

The PTA student must be able to apply the knowledge and skills necessary to function in a broad varietyof clinical situationswhile providing thespectrumof physical therapytreatments.The list of EssentialFunctionsreflectsreasonable expectations ofthe PTA student forthe performance of common physicaltherapy functions in asafeand competent manner.


A student must be capable of performing the following list of essential functions in a timely mannerwhileenrolled in the Physical Therapist Assistant program,withor without reasonable accommodations. ThePTA programfully supportsthe provision of reasonable accommodations to students withspecial needs in order to achieve program objectives. All adaptive equipment andassociated cost is the responsibility ofthe student.

Motor Skills

A student must be able to:

  • Sitorstandinclass orclinic forupto10hours per day.
  • Moveor position patients and equipment, which involves lifting, carrying, pulling, and guidingweights uptoand including 100 pounds.
  • Demonstrateproper postures, body mechanics, ergonomics, and lifting techniques.
  • Comfortably touch or be touched by anotherperson inan appropriate and professional way.
  • Palpate anatomicalstructures and handle injured body partswithout causing injury to the patient.
  • Givemanualresistance toapatient’sarm, leg,or trunk during exercise.
  • Move with adequate agility and speed toensure patient safety.
  • Walk and balance well enough tohelp patients walk and transferwith orwithoutequipment, whilepreventing injury to patient and self.
  • Safely grasp and manipulate small objects and set dials on electrical equipment.
  • Use equipment that emits electrical, ultrasonic, and thermal energy in the safe and competent treatmentof patients.

  • Competently perform andsupervise cardiopulmonary resuscitation(CPR)and automated externaldefibrillation (AED) using guidelines issued by the American Heart Association.

Observational and SensorySkills

A student must be able to:

  • Demonstrateappropriate observationsskills that will enable thestudent to discern normal from abnormalin order to determine asafe and appropriate course of action.
  • Observe demonstrations, equipment, and patients ata distance andup close forthe purposeofquick,appropriate assessment and treatment.
  • Use visual, auditory, and tactile sensesto observe patients andcollect and interpret data.
  • Read and interpret equipment dials, patient charts, professional literature, andnotes from patients,physicians, and other health professionals.
  • Respond to warning sounds, machine alarms, and calls forhelp.
  • Have the ability to identifyand respond immediately topatients’ non-verbal cues (facial expressions andgrimaces) bytaking quick, decisive action.

Communication Skills

A student must be able to:

  • Demonstrateexcellent communication skills in English in verbal and written (including electronic) formatswith faculty, peers, patients, families, andother healthprofessionals.
  • Recognize and respond to verbal communication, auditory timersand equipment alarmsimmediately andappropriately in an environment with amoderate level of background noise.
  • Initiate conversations,stay on topic and on task withpatient treatment in a clinicalsetting with amoderatelevelof distraction.
  • Record thoughts legibly and clearly forwritten assignments and tests.
  • Legibly record/document patient care notes andcommunications in standard medical charts(includingelectronic medical records)in hospital/clinicalsettings inatimely manner andconsistent withtheacceptable norms of clinical settings.

Intellectualand Conceptual Skills

A student must be able to:

  • Measure, calculate, reason, analyze, evaluate, andsynthesize complex information.
  • Demonstrategoodcognitive, memory, and problemsolving skillsinthe classroom and clinicalsettingsinan efficient and timely manner.
  • Comprehendthree-dimensional relationships and understand thespatial relationships ofstructures.
  • Meet classstandards for successfulcoursecompletion.
  • Collect, interpret, prioritize,and integratedata about patients.
  • Stayfocusedona specific taskfora minimum ofone hour.
  • Think abstractly.
  • Have the ability to generalize information from one task to anotherand apply it appropriately.

Behavioraland Social Attitudes

A student must be able to:

  • Recognize and respond appropriately to individualsof all ages, genders, and races, and from all socio-economic, religious, andcultural backgrounds.
  • Effectively cope with the stress of heavyworkloads, demanding patients, and life-threatening clinicalsituations.
  • Exercise sound, professional judgment andflexibilitytomeetthe demands of changing educational andclinical environments.
  • Utilizecommon sense, compassion, integrity, honesty, sincere concern and respect for others,interpersonal skills, andself-motivation.
  • Must possess coping skillsto acceptconstructive criticism,talk in front of groupsof varying sizes, and useeffective time managementstrategies.
  • Recognize and respond appropriately topotentially hazardous situations.
  • Demonstratethe physical and emotional capacity to work a 40-hour week while on clinical affiliations.
  • Behave in anethically sound, competent, compassionate, and professional manner inthe classroom andin the clinicasoutlined in the Standards of Ethical Conduct of the American Physical TherapyAssociation.


TheEssentialFunctions Policy is postedonthePTA program website and located inthe PTA PolicyManual. Students will be given the Essential Functionsfor PTA Students form as part of theirdocumentation upon acceptance intotheprogram andwillsigntheassociated acknowledgement form.

Students whohave concerns about the ability to performany of the essential functions should contact thePTA programdirectorand DisabledStudents Programs and Services(DSPS).

Studentswithdocumenteddisabilities are entitledto reasonable accommodationsunder the Americanswith Disabilities Act. (SeeAllied HealthPolicy Manual, Section K) Students whocannot meet theessential functions with reasonable accommodationswill receive careercounseling.

Ihaveread through this document and understand thatit is my responsibility to contact the DisabledStudents Programsand Services(DSPS) office upon acceptanceinto the program if reasonableaccommodations maybe necessary formetobe successful intheprogram.

