The Public Sector Equality Duty
January 2012
Page Number / Section3 / Introduction
5 / Meeting our Duties
10 / Recruitment
17 / Leavers
19 / Analysis across employment practices
- Pay Band by gender
- Flexible working
- Return to work following maternity leave
22 / Grievance, Disciplinary, Harassment and Bullying
25 / Training Development and Career Opportunities
- Promotion
31 / Health and Well Being
Procurement and Commissioning
32 / Equality Analysis of Patient Data
36 / Patient Surveys
40 / Complaints
42 / Engagement with staff, patients and communities
47 / Delivering Equality
48 / Appendix 1 Equality Delivery System ( EDS)
49 / Appendix EDS Goals and Outcomes
51 / Appendix 3 EDS Grades
The Equality Act 2010 (the Act) became law in October 2010 with the aim to harmonise and simplify previous legislation which tackles discrimination and disadvantage. Therefore creating one single legal framework which ensures consistency and makes it easier for us to understand and comply with.
The Equality Act (2010) places an Equality Duty on public bodies such as the Trust. This Duty replaces the three former public sector equality duties for disability, race and gender and covers the following protected characteristics:
- Disability
- Age
- Race – this includes ethnic or national origins, colour or nationality
- Sex
- Sexual orientation
- Religion or belief – this includes lack of belief
- Gender reassignment
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Marriage and Civil Partnership
The Equality Duty encourages us to engage with the diverse communities affected by our activities to ensure that policies and services are appropriate and accessible to all and meet the different needs of the communities and people we serve.
The Equality Duty consists of a General Duty with three main aims. It requires the Trust to have due regard to the need to:
- Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct prohibited by the Equality Act (2010)
- Advance equality of opportunity between people from different groups
- Foster good relations between people of different groups.
Having due regard means that we must take account of these three aims as part of our decision making processes; in how we act as an employer, how we develop, evaluate and review policy; how we design, deliver and evaluate services; and how we commission and buy services from others.
The general duty is also underpinned by a number of specific duties which include the need for us to:
- Set specific, measurable equality objectives;
- Analyse the effect of our policies and practices on equality and consider how they further the equality aims;
- Publish sufficient information to demonstrate we have complied with the general equality duty on an annual basis.
In addition, the NHS has developed the Equality Delivery System which also requires us to grade our performance with a range of stakeholders including staff, patients and community groups. For more information please see Appendix 1on page48
Meeting our Duties - Equality Analysis of Workforce Data
The Trust collates workforce data broken down by protected characteristics. To ensure we attract and retain a balanced workforce we also capture all data through our recruitment processes and when some leaves the Trust. This information can help us understand recruitment trends and ensure our recruitment practices are non-discriminatory. By comparing against our local population and other organisations we are able to understand how open and accessible our recruitment channels are. Where there is any underrepresentation or imbalance we can then determine corrective action.
The chart below illustrates our workforce by gender. The percentage of female staff is 39% to 61% male staff. This compares to the North East population demographic of 52% women and 48% men.
When comparing our gender breakdown to other Ambulance Services
the national average is 40.9% Female and 59.90% male. We are therefore aligned with the national average.
Race -The Trust employs 2,213 staff (as at 31st January 2012), and ‘Non-White – British’ groups make up 2% of the total workforce. This compares to 4.14% of the North East population and 6.7% of the population in England being from ‘Non-White-British’ groups. (NEPHO– North East Public Health Observatory 2006).
Disability-The graph below summarises the Trust’s workforce by disability, where 3.7% have formally disclosed to the Trust that they consider themselves to have a disability. The North East of England has the highest proportion of disabled people, with 25% of the local working age population being disabled. This compares to 20%of the local working age population of England being disabled. (Disability Rights Commission, 2007)
Age- The graph below shows the age demographics of our workforce which is evenly distributed amongst most age bands. Work is underway to attract younger people to the Trust by way of an Apprenticeship schemes. The national average amongst other Ambulance Service of staff below 25 years of age is 4.86 in comparison to our 4.5%.
Sexual Orientation - The chart below outlines our workforce by sexual orientation, where 1.76% of staff have formally disclosed to the Trust that they are lesbian, gay or bisexual. This compares to an estimated between 5% and 7% 6.5% of the North East population being lesbian, gay or bisexual (Equality in the North East : A statistical profile, 2008).
When we compare our stats against the Ambulance Service national statistics our data mirrors the national average of Bisexual, Lesbian and Gay staff. However, the national average for undisclosed information is only 16% compared to our 35%.
Religion and Belief -The table overleaf summarises the workforce by their religion or belief, where this information has been disclosed. Of the staff who disclosed a religion to us, the largest group remains Christianity at 47%. 4.58% of staff have disclosed to the Trust that they follow a religion other than Christianity (this includes Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, and Hinduism amongst others), and a further 39 of staff do not wish to disclose their religion or belief. These figures compare to the estimated 80.1% of the North East general population who declare themselves Christian, followed by 1.9% who follow ‘Other religions’ and 10.5% who are of ‘No religion’ (Census, 2001).
Part time staff by Gender
Employee Category / Female FTE / Female Headcount / Female Headcount % / Male FTE / Male Headcount / Male Headcount %Full Time / 627.00 / 627.00 / 27.00 / 1,216.00 / 1,216.00 / 52.37
Part Time / 112.47 / 207.00 / 8.91 / 59.90 / 155.00 / 6.68
Undefined / 0.00 / 42.00 / 1.81 / 1.00 / 75.00 / 3.23
We analyse the workforce data and our recruitment trends by protected characteristics. We are able to capture data on all protected characteristic from point of application through to applicants hired. This data can help us change our recruitment methods to increase transparency and access to our jobs. Ultimately the recruitment practice is essential to attract a well-balanced workforce which we can retain, support and develop.
The table below demonstrates that the Trust handled 6569 job applications during the period 1st April 2010 to 31st March 2011, with 2540 applicants shortlisted and 207 applicants appointed. Of these, 13.84% of applicants were from non-white ethnic groups as were 7.09% of applicants who were shortlisted, and 5.31% of applicants appointed.
Race / Applications / %age / Shortlisted / %age / Appointed / %ageWHITE – British / 5493 / 83.62% / 2298 / 90.47% / 189 / 91.30%
WHITE – Irish / 19 / 0.29% / 8 / 0.31% / 0
WHITE - Any other white background / 111 / 1.69% / 41 / 1.61% / 0
ASIAN or ASIAN BRITISH - Indian / 250 / 3.81% / 32 / 1.26% / 2 / 0.97%
ASIAN or ASIAN BRITISH - Pakistani / 151 / 2.30% / 36 / 1.42% / 1 / 0.48%
ASIAN or ASIAN BRITISH - Bangladeshi / 70 / 1.07% / 17 / 0.67% / 1 / 0.48%
ASIAN or ASIAN BRITISH - Any other Asian backround / 85 / 1.29% / 19 / 0.75% / 1 / 0.48%
MIXED - White & Black Caribbean / 3 / 0.04% / 2 / 0.08%
MIXED - White & Black African / 11 / 0.16% / 2 / 0.08% / 2 / 0.97%
MIXED - White & Asian / 16 / 0.24% / 6 / 0.23% / 1 / 0.48%
MIXED - any other mixed background / 15 / 0.22% / 5 / 0.19% / 1 / 0.48%
BLACK or BLACK BRITISH - Caribbean / 14 / 0.21% / 4 / 0.16%
BLACK or BLACK BRITISH - African / 225 / 3.42% / 46 / 1.81% / 1 / 0.48%
BLACK or BLACK BRITISH - Any other black background / 9 / 0.13% / 2 / 0.07%
OTHER ETHNIC GROUP - Chinese / 28 / 0.42% / 0
OTHER ETHNIC GROUP - Any other ethnic group / 32 / 0.48% / 9 / 0.35% / 1 / 0.48%
Undisclosed / 37 / 0.56% / 13 / 0.51% / 7 / 3.38%
Grand Total / 6569 / 2540 / 207
Non White Groups (excl not stated) / 909 / 13.84% / 180 / 7.09% / 11 / 5.31%
Owing to the amount of data it is difficult to display in a pie chart.
Recruitment Summary
We have identified that more work needs to be done within local communities to promote the Ambulance Service as an employer of choice and we will consult on this through our work to embed the Equality Delivery System.
We are aware that a large percentage of staff do not wish to disclose their sexual orientation and we are trying to increase staffs confidence
by working with the organisation Stonewall to improve our practices and using their benchmark nationally to help us identify improvement areas.
On a local level we have access to staff networks including a LGBT group, BME network and Religion and Belief network which gives us an opportunity to open dialogue with this community.
We plan to consult with these network to understand barriers around workforce issues and create an action plan to help us focus on the
outcomes of the Equality Delivery System grading and achieve a more inclusive working culture.
We have in place an apprenticeship scheme which offers entrance to the Trust for a variety of age groups, in particular younger recruits. We will financially support them to complete the necessary driver training. This has been as cost barrier in the past to younger people and low income families.
On anational level we will continue to work with the National Ambulance Diversity fourm to share learnings and consider new recruitmetn methods.
Analysis across employment practices
To ensure we retain and develop our workforce we monitor at a number of points in the employment cycle. This includes:-
- That we pay staff fairly
- When staff apply for flexible working
- Staff returning from maternity leave
- Grievances, Disciplinary, harassment and bullying stats.
- Training, development and career opportunities
Gender by Pay Band
The table below demonstrates the workforce by gender and pay band. The pay band with the highest amount of female staff is Band 3 at 38.93 % and the pay band with highest amount of male staff is Band 5 at 37.82%. However, for management levels (pay band 7 and above) there is a higher female gender representation with 4.62% of female staff (38 employees) in Band 7 or above, and 3.86% of male staff (54 employees ) in Band 7 or above.
Flexible Working by Gender
Applications / No. of applications / Successful / UnsuccessfulFemale / 10 / 10 / 0
Male / 4 / 4 / 0
Although this data shows 100% success in flexible working requests, when compared to other Ambulances Services our staff still mark us below average for our commitment to work-life balance.
Staff Survey Question - Trust commitment to work-life balance
Staff were asked questions to assess the extent to which they believe that the Trust andimmediate managers are committed to helping them find a good balance between their work andhome life. Possible scores range from 1 to 5, with 1 representing low commitment from the Trust,
and 5 representing high commitment from the Trust.
The Trust's score of 2.88 was below average when compared with Trusts of asimilar type.
We therefore need to consider what more we could do as a Trust to help staff achieve a positive work life balance. The staff survey does not specifically refer to flexible working requests, therefore it would be useful to look at some focus groups and staff consultation around equality issues to understand what improvements staff would like around work life balance .
Return to Work Rate following Maternity Leave
The table below summarises that of the 18 staff who took maternity leave during this period, only one employee chose not to return to work, a return to work rate of 94.4%.
Staff taking maternity leave / Returned / Did not return18 / 17 / 1
Grievance, Disciplinary, Harassment and Bullying stats.
The table below shows that a slightly higher percentage of female staff were involved in Grievance Procedures, and a higher percentage of male staff were involved in Bullying & Harassment, and Capability Procedures. However, there was a significantly higher percentage of male staff involved in Disciplinary Procedures.
Gender / Grievance / %age / Discipline / %age / B&H / %age / Capability / %ageMale / 4 / 44.44% / 15 / 78.95% / 6 / 60% / 10 / 58.82%
Female / 5 / 55.56% / 4 / 21.05% / 4 / 40% / 7 / 41.18%
Total / 9 / 19 / 10 / 17
The table reveals that all staff involved in Grievance and Disciplinary Procedures this year were from the ‘White-British’ or ‘Not Stated’ categories. One employee from a non white group had been involved in the Bullying and Harassment Procedure, and two staff from non white groups were involved in Capability Procedures.
Race / Grievance / %age / Discipline / %age / B&H / %age / Capability / %ageAsian - Bangladeshi
Asian - Indian / 1 / 5.88%
Asian - Other / 1 / 5.88%
Black - African
Black - Caribbean
Black - Other
Chinese / 1 / 10%
Mixed - African
Mixed - Asian
Mixed - Other
White - British / 7 / 77.77% / 14 / 73.68% / 3 / 30% / 13 / 76.47%
White - Irish
White - Other
Not Stated / 2 / 22.23% / 5 / 26.32% / 6 / 60% / 2 / 11.76%
Total / 9 / 19 / 10 / 17
The table below reveals that of the staff involved in Grievance Procedures, 11.1% have declared that they have a disability, as had 5.26% of staff subject to disciplinary proceedings, 5.88% of staff managed through the Capability Procedure, and 0% of staff who submitted formal bullying and harassment complaints.
Disabled / Grievance / %age / Discipline / %age / B&H / %age / Capability / %ageYes / 1 / 11.11% / 1 / 5.26% / 0 / 0% / 1 / 5.88%
No / 4 / 44.44% / 11 / 57.90% / 3 / 30% / 10 / 58.82%
Not Declared / 4 / 44.44% / 7 / 36.84% / 7 / 70% / 6 / 35.30%
Total / 9 / 19 / 10 / 17
Staff involved in Grievance and Bullying & Harassment Procedures were distributed fairly evenly across most age ranges. However, all of the staff involved in Capability Procedures were aged 55 and under, and all of the staff involved in Disciplinary Procedures were aged under 60.
Age / Grievance / %age / Discipline / %age / B&H / %age / Capability / %ageUnder 30 / 1 / 11.11% / 1 / 10% / 2 / 11.76%
31-35 / 1 / 11.11% / 2 / 10.52% / 3 / 17.64%
36-40 / 1 / 11.11% / 5 / 26.31% / 2 / 20% / 4 / 23.52%
41-45 / 4 / 44.44% / 3 / 15.79% / 2 / 20% / 4 / 23.52%
46-50 / 1 / 11.11% / 2 / 10.52% / 2 / 20% / 1 / 5.88%
51-55 / 5 / 26.31% / 3 / 17.64%
56-60 / 2 / 10.52% / 2 / 20%
61-65 / 1 / 11.11%
66-70 / 1 / 10%
Total / 9 / 19 / 10 / 17
Sexual Orientation
No lesbian, gay or bisexual staff were involved in Grievance, Disciplinary, Bullying & Harassment, and Capability Procedures. However, quite a high percentage of staff involved in these procedures were in the ‘I do not wish to disclose’ category, so this is an area that will be monitored closely going forward.
Sexual Orientation / Grievance / %age / Discipline / %age / B&H / %age / Capability / %ageHeterosexual / 6 / 66.6% / 12 / 63.15% / 10 / 58.82%
I do not wish to disclose / 3 / 33.3% / 7 / 36.85% / 10 / 100% / 7 / 41.18%
Total / 9 / 10 / 17
Religion and Belief
Staff involved in Grievance, Disciplinary, Bullying & Harassment, and Capability Procedures were distributed fairly evenly across religion and belief categories, when compared to the breakdown of staff by religion or belief.
Religion and Belief / Grievance / %age / Discipline / %age / B&H / %age / Capability / %ageAtheism / 1 / 11.11% / 4 / 21.05% / 1 / 10% / 2 / 11.76%
Christianity / 5 / 55.55% / 5 / 26.31% / 4 / 40% / 9 / 52.94%
I do not wish to disclose / 3 / 33.33% / 8 / 42.10% / 5 / 50% / 5 / 29.41%
Other / 2 / 10.52% / 1 / 5.88%
Total / 9 / 19 / 10 / 17
Training, Development and Career Opportunities
We are able to monitor all activity by protected characteristics in training, promotions and appraisals.
Below are examples of those captured through the appraisal process.
We are currently tendering for a provider of our new Talent Development programme and a key component of that tender is their proof of meeting our Equality and Diversity objectives.
To support a diverse workforce and ensure there are no barriers to those staff who wish to progress we offer a range of blended learningopportunities through a variety of mechanisms. For example:
- On the job learning
- Secondments internal/external
- E-Learning
- Mentorship
- Job sharing/swap
- Flexible learning opportunities
Of the 86 internal promotions, 58.13% were female staff, and 41.86% were male staff.
Of the 86 internal promotions during this period, 2 staff (2.32%) were from non White-British groups, but 24.41% did not wish to disclose their race.
Race / Headcount / %ASIAN or ASIAN BRITISH - Bangladeshi / 1 / 1.16%
ASIAN or ASIAN BRITISH - Any other Asian background
BLACK or BLACK BRITISH - Any other black background
MIXED - White & Asian
MIXED - White & Black African / 1 / 1.16%
MIXED - White & Black Caribbean
MIXED - any other mixed background
Do not wish to disclose / 21 / 24.41%
WHITE - British / 63 / 73.25%
WHITE - Irish
WHITE - Any other white background
Grand Total / 86
Non White (excl not stated) / 2 / 2.32%
Of the 86 internal promotions, five staff (5.81%) had declared that they had a disability. 54.65% did not wish to disclose whether they had a disability.
Internal promotions were fairly evenly spread between age ranges. The majority of internal promotions were from the 25-44 age categories.
Age / Headcount / %Under 20 / 0 / 0%
20-24 / 7 / 8.14%
25-29 / 11 / 12.79%
30-34 / 20 / 23.25%
35-39 / 15 / 17.44%
40-44 / 9 / 10.46%
45-49 / 6 / 6.98%
50-54 / 7 / 8.14%
55-59 / 3 / 3.49%
60-64 / 6 / 6.98%
65-69 / 2 / 2.32%
Over 70 / 0 / 0%
Total / 86
Sexual Orientation
Out of 86 internal promotions three staff (2.32%) had declared they were lesbian, gay or bisexual (3.48%). 50% were heterosexual and 46.51% did not wish to disclose their sexual orientation.
Sexual Orientation / Headcount / %Heterosexual / 43 / 50%
Lesbian / 1 / 1.16%
Bisexual / 2 / 2.32%
I do not wish to disclose / 40 / 46.51%
Total / 86
Religion and Belief
Out of the total internal promotions 1.16% were of the Muslim faith, 45.35% were of Christian faith and 40.70% did not wish to disclose their religion or belief.
Health and Wellbeing
We have an Occupational Health Service (OHS) who works to promote the physical and psychological wellbeing of our employees.
They do this by advising managers’ ad staff on the effects of health on work and work on health. So, for example, if you have a medical condition when you start a job, the OHS will advise the person’s manager of any reasonable adjustments required to prevent work making your condition any worse.
Throughout the year OHS promotes health campaigns around specific health and wellbeing issues.
For example:-
- Smoking Cessation Sessions
- Gym Referrals, Physiotherapy
- Counselling Service/Rapid Response Counselling Service
- Flu Programme
The Trust has been awarded levels Bronze and SilverNorth East Better Health at Work Award.
Procurementand Commissioning
Throughout all procurement and commissioning we ask for evidence of their equality and diversity actions to prevent discrimination.
Our Equality Analysis of Patient Data
Patient Transport Data1st January 31st 2011 - December 2011
Age / No. of patients / Percentage<16 / 6712 / 1%
16-25 / 7411 / 1%
26-64 / 190123 / 25%
65+ / 529673 / 71%
(blank) / 14571 / 2%
Grand Total / 748,490 / 100%