Welcome to Discrete Mathematics
Most math courses build on themselves all year. Discrete Math is different. We will deal with six different subjects that have nothing to do with each other. Some of the subjects you may find easy and others you may find difficult. You will need to focus intently on each subject even if you don’t like it. Subjects will change quickly.
The four quarters will be:
- Trigonometry
- Debt, Investments, and Finance
- Logic, Election Theory, and Fair Division
- Graph Theory
Each Quarter will end with an exam covering that quarter. Instead of having a Midterm and a Final exam each of which will count for 10% of your yearly grade, each quarterly exam will count for 5%. Please note that each quarter will have 30 class meetings except for the fourth quarter, which will only have 18 class meetings. As always, students who achieve an 84% average for each term and an 84% for the year will have the option of not taking the 4th quarterly exam. Everyone is required to take the first, second and third quarter exams.
Grading Policy
In addition to the quarterly exams, we will have roughly three quizzes and three tests per quarter and we will have regular homework assignments. Here is how your GPA will be calculated:
- 50 % of your grade will be based on test scores. Re-tests will be available sometimes, but not always and the maximum score on a re-test is 80%. All tests and retestsmust remain in the teacher’s possession at all times. Make an appointment to review them.
- 40% of your grade will be based on quiz scores. Quizzes cannot be taken over.
- 10% of your grade will be based on homework. You will be expected to do your homework every night it is assigned. In order to get credit for your assignment; you must show your solutions while he is checking homework. Late assignments will not receive full credit. Sloppy or incomplete assignments will not be accepted!
- You may use the 45-Minute Rule if you put 45 minutes of good solid effort into a homework assignment and you are still not finished. Simply write "45 Minute Rule" at the end of your work. Your teacher has the final say over this rule.
- BANK POINTS are bonus points that accumulate each quarter. For every 15 bank points you earn, you will be awarded 1 extra point on your quarterly exam score.
Warning: This course is demanding. I expect a lot from seniors. If you are taking this course because you think it will be easy, you have a very rude awakening coming.
- More than 6 absences will result in a grade no higher than 55% for the quarter. Excused absences count towards this total! (Read your handbook for details. Page 41.)
- 1 class cut = 3 class absences!!!!!! (Handbook page 41.)
- 25 tardy minutes equals one unexcused absence. (Example: If you are late to class, five minutes on 5 days, this equals one absence! Handbook, page 42.)
- You are responsible for all make-up work caused by absences. Make-up work (including test and quizzes) is due no later than one day longer than the length of the absence. No credit will be given for work (including tests and quizzes) missed if a student is truant from school or a class. For example, if you are absent for two days, all work must be made up by the third day after you return.
Leaving the Classroom
- Seniors do not need a pass to leave the classroom but you must still ask permission! Please don't interrupt during a presentation to ask permission to leave the room. Wait for an appropriate time. Be polite.
- You must sign out when you leave the classroom, even if you are just going across the hall for a quick drink. You must sign in when you return.
Odds & Ends
- Food and drink in class. No food or beverages are allowed in any of the classrooms or other parts of the building outside the cafeteria or courtyards. Students who violate this rule will have their food confiscated and may be assigned a detention. (Handbook, page 32.) You may have a water bottle in class unless it is a distraction. In order to minimize distraction, please keep it under or beside your desk not on top of your desk.
- Electronic Devices. Portable Electronic Devises (PED), including but not limited to cell phones and Ipods, may not be turned on, in use or visible on school grounds during school hours. If you are seen with a PED you will be sent to the office to turn it over to the administration. First offenders may pick up their PED after school. Repeat offenders will have their PED confiscated until a parent picks it up from the office. Refusal to comply with these rules will be considered insubordination and additional penalties will apply. (Hanbook page 31.)
- Extra Help. Extra help is available by appointment most days after school and during most X Blocks. Don't wait - get help as soon as you need it.
- Grade Reports will be given in the middle and at the end of each term. Please note: a grade marked “ ** “ means it is missing. If not made up, it will become a “ 0 “ and your average will drop significantly.
- Substitute Teacher Reports. I expect seniors to have perfect behavior for a substitute teacher. You are expected to come in to class on time, sit in your assigned seat and complete the assignment the substitute teacher gives you. When you finish, you may work quietly at your seat on another subject or read quietly.
Your teacher reserves the right to modify these rules, with or without notice.