Portslade Aldridge Community Academy
Application for Employment – Teaching Staff
Our vision for Portslade Aldridge Community Academy is to be a high achieving, inclusive, forward thinking, innovative and creative Academy. If you are a committed and effective professional who is determined to do the best for young people, we would welcome an application from you and wish you every success.
Portslade Aldridge Community Academy is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and to providing equal opportunities in employment.
- Before you begin, please read all the documents enclosed, they are designed to help you.
- Do not attach any other documents other than a supporting letter. Any relevant documents or publications may be referred to in your letter.
Please return your completed application form to:
Thank you for your interest in the Academy.
Note: if you do not receive a further communication from us within four weeks of the closing date, please assume that on this occasion your application has not been successful.
Please complete all sections of this application form ensuring that you provide complete and accurate information.
Surname: / Title: / Forenames:Please give any previous surnames:
National InsuranceNumber:
Address For Correspondence: / TELEPHONE NUMBERS
Postcode: / Work:
May we contact you at work? YES/NO
E-mail Address: / Mobile:
Name & address of present or most recent employer: / Brief outline of your main duties:Nature of business: / Are you stillcurrently employed by this organisation? YES/NO
Date of appointment: / Grade and details of allowance:
Reason for leaving (If applicable): / Salary scale and current salary:
Job title: / Notice required:
Please summarise your teaching experience. Start with the most recent. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.Name of school/organisation
(Include name of LA) / Full/Part
Supply / School type
(Primary, Middle, Secondary, Comprehensive, Academy, Foundation etc.) / Age range of School / Number on roll / Positions held and salary point / Commenced
(DD/MM/YY) / Completed
Employer’s name and address / From
Month / Year / To
Month / Year / Job title and summary of main duties / Reasons for leaving
Please describe the reason and duration of any period(s) longer than 1 month when you have not been in employment since leaving full time education.
Are you registered with the General Teaching Council? Yes/No Date of registration:
DCSF Reference Number: / Date Issued:Do you hold Qualified Teacher Status?Yes/No If yes, please give date of award:
Date of Satisfactory
Completion of Induction: / Name of Confirming Authority
of Induction Period:
Skills Test Passed?
Numeracy Yes/No
Literacy Yes/No
ICT Yes/No
Are you subject to any conditions or prohibitions placed on you by the General Teaching Council? Yes/NoIf Yes, please give full details:
Have you ever been subject to an investigation by the DCSF or placed on List 99? Yes/No
If Yes to the above, please provide details of the circumstances and outcomes, under confidential cover.
Have you ever been subject to any internal disciplinary investigation or process? Yes/No
If Yes to the above, please provide details of the circumstances and outcomes, under confidential cover.
EDUCATIONAL AND ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS (Secondary, Further/Higher or work based)Please give details of your education with examination dates, results and qualifications obtained. Please include any training and membership of professional bodies, relevant to the application. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary. Evidence of qualifications may be requested.
Examination, course
(with dates) / From / To / Result/Qualifications gained and
awarding body / Grade
Give details of the most recent, relevant courses attended and indicate any awards earned. Please continue on a separate sheet if necessary.
Subject / Provider / Duration / Dates- REFERENCES
Give details of two people who have knowledge of you in a working /educational environment.
The first reference should be your current Head Teacher.Please ensure that referees are aware of this application
If you were known to either of your referees by another name please give details:
1st Referee / 2ndReferee
Name: / Name:
Position: / Position:
Address: / Address:
Tel: / Tel:
Email: / Email:
In what capacity does the above know you? / In what capacity does the above know you?
- To comply with the Asylum and Immigration legislation during the selection process you will be required to give evidence of your ability to work in the UK. Do you need a work permit to work in the UK?
- Under the Working Time Directive, you should not work more than 48 hours a week. Do you plan to undertake work for other employers, which would cause a breach of these regulations? If so, please give details:
- Do you hold a full current driving licence?
- Do you have access to a vehicle which you are able to use for work purposes?
- If not, are you able to travel for work purposes, by another means of transport?
- If you consider yourself to have a disability please let us know of any special arrangements you may need to make if you are short listed for interview:
- Where did you see the advertisement for this post? If seen on the internet on which site?
Please confirm the following statements are true by signing the box below. If you are submitting this application by email and you are shortlisted, you will be asked to sign the declaration when you attend for interview.Declaration
I certify that, to the best of my belief, the information I have provided is true and complete and I understand that any false information will result, in the event of employment, in a disciplinary investigation and is likely to result in dismissal.
Disclosure of Criminal Convictions
Short-listed candidates will be asked to complete a ‘Disclosure of Criminal Convictions’ form and, where appropriate, a Disclosure will be sought from the Criminal Records Bureau in the event of a successful application. A conviction will not necessarily be a bar to obtaining employment.
Data Protection Act 1998
I hereby give my consent for personal information (including recruitment monitoring data) provided as part of this application to be held on computer or other relevant filing systems and to be shared with other accredited organisations or agencies in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998.
You are asked to complete the grid below for the purposes of monitoring applicants for employment by reference to ethnic origin. You are, of course, not obliged to provide this information. How would you describe yourself?These categories of ethnic origin are recommended by the UK Equal Opportunities Commission as the most appropriate for the UK. We recognise however that the specified categories may not be appropriate for everyone. If this is the case, please give details.
Please tick the appropriate box to indicate your cultural background:
Any other white background / Please give details
White and Black Caribbean
White and Black African
White and Asian
Any other mixed background / Please give details
Asian or Asian British:
Any other Asian background / Please give details
Black or Black British:
Any other Black background / Please give details
Chinese or Other Ethnic:
Chinese Other
Other Ethnic Group / Please give details
Where did you see this vacancy advertisement? Please tick:
Brighton and Hove Jobs.com
Portslade Aldridge Community Academy Website
TES Online
When you have completed all sections and an accompanying letter supporting your application, please submit the form to: