Health & Safety Policy
1. Statement of Intent
Sunflower Club takes the maintenance of health and safety extremely seriously as a matter of both legal and moral importance. All staff will be familiarised with the provisions contained within this policy as part of their induction and be expected to act in accordance with them at all times.
We consider the health and safety of children, staff and visitors to Sunflower After School Club to be an integral part of what we do and will pursue continual improvement in performance through the setting of objectives and targets.
Sunflower Club will use a clearly defined procedure for emergency evacuationof the premises, through shared arrangements with RecreationRoadInfant School,and ensure arrangements exist for the following:
• Monitoring the effectiveness of the Health and Safety policy and authorising any necessary revisions toits provisions.
• Providing adequate resources, including financial, as is necessary to meet the Club’s health and safety responsibilities.
• Providing adequate health and safety training for all staff.
• Ensuring that all accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences are adequately reported and
recorded(including informing the Health and Safety Executive, and Ofsted, where appropriate).
• Reviewing all reported accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences, and the club’s response, to enable corrective measures to be implemented.
• Ensuring that all staff, volunteers and any other adult who comes into contact with children at the club have appropriate and up to date Disclosure and Barring Service Checks.
All staff employed by the Sunflower Club mustcomply with our Health and Safety Policy and take the following steps with this in mind:
• Assess and control the risks that arise from our activities to ensure an environment that is safe and without risk or danger to health.
• Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
• Use, maintain and store equipment safely.
Doc Ref: Health & SafetyStatement of intent / Date of Issue: July 07
Reviewed: February 17
Review Date: February 18 / Issue Status: 7
Authorised by: / Manager / Chair
2. Responsibilities and Organisation
To comply with the Management Committee’s Statement of Intent the following responsibilities have been assigned:
The Manager is responsible for the day to day implementation, management and monitoring of the Health and Safety policy. The manager is required to report any matter of concern regarding the Health and Safety policy to the Registered Person.
The manager will ensure that:
• The Supervisor is made jointly responsible with them for the health and safety, risk assessment provisions at the club, as set out in this and other policies.
• Regular safety inspections are carried out.Daily visual risk assessments will be carried out, any problems are reported to the manager and the dealt with promptly or removed.
• Any action required as a result of a health and safety inspection is taken promptly.
• Information received on health and safety matters is distributed to the Registered Person and all members of staff.
• An investigation is carried out on all reported accidents, incidents and dangerous occurrences.
• Staff are adequately trained to fulfill their role within the Health and Safety policy.
Staff Responsibilities
Staff are responsible for ensuring that the provisions of the Health and Safety policy are adhered to at all times. As such, they must:
- All staff to read and adhere to the procedures set out in Sunflower Clubs policies and risk assessments. These are reviewed regularly and staff are expected to keep up to date with changes.
- Ensure all activities involving the children will be carried out with an appropriate level of adult supervision.
- Have regard for any health and safety guidance issued by the Manager or the designated member of staff, and act upon it whenever appropriate.
- Take reasonable care for their own health and safety as well as of other persons who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work.
- Take all reasonable care to see that the equipment and premises that are used by children, and theactivities that are carried out at the club, are safe.
- Report to the Manager or Supervisorany accidents, incidents or dangerous occurrences that have led to, or may in the future be likely to lead to, injury or damage, and assist in the investigation of any such events.
- Undergo relevant health and safety training when instructed to do so by the management team.
- Liaise with the school over any concerns regarding premises or shared equipment/usage.
- Record any incidents relating to Health & Safety on an Incident Record Form which relate to any situations of compromised security of the building or Safeguarding issues involving non-users of Club. See Appendix 1.
Doc Ref: Health & Safety
Responsibilities & organisation / Date of Issue: July 07
Reviewed: February 17
Review Date: February 18 / Issue Status: 7
Authorised by: / Manager / Chair
Risk Assessments and Actions/Arrangements
Sunflower Club understands the importance of ensuring that systems are in place for checking that our club is a safe and secure place for children, staff and other visitors. Our risk assessment procedures are part of a continuous process to prevent any dangerous incident taking place.
Risk assessments identify aspects of our environment that need to be checked ona regular basis, when and by whom those aspects will be checked and how risks will be removed and minimised. The Supervisor or person in charge of each session (ie Breakfast Club session, After School Club session or Playscheme session) is responsible for carrying out a visual daily risk assessment on the immediate environment and setting, and minimizing or removing risks.
Risk assessment reviews are conducted when there is any change to equipment or resources, any change to the club’s premises or environment, or when particular needs of a child or other visitors necessitates this.
A visual inspection of both the equipment and the entire premises – both indoor and outdoor – will be carried out daily. This will, ordinarily, be carried out by a designated member of staff on arrival at the club and will be completed before any children arrive.
During the session, staff will be vigilant and continuously aware of any potential risks to health and safety arising from:
• The club’s environment, both indoors and outdoors and potential hazards
• All surfaces, both indoors and outdoors
• All equipment used by children or staff
We use a standard risk assessment form to evaluate specific risks and show how we aim to minimize or eliminate the risks. This is reviewed annually or immediately as necessary. The risk assessment folder is available to staff and all new staff members including volunteers are required to read this and be aware of the contents. The staff group are encouraged to be alert to assessing risk and risk assessment is discussed during staff meetings.
Doc Ref: Health & SafetyRisk Assessment / Date of Issue: July 07
Reviewed: February 17
Review Date: February 18 / Issue Status: 7
Authorised by: / Manager / Chair
Site Security and Supervision
- Parents/carers are encouraged to talk to their children about the importance of remaining safe and not leaving the club’s premises during the session.
- Safety and security procedures will be regularly reviewed by the Manager in consultation with staff, parents/carers and the school.
- Staff and any other authorised persons who are regular visitors to the club will be issued with either an identity badge or clearly identifiable clothing, which they are expected to wear at all times while on the club’s premises.
- The main hall door remains locked at all times during the session. Parents/carers must ring the door bell for access. Any unknown person collecting children will be challenged. See also policy on collecting children.
- All main school doors are checked by Sunflower Club at the start of the session and throughout to help ensure the security of the premises.
- All gates in the vicinity of our play areas are closed before outdoor play commences.
- The Sunflower Club expects the school to inform us of details of parent’s evenings and other events where the security of the building may be compromised.
Children will not be left unsupervised at any time during activity sessions. In the event of staff shortages, available space will be restricted to ensure that children are adequately supervised, in accordance with the staff ratio provisions set out in the Staffing policy.
All visitors will be recorded on the Daily Collection Sheet. Details will include:
Their name and time of arrival and departure. Visitors to the club will not be left unsupervised with children at any time.
Staff have a duty to approach any visitor on the premises who has not signed in. They must introduce themselves and establish immediately who the visitor is and the reason for them being on the club’s premises. If the visitor has no suitable reason to be on the club’s premises, then they will be asked to leave immediately and escorted from the premises. If the visitor repeatedly refuses to leave, the police will be telephoned immediately.
A record will be made of any such incidents in the Incident Record Book, and the Manager will be immediately notified.
Doc Ref: Health & SafetySite security / Date of Issue: July 07
Reviewed: February 17
Review Date: February 18 / Issue Status: 7
Authorised by: / Manager / Chair
Accident Reports and Incident Reports
Our aim is that at least one member of staff is on duty for each session who holds anOfsted approved currentPediatricFirst Aid qualification. All accidents, however trivial they may appear, will be recorded on an accident form on the same day the event took place. Staff should inform the parents/carers of the child or children concerned at the end of the session in which the accident, took place. Where this is not possible, the information will be passed on at the earliest possible opportunity or if necessary the parent/carers will be contacted by telephone.
The completion of the accident form will be carried out by the first aider who dealt with the accident. Where possible a counter signature of another staff member who witnessed the incident will be obtainedand the accident form will be signed by the parent/carer also.
Any member ofstaff that has an accident whilst at work will also be recorded on an accident form.
All incidents that cause concern to staff will be written up. Incidents may take the form of something untoward that occurred, something a child said that gave cause for concern or an outside incident which affected the Club. All incidents will be reported to the Manager and Management Committee. However, a separate written report on a child may also be made if appropriate and recorded separately and stored confidentially.
Serious Injury
Should an accident result in hospitalisation, Sunflower Club Management will undertake to report this accident to Ofsted, RIDDOR, and our insurance company with 5 working days.
Safety of Equipment
The Manager and all staff have a responsibility to carry out regular checks on all the equipment, & throw away any items that become potentially dangerous through damage, or misuse.
Children will be made aware of hazards such as toys and games cluttering walk ways.
Children and staffwill be expected to sit on chairs and not tables.
Spilt liquids will be cleared up immediately to avoid slippery floors. Signage will be used to warn of the danger of a wet or slippery surface.
Electrical appliances will be checked annually by a qualified electrician (who is appointed by the school to do PAT testing.)
All cleaning equipment and medicationwill be kept out of reach of the children.
Children attending Sunflower Club are not allowed access into the kitchen area.
Doc Ref: Health & SafetyRisk Assessments &
Safety of Equipment / Date of Issue: July 07
Reviewed Date: February 17
Review date: February 18 / Issue Status: 7
Authorised by: / Manager / Chair
Emergency Procedure to return to the building
There may be occasions when there is a danger, or a risk of danger whilst playing outdoors. This may be due to strangers using the building, noxious gas, severe weather etc.
Outdoor Supervisors will hold a walkie talkie and also a whistle. Should there be any concerns over safety when outdoors, the Manager or Supervisor holding the walkie talkie will blow the whistle.
All children will be asked to return to the building as quickly as possible. They will notstop to collect coatsor toys.
Once inside the building the Supervisor will call a register from the Collection sheet to ensure all children are present.One member of staff will be asked to check all exits to ensure that the building remains secure. The Manager or Supervisor will contact the police should this be deemed necessary.
Doc Ref: Health & SafetyEmergency procedure to return to building / Date of Issue: July 07
Reviewed: February 17
Review Date: February 18 / Issue Status: 7
Authorised by: / Manager / Chair
Fire Safety
All staff are instructed in fire safety proceduresduring their induction. All staff and children are made aware of the fire safety procedures through regular fire drills.
Staff are informed of location of fire exits, fire assembly point and where fire safety equipment is stored.
A copy of the fire/emergency evacuation procedure is kept on the Collection Sheet clip board.
Fire doors are kept clear at all times. Fire tests are carried out regularly by the school and the fire alarms tested weekly by the caretaker.
All fire drills are recorded in the fire drill book. The Manager will carry out a fire safety risk assessment alongside that undertaken by RRIS.
Fire Prevention
The Club will take all steps possible to prevent fires occurring. The manager and staff are responsible for:
- Ensuring power points are not overloaded.
- Ensuring the club’s no smoking policy is observed.
- Ensuring no fraying or trailing wires exist.
- Storing potentially flammable materials safely.
- Switching off Club’s electrical equipment when not in use
In the event of a fire
A member of staff will raise the alarm immediately and the emergency services will be called at the earliest possible opportunity. If it is safe to do so one member of staff will be allocated to check the toilets.
All children will immediately be escorted out of the building and to the assembly point using the nearest marked exit. No attempt will be made to collect personal belongings, or to re-enter the building after evacuation.
The register will be taken and all children and staff accounted for. If any person is missing from the register, the emergency services will be informed immediately.
If for any reason the designated fire safety officer is absent at the time of an incident, the Supervisor will assume responsibility.
Staffwho are in charge of a small group of children ie,in the corridor or classroom, are responsible for these children only. Staff must evacuate by the nearest exit take the children to the Meeting Point on the field.
Supervising staff on outdoor play upon hearing the alarm will make their way quickly to the Meeting Point on the field with all the children who are playing outdoors.
It is important that ALL children tell an adult when they are moving around in the building ie to use the toilet, in order that the whereabouts of all children is known at any time.
In the event of loss of use of the school hall, staff will escort all the children to The Avenues After School Club and appropriate messages will be left for parents.
Doc Ref: Health & SafetyFire Safety / Date of Issue: July 07
Reviewed: February 17
Review Date: February 18 / Issue Status: 7
Authorised by: / Manager / Chair
The safety of children and staff is paramount
Raise the Alarm
Evacuate the building at the nearest available exit taking all the children in your care with you to the Meeting Point. One adult to lead children and one adult to exit with last child in building
If you are in charge of a small group of children ie in the corridor or classroom etc you are responsible for these children only. You must evacuate by the nearest exit and take the children to the Meeting Point
If you hear the alarm and are on the adventure playground make your way quickly to the Meeting Point about half way down the field
Take the children to the Meeting point about half way down the field
A member of staff will be asked to check the toilets if it is safe to do so