9th & McKenzie Group Meeting Chairperson Guidelines

The primary purpose of an AA group is to carry the message to the still-suffering alcoholic. The purpose of an AA meeting is for individual members to share their experience, strength and hope with one another, thereby carrying the message. In order for this message to be conveyed, the meeting environment must allow members to read, share, and listen without interruption or disturbance.

The meeting chairperson has the responsibility to maintain an orderly meeting. Sometimes, that may require asking someone nicely to stop a behavior that is disturbing the meeting atmosphere. In extreme cases, when improper behavior continues after politely asking the offending member to stop, the person must be asked to leave the meeting hall. In very rare instances, 911 may have to be called to have the person removed by the authorities. As stated in Tradition One, the group must survive if the individual is to have a chance at recovery. Our common welfare comes first. This means that individual behavior cannot be allowed to infringe on the group’s ability to communicate the message to those who want to receive it.

The meeting hall is not a place for lawlessness or lack of common courtesy. In fact, the very nature of our primary purpose suggests (demands) a step above—we must show concern for one another. We should not tolerate violations of the law, of our lease agreement, or of our group guidelines within the hall at any time. We have a clear responsibility to provide a safe meeting place for those wanting to recover from alcoholism.

Some of the key guidelines, in addition to what you will find in our printed meeting format (always read the entire format at the beginning of each meeting), are as follows:

  • Anonymity and confidentiality are of the utmost importance
  • Private conversations should not be allowed to disrupt the meeting
  • Observe NO SMOKING rules when a meeting is so designated
  • No Pets allowed unless evidence is shown that the creature is a service animal
  • Parents/Guardians must control their children so as not to be disruptive
  • Confine sharing to recovery
  • Don’t let one or a few persons dominate the sharing time
  • NO cross talking (conversation between two people, excluding others)
  • Acknowledge Visitors and Newcomers, and allow them to share if they wish to do so
  • Acknowledge persons who are celebrating a sobriety birthday
  • Maintain an attractive meeting atmosphere (clean tables, floors, cups, etc.)

If you wish to be a meeting chairperson at our group, you must:

  1. Serve as a co-chair for at least 4 consecutive meetings.
  2. Have 3 months sobriety to be a co-chair; 6 months of sobriety to be a chairperson.
  3. Attend at least one meeting chairperson workshop. Chairperson workshops are held at the meeting hall starting at 2PM on the second Saturday of each month.


I am familiar with and agree to adhere to the Group & Landlord guidelines of the 9th & McKenzie AA Group. I am accepting custody of the door combination and agree not to share this combination with anyone except a 9th & McKenzie Trusted Servant or Meeting Chairperson.

Signed (first name last intial)______Date______Phone#______