Period:Rules by Cynthia Lord
Chapter 12 Summary
Open closet doors carefully. Sometimes things fall out.
At the clinic, Catherine draws in her sketchbook while Mom continues to read the Harry Potter series. Catherine then decides to try to create more cards before Jason arrives. Catherine listens to people around her talking when she discovers the word ‘Excuse’. Catherine gives Jason this card when he arrives at the clinic because she does not want to give him the sad and angry cards she originally planned to give him. Catherine explains that she will make him double the amount of cards for next week to make up for not giving him the cards she made this week, but Jason insists he wants the ‘bad’ cards she already made.
The first card Catherine shows Jason is ‘Murky’. She explains that it was a feeling she had but she drew a pond to illustrate the card. Catherine realizes as she talks to Jason about swimming in a pond, that he will never know what it feels like to swim. Jason then asks Catherine why she was feeling murky. Catherine then explains what happened with David, Ryan, and Kristi that had made her so angry and upset.
*What does Jason tell Catherine that makes her yell, “Don’t say that!” pg. 118
Jason explains to Catherine that he feels incomplete. When Jason dreams, he can sometimes imagine running. Catherine explains to Jason what it feels like to run. Catherine offers to help Jason run. She decides to take him outside and push him in his wheelchair while she is running so that he is able to feel the wind on his face and the speed.
*Why do many people stop to watch Catherine and Jason “running”?
- Perspective (pg. 113): the art or technique of painting or drawing a scene so that objects in it seem to have depth and distance.
- Struts (pg. 120): walk in a stiff or proud way.
- Billowing (pg. 123): moving in a curling or rolling mass
Abralas puertas del armariocon cuidado.A veces las cosasse caen.
En la clínica, Catherine dibujaen sucuaderno de dibujomientras mamácontinúa leyendola serie de HarryPotter.Catalinadecideintentar crearmás tarjetasantes de que Jasonllega.Catalinaescuchaa la gentea su alrededorque hablacuando descubre quela palabra"excusa". Catalinada aJasonesta tarjetacuando llega ala clínica porqueella no quieredarlelas cartastristesy enojadosqueoriginalmenteplaneabadarle.Catalinaexplica que ellalo haráel doble de lacantidad detarjetaspara la próxima semanapara compensarpor no darlelas cartasque hizoesta semana, peroJasoninsiste en quequiere que lastarjetas"malas"que yahizo.
Laprimeratarjeta deCatalinamuestraJasones "vergonzoso". Ellaexplica que fuela sensación de queno tenía más queella dibujóun estanquepara ilustrarla tarjeta.Catalinase da cuenta dequeella habla conJasonen nadaren un estanque,que nuncase sabeloque se siente alnadar.Jasonle pregunta aCatalinapor qué se sentíasucia.Catalinale explicalo que sucedió conDavid, Ryan, yKristique habíahecho tanenojado y molesto.
*¿QuéJasondiceCatalinaque la hacegritar: "¡No digas eso!" Pg. 118
Jasonexplicaa Catalinaque se sienteincompleta. CuandoJasonsueña, quea veces puedeimaginarcorriendo. Catalinaexplica aJasonloque se siente alcorrer.Catalinaofrecepara ayudar aJasonfuncionar. Elladecide llevarlofuera yempujarloensu silla de ruedasmientras seestá ejecutandode manera quees capaz desentir el vientoen la cara yla velocidad.
*¿Por qué muchaspersonas dejande verCatherine yJason"correr"?
1. Perspectiva (pág. 113): el arte o la técnicade pintaro dibujarunaescena para quelos objetosqueparecen tenerprofundidad y distancia.
2. Struts(pág. 120):caminarde una manerarígidani orgulloso.
3. Billowing(pág. 123):se mueve enuna masaque se encrespao rodando