One Day Training

Child Sex Offender Dynamics

Detective Mike Johnson

Plano Police Department

P.O. Box 860358

Plano, Texas 75086

972.941.2130 ▪ 214.495.3861 fax

When an investigator opens a case of abuse, he/she knows that there are only four strong ways to “make” the case: the victim’s statement, an eyewitness, direct link evidence, or the incriminating statements of the perpetrator.

In child sexual abuse cases where the victim is a young child, there are usually no witnesses and little medical/physical findings or DNA evidence. The experienced and knowledgeable investigator and his prosecutor know that the cases usually favor a guilty verdict based on incriminating statements (i.e., confession).

The core principles of perpetrator interrogation will be discussed. From typology to criminal thinking distortions, the more we understand about how the “perp” thinks the easier it is to get him to talk to us. The more he talks, the more likely it is he will make incriminating statements. A multi-step guide to interrogation will be discussed, and videotape interrogation will be reviewed and analyzed.

This is my favorite course to instruct. We will cover offender criminal thinking processes, how an offender finds and grooms children, and the FBI typology of offenders. Once we understand how offenders think and find children, we will cover how to get the offender to confess, as understanding how a child molester thinks is at the core of getting the perpetrator to make incriminating statements about his offenses. Case scenarios and interrogation tapes will be used during this course of instruction.

Length of training: eight hours

- Offender Dynamics – 1 hour

- Psychosexual Spectrum of Victimization – 1.5 hours

- Typology of Child Sex Offenders – 1.5 hours

- Interrogation of Child Molesters – 2.5 hours

- Videotapes of Perpetrators – 1 hour

A/V needs: lavaliere (or wireless) microphone

laptop computer (he will bring a jump drive) with LCD projector

and screen for use in PowerPoint presentations

DVD player with monitors/screen and a good sound system

Objectives: - Attendees will be educated on the importance of understanding
the techniques utilized by perpetrators to find and seduce victims

-  Attendees will learn to recognize the various criminal thinking distortions perpetrators utilize to justify their behaviors.

-  Attendees will learn the typology of various types of perpetrators.

Detective Mike Johnson

Plano Police Department