PPR8A(Revised Jan 10)
please insert ref. above
The Public Policy Research Funding Scheme
Concluding Report
(for terminated projects only)
Report for the period ending
Part A: The Project and Investigator(s)
1. Project Title
2. Investigator(s) and Academic Department(s)/Unit(s) Involved
Research Team / Name/Post / Unit/Department/InstitutionPrincipal Investigator
3. Project Duration
Original / Revised / Date of RGC / InstitutionApproval( must be quoted)
Project Start Date
Project Completion Date
Duration (in month)
Deadline for Submission of Completion Report
Project Termination Date
Reason for Project Termination
4. Project Expenditure
4.1 Sources of funding
Source / Amount (HK$)PPR
Others (please specify)
Total budget
4.2 Budget & Expenditure
Direct cost / Revised Budget after approval / Expenditure incurred up to the last reporting period(a) / Expenditure incurred in current reporting period
(b) / Expenditure to date
(a + b)
Research Staff
Relief Teacher
General Expenses
4.3 Balance: $______
( % ofPPR budget; refund arranged / to be arranged / not required*)
*Please delete where appropriate.
Part B: The Concluding Report
5. Project Objectives
5.1 Objectives as per original application
3. ....
5.2 Revised objectives
Date of approval from the RGC:
Reasons for the change:
3. ....
5.3 Realisation of the objectives
(maximum 1 page; please state how and to what extent the project objectives have been achieved; give reasons for under-achievements and outline attempts to overcome problems, if any)
5.4 Summary of objectives addressed to date
Objectives(as per 5.1 or 5.2 above) / Addressed
(please tick) / Percentage achieved
(please estimate)
6. Policy Implications as per the statement submitted upon award of funding
7. Research Activities
(please state the scope of investigation undertaken; results achieved; problems encountered; deviations from the original plan and the reasons for doing so etc.)
7.1Research activities in relation to the project objectives that were carried out up to the last Progress Report
7.2 Areas addressed and results expected during this reporting period( as stated at 7.5 of the last Progress Report)
7.3Research activities in relation to the project objectives that were carried out during this reporting period
7.4Impact/ Potential Impact on Public Policy of Hong Kong
(maximum 1 page)
Part C: Research Output
8. Peer-reviewed journal publication(s) arising directly from this research project (Please attach a copy of the publication and/or the letter of acceptance if not yet submitted in the previous progress report(s). All listed publications must acknowledge the funding support of the CPU and the RGCby quoting the specific grant reference.)
The Latest Status of Publications / Author(s) (denote the corresponding author with an asterisk*) / Title and Journal/Book (with the volume, pages and other necessary publishing details specified) / Submitted to RGC (indicate the year ending of the relevant progress report) / Attached to this report (Yes or No) / Acknowledged the support of RGC (Yes or No)Year of publication / Year of Acceptance (For paper accepted but not yet published) / Under Review / Under Preparation (optional)
- Recognized international conference(s) in which paper(s) related to this research project was/were delivered (Please attach a copy of each conference abstract)
Place / Title / Conference Name / Submitted to RGC (indicate the year ending of the relevant progress report) / Attached to this report (Yes or No) / Acknowledge the support of RGC
(Yes or No)
- Dissemination of research results (other than 8 and 9)
(Please attach a copy of eachitem. All listed items must acknowledge RGC’s funding support by quoting the specific grant reference.)
Month/ Year / Information disseminated, Format and Methods of dissemination / Users/ Audience / Submitted to RGC (indicate the year ending of the relevant progress report) / Attached to this report (Yes or No) / Acknowledge the support of RGC(Yes or No)
11.Student(s) trained(please attach a copy of the title page of each thesis)
Name / Degree registered for / Date of registration / Date of thesis submission/ graduation12. Other impact (e.g. award of patents or prizes, collaboration with other research institutions, technology transfer, etc.)
Principal Investigator
PPR8A_Jan 10.doc