Standards and School Effectiveness
The Primary National Strategy Behaviour and Attendance Strand
SEAL Resources – a brief overview
Date of Issue: June 2005Ref: DfES 0110-2005 KIT
What is it?
This publication is a curriculum resource to help primary schools develop children’s social, emotional and behavioural skills. It includes assemblies and follow-up ideas for work in class.
Who will use it?
It will be used by schools that have identified the social and emotional aspects of learning as a key focus for their work with the children. These will not necessarily be schools where behaviour and attendance are poor. The resource is intended for the whole school community. Schools will not be sent the resources automatically – contact Prolog on 0845 60 222 60.
How was it developed?
The publication has been developed as a result of work over the last two years in over 500 schools taking part in the Primary National Strategy’s behaviour and attendance pilot. The findings from the national evaluation of the pilot were published in the spring term of 2006 (see DfES website for summary).
What does it do?
This curriculum resource aims to develop the underpinning qualities and skills that help promote positive behaviour and effective learning. It focuses on five social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings, motivation, empathy and social skills.Many schools are using SEAL as a framework for PSHE.
The materials are organised into seven themes: New Beginnings, Getting on and falling out, Say no to bullying, Going for goals!, Good to be me, Relationships and Changes. Each theme provides up to six weeks’ work. The bullying theme is shorter (one or two weeks) and could be used at any time or in the week beginning November 21st, National Anti-bullying Week.
For each theme there are:
- Assembly and teaching ideas
- Follow up work with small groups of children who need additional support
- Ideas to develop staff knowledge and confidence
- A pack of ideas for involving parents and carers
The resource pack contains:
- Seventy photo cards
- Resource sheets
- Posters
- Self review checklists
- A CD ROM containing electronic versions of all the printed materials plus additional resources
The resource is designed to facilitate a systematic and spiral approach to learning. It should be seen as a stimulus or starting point and is intended to supplement, not replace, the effective work that many schools are already doing.
For more information contact:
Hannah East – Primary National Strategy Behaviour and Attendance Consultant @ HDC
Tel: 01582 830 320