Letter No………..Date…30.06.2003.
The Project Director
395 Springfield Ave
Berkeley Heights, NJ07922
Sub : Submission of the Project proposal on ‘Quality Institutional Health Care, Life-skill Education and Vocational Training to the at-risk children and adolescents admitted to Basundhara’.
Ref : Kind attention Mr. Vishal Gandhi
Respected Sir,
It is our immense pleasure to introduce our organization Basundhara, a non-profit and non-political development organization, engaged in multifarious social welfare activities concerned with rehabilitation of disadvantaged women, children and aged since its inception in 1985.
Please find enclosed the project proposal on ‘Quality Institutional Health Care, Life-skill Education and Vocational Training to the at-risk children and adolescents admitted to Basundhara’, The Estimated 1 year Budget along with the other relevant documents are appended to the proposal for your kind perusal and necessary approval.
With best regards,
Sincerely yours
(Saila Behera)
Encl : Project Proposal
About the Organisation
1.1 /General Information
1.1.1 / Name of the Organisation / BASUNDHARA1.1.2 / Postal address and telephone numbers in India / BASUNDHARA, Basundhara Nagar, Abhinab Bidanasi, Cuttack-753014, Orissa, India
Tel- 0671-2603178/2604892/2605793/2605801
0671-2603539/2603126 (R), Fax- 0671-2603178,
E-mail – ,
1.1.3 / Postal address and telephone numbers in U.S (if applicable) / Not applicable
1.1.4 / Tax Id (PAN)
Tax Exemption Id / AAATB 1226D
1.1.5 / FCRA Registration No / 104860058/29.01.1988
1.1.6 / Society Registration No: (if applicable) / Registered under S.R. Act XXI of 1860
CTC.No.4128-329 of 1985-86
1.1.7 / Mission and Vision of the organization / (Annexure-1) may please be seen
1.1.8 / Organisation WWW address /
1.1.9 / Names and profiles of Directors/Core people involved in the organisation / (Annexure-2) may please be perused
1.1.10 / Major focus Area /
- Basic Health - yes
- Primary Education - yes
- Children with special needs - yes
- Child labour Eradication - yes
- Non-formal Education - yes
- Disaster relief - yes
- Rehabilitation of orphan, abandoned
- Restoration of children in biological families
- 24 hour toll free Telephonic Service through CHILDLINE
- Old Age Home
- Formation of Self-help Groups
- Legal Aid and Family Counseling
- Vocational training to the distressed and destitute ladies
- Temporary shelter for the distressed/destitute, court remanded ladies
- Sponsorship to the needy/poor students
- Fighting against atrocities on women
- Slum children’s Education
- Integrated tribal development
- Health Camp in rural/tribal areas
1.2 / Background/History
1.2.1 / Please explain briefly your organisation’s history, how and when it was formed etc. / Enclosed Annexure-3 may please be perused
1.2.2. / Briefly explain projects that have been implemented by your organization in the past. Also include details of any organization that funded the organization for these projects. Highlight the achievements of these projects. / Annexure-4 may please be seen
Annexure-5 the Annual Report for the year 2001-2002 may be additionally seen
1.2.3 / Please explain your interaction/relationship with other non-profit organization, government agencies, schools, universities etc. / Annexure-5 may please be seen
1.3 / Financial information (Please attach a copy of last two years Auditor’s Report)
1.3.1 / Annual Budget / Audit report for the years 2000-2001 and 2001-2002 are enclosed at Annexure-6 & Annexure-7
1.3.2 / Current funding sources of the organization /
- Women & Child Development Department, Govt of Orissa
- OrissaState Council for Child Welfare, Bhubaneswar
- Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt of India
- CHILDLINE India Foundation, Mumbai.
- Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Sweden
- Adoption Centre, Sweden
- Americans for International Aid and Adoption, USA
- Morris Foundation, USA
- Children Without Frontiers Association, Spain
1.3.3. / Bank/Branch/Account Details (Indian) / Allahabad Bank, Cantonment Road, Cuttack
Account No-380
1.3.4 / Bank/Branch/Account Details (Foreign) / NA
2.0 / About the Project
2.1 /
General Information
2.1.1 / Title of the project. Give a brief description of project / Quality Institutional Health Care, Life-skill Education and Vocational Training to the at-risk children and adolescents admitted to Basundhara.Details at Annexure-8
2.1.2 / Vision and Mission of Project / To bring about an all round development of the given potential of each and every orphan, abandon and destitute child, admitted to Basundhara, by way of providing necessary scope in the form of quality institutional health care, life-skill education and vocational training with a futuristic view to render him/her more adoptable in the families at home or abroad, and failing which to enable him/her to grow up to self-employ and lead an independent life style of his/her own as a free citizen, without having to depend upon the institutions or the State in respect of his/her bare existential needs.
2.1.3 / Name of contact person / Mrs. Saila Behera, Secretary, BASUNDHARA
2.1.4 / Address of contact person / Basundhara Nagar, Abhinab Bidanasi, Cuttack-753014, Orissa, India
Tel- 0671-2603178/2604892/2605793/2605801
0671-2603539/2603126 (R), Fax- 0671-2603178, E-mail – ,2.2. / Short Term Goals: Please explain in detail, what you expect to achieve through this project in the next 6 months through 1 year.(Add additional sheets if necessary) / Annexure-9 may please be seen
2.3 / Long Term Goal: Please explain in detail what are your long-term goals from this project? (Add additional sheets if necessary) / Annexure-10 may please be seen
2.4 / Project Activities: Please describe in detail the various activities that need to be carried out to successfully complete the project. This should include but not be limited to the following.
Roles and responsibilities of various people in the project.
Please include any infrastructure costs that need to be incurred. Also include their purpose, location etc.
If any infrastructure costs (land, vehicles etc.) to be incurred, please include details such as the location, purpose etc.
Description of various awareness methods used (print material, projection slides etc.)
Miscellaneous materials that needs to be procured. / Annexure-11 may please be seen
2.5 / Project Sustainability and Evaluation.
2.5.1 / How do you propose to measure the effectiveness of the project? Please specify and detail any clear or quantifiable yardsticks. / The effectiveness of the project may be measured in the following ways:
a)If the objectives and activities of the project are fulfilled to the fullest extent.
b)If the target group i.e 100 nos. of orphaned, abandoned and destitute children are addressed in the manner as mentioned in the proposal.
c)If the services as proposed in the project shall continue to be rendered beyond the funding period
d)If the infrastructure and expertise acquired in course of the project shall continue to be at the service of the disadvantaged children after the project is completed.
2.5.2 / How does this project affect the children involved, their families and the local community? / Annexure-12 may please be perused
2.5.3 / What plans do you have in place to make the project self-sustainable or sustainable with minimum support? / Annexure – 13 may please be perused
2.5.4 / What factors do you think may affect the sustainability of the project? / At present no factor is visible, except a very strikingly disastrous situation natural or manmade arises, on account of which not only this project but other projects run by the institution presently shall perforce be adversely affected.
2.6 / Project Budget (If there is a project budget document that answers all the questions from 2.6.1 to 2.6.9 please attach)
2.6.1 / Total Project Cost / Rs. 16,45,000 .00 excluding the Organisation’s contribution
2.6.2 / Amount self-financed/already available / The Organisation shall bear the expenditure for the following project components in terms of kind:
i Food, accommodation and other residential facilities necessary for 100 nos. children to be covered under the project
ii. Entire Office set-up including Computer systems
iii. Ambulance service
iv. Vehicles for transport and traveling
v. Space for Clinic and Play hall
vi. Kitchen set-up including Cooks
2.6.3 / Funds requested from Vibha / Rs. 16,45,000 .00
2.6.4 / Alternate source of funding (if any) / Not applicable.
2.6.5 / Will the money be spent for any specific purpose or will it contribute to a general/existing pool of money? / For the specific purpose of the project
2.6.6 / If the answer to the above question is “YES”, detailed breakup of how and when the money will be spent. / Please see Annexure- 15
2.6.7 / Proposed means of continuing funding beyond the current funding / Annexure-13 may please be perused
2.6.8 / Number of paid employees/social workers involved with the details of each person’s salary / Separate sheet enclosed at Annexure – 14
2.6.9 / Number of Volunteers involved (both paid and unpaid) / 50
3.0 / Reference
Please include two references of the organizations who have either funded your organization or provided non-financial support. Include name, postal address and telephone number of the contact person.
Reference 1
Mrs. Monica Lind, Adoption Centre
Po Box 30073, S 104 25 Stockholm, Sweden
Tel- 08-58749953
E-mail- / Reference 2
Ms. Moti Irani, MSW, Director of Social Services
Americans for International Aid and Adoption, 2151 Livernois Ste 200, TROY, MI48083, USA
Tel- 248-362-1207,
4.0 / Feedback
4.1 / How did you hear about Vibha? / Mrs. Teri L. Bell, Executive Member of Americans for International Aid and Adoptions, USA informed us about VIBHA.
4.2 / Do you find adequate information about Vibha at the Vibha website / Yes
4.3 / What other forms of assistance would you like from Vibha? (Educational material, training etc.) / We need Educational material such as Books for our Children’s Library, Toys, Clothes, Dresses, and tools and kits for special children.
5.0 / Signature
Verification Statement: I hereby state that the organization mentioned in section 1.1 above is a nonprofit, non political secular organization that does not discriminate based on caste and religion and attest that all the above information is true to the best of my knowledge. The funds requested above will only be used for the purposes stated in this document.
Name of the person who prepared the document
Designation of the person
Signature Date
(Please initial if sending by electronic form)
Annexure- 1
1.0About the Organisation
1.1 General Information
1.1.7 Mission and Vision of the Organisation
Extract from the ‘Memorandum of Basundhara’
- To undertake developmental work in educational, moral, and cultural spheres amongst women, aged and children and their families.
- To organize women, aged and children for their social, economic and cultural development.
- To organize workshops, training centers, educational set-ups and to establish orphanage, destitute homes and old age home for their rehabilitation and use these institutions to facilitate employment for women and aged and work for their economic, social and educational upliftment.
- To make efforts to bring up the women as active participants in the process of national development and reconstruction and to bring them into the national mainstream.
- To organize shows and exhibitions to collect funds, from national and international sources for the promotion of the interest of women, aged and children.
- To undertake such other activities in pursuance of the aims and objectives of the Society and to provide relief at the time of natural calamities.
Annexure -2
1.0 About the Organisation
1.1 General Information
1.1.9 Names and profiles of Directors/Core people involved in the organization
Sl.No /
Name & Address & Profile
/ Post1. / Dr.(Ms) Mahamaya Patnaik, Mahatab Road, Cuttack, Orissa
A renowned gynecologist and Ex-Professor of SCBMedicalCollege and Hospital, Cuttack / President
2. / Mrs. Bijaya Laxmi Sahoo, Chauliaganj, Cuttack
Ex-Minister of Women & Child Development Department, Govt of Orissa, Bubaneswar / Working President
3 / Dr. Sita Sahoo, Link Road, Cuttack
Ex-Principal SB Women’s College, Cuttack / Vice President
4 / Mrs. Saila Behera, Sector-9, C.D.A , Cuttack
An experienced entrepreneur, a well known writer and social activist in the State of Orissa / Secretary
5. / Smt. Duradarshini Mohanty, Deula Sahi, Cuttack
House wife-um-Social activist / Treasurer
6. / Dr. Ms. Jogamaya Patnaik, Mahatab Road, Cuttack
A renowned gynecologist and Ex-Professor of SCBMedicalCollege and Hospital, Cuttack / Member
7. / Ms. Bharatlaxmi Patra, Shreekunj Apt, Khan Nagar, Cuttack
A senior Programmer in All India Radio, Cuttack / Member
8. / Smt.Giribala Behera, C.D.A, Sector-9, Cuttack
Entrepreneur in women’s garment business / Member
9. / Mrs. Basanti Sahoo, Linki Road, Cuttack
A social activist / Member
10. / Ms. Sneha Mohanty, Mahatab Road, Cuttack
A staff nurse / Member
11. / Dr. Snigdha Biswal, Jhanjirimangala Gada , Raja Bagicha, Cuttack
A lecturer in English / Member
12. / Mrs. Bhagya Laxmi Choudhury, Mangalabag, Cuttack,
A social activist / Member
13. / Mrs. Pankajabasini Mohanty, College Square, Cuttack
A social activist / Member
1.2 Background/History of BASUNDHARA
1.2.1 Please explain briefly your organisation’s history, how and when it was formed etc.
(Quoted from the Brochure).
A timid knock was heard on the door in a pleasant afternoon on December 12, 1985. Obviously, the visitor was not known. She was a girl between the age of 20 and 22 standing on the threshold holding a tiny baby (a baby girl of four days old) in her arms. She put the child on the floor and burst into uncontrollable sobs, as if there was no sky over her head. The lover had fled away leaving her to bear all the agony of an unwed motherhood. The parents had agreed to give her shelter only if she abandoned the so-called unwanted child. She could not look after the child all by herself. She handed over the baby to the safe hands and went back to her parents. The child was named as Basundhara and thus was born BASUNDHARA. A house was taken on rent, funds were raised, and a committee was formed. The committee members took the oath to proceed religiously braving all odds and obstacles that might come on their way. With time Basundhara came in touch with increasing number of women married and unmarried in different age groups, and elders who had been forced out from their homes under diverse circumstances and had to open the doors for them. From 1985 to 20.6.2003 Basundhara has rehabilitated 256 children among the Indian parents180 children among the foreign parents through adoption, has given shelter to 650 unwed mothers and 208 distress women and 211 distress elders and also has given vocational training to 930 divorcee and distressed women. Basundhara has started nine schools in the slum and tribal areas of Orissa.
Annexure -4
1.2 Background/History
1.2.2 Briefly explain projects that have been implemented by your organization in the past. Also include details of any organization that funded the organization for these projects. Highlight the achievements of these projects.
- Women & Child Development Department, Government of Orissa have been providing financial assistance towards maintenance of orphanage and vocational training to the distressed/divorcee ladies, ongoing since 1988-89 and 1992-93 respectively.
- Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India provided Grants-in-aid towards maintaining the SHISHU GREH SCHEME (Child Care Home) during 1994-2000.
- In the years 1998-99 & 1999-2000 a project called “EARLY INTERVENTION FOR THE CHILDREN AT RISK” has been implemented as sponsored by CHILD RELIEF & YOU (CRY), Kolkata
- In the period 1997 to 1999 a project called De-institutionalization of orphaned, abandoned and destitute children in the State of Orissa was implemented as sponsored by the Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Sweden and co-sponsored by Adoption Centre, Sweden.
- Since 1999 Basundhara has been providing the assistance for relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction to the affected families in the Super Cyclone devastated areas in the State of Orissa as sponsored by the NRIs of USA, & Americans for International Aid and Adoption, USA, Adoption Centre, Sweden, Children Without Frontiers Association, Spain, Human Development Services, Australia and many other charitable individuals and agencies at home and abroad.
- Since the year 2000 Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India sponsored CHILDLINE at Basundhara, a project of the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India in the partnership with State Govt to provide 24 hour toll-free telephone service to the children in need of care and protection.
- In the year 2001 Basundhara got financial support from Morris Foundation, USA through Americans for International Aid and Adoption, USA to provide legal aid and family counseling to the distressed and destitute women.
- In the year 2002 Basundhara was able to publish a RESOURCE DIRECTORY OF ORPHANAGES in the State of Orissa as sponsored by CHILD RELIEF & YOU (CRY), Kolkata
1.2 Background/History
1.2.3 Please explain your interaction/relationship with other non-profit organization, government agencies, schools, universities etc.
- Networking among 88 Govt aided and other Child Care Institutions of Orissa, and among 13 Voluntary Co-ordinating Agencies (VCAs) in India
- Networking with the Women & Child Development Department, Govt of Orissa, Collector, Cuttack, District Social Welfare Officer, the Juvenile Welfare Board, Cuttack, Cuttack Municipal Corporation, Orissa Police.
- Interaction with the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt of India, and Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt of India and CHILDLINE India Foundation.
- Linkage with the Judiciary and quasi-judiciary bodies such as High Court, Orissa, District Court, Cuttack, Family Court, Cuttack, Orissa State Council for Child Welfare, State Commission for Women, State Social Welfare Advisory Board
- Link with the selected Primary Schools, UpperPrimary Schools, Nurseries, M.E.Schools, High Schools, Colleges and Utkal Unversity,Orissa along with several other specialized educational institutions where the children of Basundhara are studying
2.0 About the Project
2.1.1 Brief Description of the Project
In our State Orissa, the State Government as well as the Central Govt have reecognised 88 child care institutions to provide care and protection to the children, who are orphan, abandoned and destitute. But in Orissa only 2 child care institutions are licensed by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Govt of India to act as Placement Agency i.e. to place the Indian children in foreign families. But in the reality of our context, a large number of orphan, abandoned and destitute children are not getting the chance for placement either in Indian families or in foreign families due to various adverse factors such as child’s complexion, physical deformity, older age etc. along with bureaucratic red-tapism and absence of uniform adoption law.