners.
The College will need 10 Evidence Collection Facilitators. An ECF must have been trained on unit standard NLRD 12544 “Facilitate the preparation of evidence for assessment” NQF Level 4. Evidence facilitation is part of pre-assessment. The pre-assessment consists of:
Screening and
During the screening process the ECF meets with the candidate to evaluate if the candidate can apply for RPL. If not, alternative pathways of learning will be communicated to the learner.
If the learner comply with requirements pre-assessment starts. The ECF introduce the learner to the process of assessment and support sources as well as other short learning programmes that can assist the student in preparing a portfolio of evidence. The ECF must be well aware of the requirements of assessment. ECF is essential and can not fulfill the role of an assessor because the ECF can be bias during assessment.
An assessor is anyone who will make a judgment on an achievement that will result into credits towards unit standards or qualifications. An assessor must support the learner to be successful so that the learner can gain access to further learning. During the pre-assessment stage the candidate will also meet with the assessor.
Assessors need to be trained on unit standard NLRD 115753 “Conduct outcomes based assessment” NQF Level 5. An assessor must be registered with the relevant ETQA(ETDP) and receive an assessor registration number. An assessor is an expert in a field and will give support to the learner, the assessor can only assess a learner if he/she has the full contextual knowledge and understanding of the learning to be assessed.
In the implementation phase an assessor panel has to make sure that the assessment process is done according to requirements. Assessors must give feedback to relevant parties. Feedback must be given on the quality of the learner’s performance in relation with the assessment criteria. Learners have the right to feedback on the process and can ask for further explanation on the outcomes.
The assessment process must be reviewed to identify weaknesses. This must be dealt with according to WaterbergFETCollege assessment policy. If weaknesses arise as a result of poor unit standard it must be communicated to the relevant ETQA.
7.8.6.Assessment Designer/ Developer
An assessment developer (can also be an assessor) is trained on unit standard NLRD 115755 “Design and develop outcomes-based assessments” NQF Level 6. This ensure that an expert design and develop valid, reliable, and fair assessment methods, instruments and tools. The designer compiles a standard Assessment Guide for RPL assessment. Feedback from the learner on assessment is essential- it helps the designer to review the assessment methods and make the necessary changes.
This is an assessor who has completed ‘Conduct moderation of outcomes-based assessments” unit standard NLRD 115759 NQF Level 6. This is also a specialist role to ensure quality assurance of the assessment process.
Training for administrative staff is very important because they meet candidates first. They have to understand terms like NQF, unit standards, outcomes and also be able to keep record of applications and transcription of credits. They have to understand the process of creditation to outcomes and not modules. They also must be trained on how to transfer credits if learners want to continue at another College. They also must know the policies and procedure on RPL, appeals procedure and fee structure for RPL.
- Man hours
Man hours include time spent by staff on implementation of the RPL process as well as planning for time spent on support for learners wanting access to education and training, the assessment of learners and post –assessment support if required. To minimize time the screening process can be done by self-assessment questionnaires, if the application is viable an interview can be done. Information sessions can be done in groups and challenge exams could be conducted during normal exam times.
- Support to Candidate
Individual session. The time required is probably half a day, depending on the ABET scope for which the candidate wishes to apply for RPL.
- Portfolio Development
For a full qualification (120 credits) two years. Candidates could take less time, because the RPL process assumes that the candidate has already acquired some learning prior to submitting the application for RPL.
- Assessment
This will be determined by activities required to demonstrate the outcomes in the unit standard or qualification.
- Moderation
This will be determined by the scope of assessment conducted.
- Feedback to the learner
This will be determined by the evidence to be submitted by the learner
- Appeals
This will be determined by the nature of the appeal whether it needs to be referred to the moderator, QMS or ETQA’s.
- Certification
This is the responsibility of the ETQA. Time-frames will be set by the ETQA’s.
- Personal Development Plan
The PDP should be prepared immediately after the completion of the assessment.
- Infrastructure
RPL will take place at a RPL Centre. RPL will be situated at (Johan Nel), the IT and Computer Science Centre Mokopane. The College will not build a Centre but use existing infrastructure. Learners will therefore have access to all the support full time learners have, equipment, media, internet facilities and learner support.
- Assessor and Moderator Guides
Practitioners new to RPL processes will have access to Assessor guides.
Assessor guides- keeping the principles of assessment- are very important. The most appropriate methods, instruments and tools must be used because we are training ABET learners 15 years and up. These guidelines must adhere to the principles of validity, reliability, practicability, sufficiency and currency. This will quality assure the process and learners will know that the credits or certificates they received are in line with what Umalusi and other ETQA’s demand from the College.
The moderator guidelines will include the processes for moderation of assessment instruments, the number of assessments moderated and the moderation of the overall process. Moderation must be part of the planning of assessment, assessment and post-assessment. An external moderator will verify the process. Appeals procedure must be communicated to candidates during the application stage.
RPL is recognized and credited through an appropriate form of assessments which may include one or a combination of the following:
- Interviews;
- Challenge examinations;
- Assignments or projects;
- Demonstration of skills;
- Validation of previous certificates.
The RPL process will entails the following:
- Identifying the qualifications, unit standards or learning outcomes for which the learner believes that he/she will meet the requirements;
- Matching the learners skills, knowledge and experience with the specific requirements;
- Assessing a learner using appropriate forms of assessment;
- Crediting a learner for skills, knowledge and experience attained.
Internal Moderation on the RPL process is necessary because it will ensure quality assessments. Internal moderators will:
- Establish systems to standardize assessments;
- Monitor consistency of assessment records;
- Through sampling check the design of assessment materials for appropriateness before using, monitor the assessment, check the evidence and check the results and decisions of assessors for consistency;
- Co-ordinate assessor meetings;
- Consult with external moderators;
- Provide support, advice and guidance to assessors.
The process of assessment is as follows:
- Design assessment methods – instruments, exemplars, assessor guides and evidence guides. Quality assurance is very important during this stage because assessors need to ensure that their assessment is valid in terms of the outcomes it is intended to assess. Thus learning outcomes need to be clearly identified in each module, and validity in assessment is achieved by aligning assessment tasks and assessment criteria with the learning outcomes. Assessment tasks that facilitate RPL must be agreed upon by different subject committees for modules/programmes and must be submitted and be approved by the subject expert before implementation of the assessment tasks. Approval of the tasks will be based on the extent to which the assessment tasks meet the requirements. A learner must complete all tasks. Absenteeism or non/late submission of tasks should be evidenced in the learner’s portfolio of evidence. Assessment criteria should be openly and clearly communicated at the same time as the assessment task is given to the learner, this will enable learners to use the criteria to monitor and develop their own learning. Learners must be informed as to the knowledge, skills, values, attitudes they need to demonstrate in order to achieve the stated learning outcome of the task. A range of assessment methods should be used to cater for learners’ different learning styles and multiple intelligences. When assessing stated learning outcomes e.g. practical, reports, oral presentations, portfolios, posters, case studies, projects, observations, essays etc. Support structures must be in place to assist candidates applying for RPL and also for all staff involved in RPL.
- Implement the assessment procedures. The candidates applying for RPL will be screened. Evidence of the candidate will be assessed and if necessary the candidate may be asked for an interview to explain assessment procedures. The assessor will make recommendations for recognition of credits, or recommend refusal. The RPL panel will verify the recommendations. Assessment needs to be frequent to provide guidance to learners on their performance and to provide assessors with guidance on how to improve their assessment practices and to feed back into curriculum development. A schedule for assessment must be drawn up and should be communicated to learners at the beginning of the course. Assessment must be integrated – evidence of the integration of knowledge, skills, values and attitudes across assessment tasks. There must be opportunities for learners to demonstrate the achievement of a number of learning outcomes within a single task. Formative assessment should be employed to provide learners with feedback on their performance, and to provide guidance to learners on how to improve their performance in future. Feedback on formative assessment; upon being assessed feedback must be given to the learners within 14 days of the date of assessment. Summative assessment will be conducted through a test and PoE. Re-assessment will be done as agreed between the learner and assessor. The number of re-assessments will be determined by the subject committee. The Assessor will give feedback to the candidate regarding his/her application. If necessary a learning plan will be recommended. At this stage the learner can also appeal against the judgment of the assessor.
- Review of assessment
To make sure that the RPL process is been dine according to standards it must be reviewed by assessors and moderators. It is therefore essential that learners must give feedback on the process. This will enable the review panel to correct problems that occurred. The results of the RPL assessment will also help to make necessary changes. These changes must also be quality assured.