WMAHSN Long Term Conditions (LTC) Network Case Study template reporting successful Quality Improvement in relation to LTCs in a healthcare setting that others might adopt
Please answer each question in brief manner (e.g. around 200 words per question) capturing the key information and submit your completed template to Sue Wood, project manager of the LTC Network ()
Name:Contact Details: / (Please note that others reading this completed report will be able to contact you with details you give here)
Team relevant to the successful QI project reported here:
Date submitted:
1.The problem or issue you addressed that is relevant to the delivery of long term condition(s) care or redressing of adverse lifestyle habit(s)
Which problem or issue did you address?
How did you know it was a problem?
Who was it affecting?
Had it been tackled before?
2.Baseline measurement
Before you started how did you measure or assess the scale and scope of the problem?
Have you baseline data?
3.Whatintervention(s) you did
What did you do; what was the healthcare setting?
How did you engage with key stakeholders, including patients, in identifying the problem or issues and designing the solution?
Who were the subjects of the intervention, and who helped deliver it?
When did the intervention start (dates)?
What evaluation did you undertake; what did you measure and how did you measure it?
4.Your findings
What were your end-of-project results (exactly what did you measure and how did you measure it - have you any tables or figures you can share)?
5. Patient & stakeholder engagement
What engagement did you undertake with patients/the public/stakeholders in:
· identifying the problem,
· designing the intervention,
· understanding or interpreting the findings,
· planning follow up actions?
6.Looking backwards and forwards
What feedback– positive and negative -did you get eg from patients/carers, populations, staff, commissioners?
What challenges did you face? Did you overcome them? How?
If you repeated the project what would you do differently?
Has your intervention now become routine practice? Yes / No
· If Yes, will it be sustainable in the long term?
· If No, why not?
7.Learning from others
Has the problem you addressed (similar or related) been tackled by others? What did they do? Were they successful?
Can you give brief overall costs, e.g. include staff salaries, equipment, and facilities.
Acknowledgements: the main components of this template were derived from the British Medical Journal’s template for national awards for successful projects in 2017; and the draft was critiqued (and then improved!) by CCG quality colleagues.
Dr Ruth Chambers 24.5.17