

Instructor: Dennis Dedrick WINTER: 2016

Email: MTWR 12:00-12:50 AM

Office hours: Immediately before or after class or appointment Room: HEC-212

Course Description: Math 65 is a 4 credit course for students with a Math 60 background. Topics include: exponents, polynomials, factoring polynomials, rational expressions, inequalities and problem solving.

Prerequisites: Math 60 and RD30or designated placement test score.

Grading: The grades will be weighted as listed below. This class receives a letter grade. Students must earn a 70% average for the course work and a 70% on the Final Exam in order to “Pass”.

  1. Mid- term exams: 60% of your grade
  2. Quizzes: 25% of your grade
  3. MathLabPlus homework is required: 5% of your grade.
  4. Homework from textbook: 10% of your grade.
  5. Final Exam: Counts as a Mid- Term Exam.

Homework: Homework is the key to success in any math class. Therefore, the student is expected to strive and to master the homework every day. To reach this goal, the student may need to use the Tutoring Center, join a study group, have a study buddy, hire a private tutor, or use online tutoring such as Khan Academy. Most textbook homework will be randomly collected and graded. Each homework paper is worth a maximum of five points. Homework is due at the beginning of the next class and must be handed in at the designated time. Any paper not handed in at the designated time will be considered late and willbe penalized. Homework more than one day late will receive a zero. When absent, homework may be scanned and emailed to the instructor or FAX to: 541-774-1062.

Quizzes: There will be a quiz every Thursday unless there is an exam that week. There is an automatic 8% per day penalty for taking a quiz late, for any reason. Also, the quiz must be taken within four days of the date that it was offered in class. After the four days, no make-ups are allowed and a zero will be recorded.

Mid-Term Exams: Each mid-term exam is worth one hundred points. There is an automatic 8% per day penalty for taking a test late, for any reason. Also, the test must be taken within four school days of the date that it was offered in class. After the four school days, no make-ups are allowed and a zero will be recorded. There will be no re-tests, so prepare carefully for each test.

Final Exam: The final exam is worth one hundred points (same as a mid-term). Date of the finalexam is Wednesday, March 16,at 12:00-12:50 pm. In order to pass this class, the student must score at least a 70% on the Final Exam as well as maintain at least a 70% average for class work.

Attendance: If a student is absent or going to be absent, the student should e-mail the instructor thesame day as the absence. Attending class is important to your success. At the college level, when a student is absent, the student is responsible for getting the homework done and learning the material covered, anyway. This can be achieved by reading the textbook or going to the Tutoring Center or meeting with your study buddy. A written notice (email) is required for prearranged absences.

GRADE SCALE: 90-100% A

80-89% B

70-79% C

60-69% D


January 18: Holiday / February 15: Holiday/ March 16: Final Exam

GENERAL RULES: If there is a need to use cell phone or receive a text, then do so out in the hall.CHEATING: During a test or quiz, there is to be no talking, no looking at another student’s paper, no use of a cell phone, or other electronic communication. If this happens, then the instructor will consider this a violation and appropriate measures will be taken. These measures include failure of the test or quiz, removal from this class and removal from the college.

REQUIRED MATERIALS: Text: Elementary and Intermediate Algebra Volume 2, by Bittinger, Ellenbogen and Johnson , Pearson and a scientific calculator. A graphing calculator is required.

STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES: A student who feels that he or she may need an academic accommodation for a disability, such as vision, hearing, orthopedic, learning disability, psychological or other medical conditions, should make an appointment with the Disability Services, “B” bldg, Rm 9.

CLASSROOM ETIQUETTE: Disrespecting others or disrupting instruction is grounds for disciplinary action in accordance with the “Students Rights and Responsibilities” manual. These consequences include, but are not limited to, removal from this class and removal from the college. This class is a safe place for learning and this teacher will strongly enforce this. MORE HELP: Rogue Community College offers many opportunities to help students succeed.