The programme of the master’s degree entrance exam in the major

1 – 26 81 01 «Business Administration»

1.Crisis management. Types and reasons of crisis

2.Business plan: its goal, structure and content

3. The impact of international competition on the national economy.

4.State regulation of the market economy: its necessity, methods and boundaries.

5. Investment activity of enterprises: its nature, sources of financing, efficiency management

6. Innovative management, its nature, the main categories. Forms of organization innovation.

7.The social policy of the state. Forms and mechanisms of social protection.

8.Employment, unemployment and its types.

9.. Inflation: the nature, causes, social and economic consequences.

10. Sources of funding of commercial organizations and their comparative characteristics.

11.. Communication: concept, types. Interpersonal and organizational communication.

12. Competition: concept, types. The mechanism of perfect and imperfect competition.

13. Control as a function of management, its function, types.

14. Logistics, its nature and function.

15.Foreign trade activities of the Republic of Belarus:scale, dynamics and factors.

16. Methods for assessing the competitiveness of goods.

17.Directions to optimize the structure of foreign trade turnover in the Republic of Belarus.

18. Operative scheduling: the scope and features.

19. The main strategy of the company's development: concept, classification, examples.

20. The solvency of the company and methods of its determination, the system criteria for assessing the solvency of the enterprise.

21. Balance of payments: main indicators and their relationship.

22. Features of the Republic of Belarus balance of payments.

23. Organizational structure management.Concept, types,principles and evaluation.

24. Definition and classification of costs. Production costs in the short and long term.

25. The concept of international business. Influence of international business on the national economy.

26. The concept of management and its characteristic features.

27. The concept of risk, types of risk, methods for their measurement. Basic methods of reducing commercial risks.

28.The law of demand and the law of supply. Market equilibrium.Analysis elasticity.

29.Monetary System. The main instruments of monetary policy in the Republic of Belarus.

30. Management styles


  1. А.Н. Porter, М On Competition/ М. Porter. - Updated and Expanded ed. Harvard Business Review Press, 2008. - 576 рр.

2. Kotler, Ph. Marketing Management / Ph. Kotler, K.L. Keller. - 14th ed. -

Prentice Hall, 2012. - 816 рр.

3.P. Viernimmen, P. Quiry, M. Dallocchio, Y. Le Fur and A. Salvi, “Corporate Finance: Theory and Practice,” John Wiley & Sons Ltd., Chichester, 2009.

4.Schiavo-Campo, S. and Tommasi, D. (1999) Managing Government Expenditure. Manila: ADB.

5.Allen, R. and Tommasi, D (eds.) (2001) Managing Government Expenditure: A Reference Book for Transition Countries. Paris: OECD. SIGMA.

6.Storey, J. and Salaman, G. Managers of Innovation, Oxford: Blackwell.- 2005.

7.Noe Hollenbeck, Gerhart Wright Human Resource Management - New York: McGraw-Hill Irwin, 2009. – 567p.


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  2. Экономика предприятия: учебное пособие/ Л.Н. Нехорошева, Н.Б. Антонова и др.; под.ред. Л.Н. Нехорошевой. – Минск:БГЭУ, 2008
  3. Стратегический менеджмент/А.Н. Петров, Л.Г.Демидов и др.; под.ред.